Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Columbus Show Week May 13th. -- 07. W. W. Prosser. BORANI & NEVARO: "Weary Waggles The Dandy Dude Tramp." The same old act as I last saw it except that the man does not do a number of the best trick he did. -- The woman is quite clever and makes a very favorable impression with her cute way and modest bearing. They waste too much time doing nothing and the 'mugging' of the man is a painful attempt at comedy. -- The act answers fairly well as an opener but that is about all that can be said for it. CDF 14 Min. MURRAY SISTERS: Two nice appearing girls who sing fairly well and who really are favorably received. -- They make a good appearance and work well together. -- Not a big hit but an act that gets by nicely. 12 minutes in one. ALICE & HENRY TAYLOR: The woman is a sharpshooter and the man an equilibrist and they are both very good. -- They went big and were perfectly satisfactory. -- They have a very taking setting and all of their work is well executed. Palace 19 minutes. THE THREE DUMONDS: Parisian Street Minstrels. -- The hit of the bill. Their singing and playing went heavily and they were recalled several times. -- Had I have known that the violinist was as good as he is I would have billed him big and made a feature of him for this town which is very musical. -- Last night in spite of the fact that the hot weather reduced my audience greatly, he was a terrific hit and they would hardly let him off the stage. -- Judging from the opening performances this act is going to go unusually well and if I get it again I am going to play it up big. -- Street 16 minutes. JULIE RING & CO. -- Sketch: "A Quiet Life." -- Quite a commendable offering and one that thoroughly satisfied. -- It is well played. C. D. F. 15 minutes. JACK GARDNER: Blackface comedian. -- He had a hard time getting them to take notice but finally landed and made an excellent finish. -- I was afraid that he was going to fail at the beginning but he fooled me and got away nicely. -- Sings parodies tells a story or two and finishes with a solo on the tuba which proves to be a big hit. Street 15 minutes. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS: Act too well known to necessitate comment except to say that it possesses merit and that it made good. -- Not a big hit but O. K. -- Special set. -- 14 minutes. PICTURES: ---- O. K.
Columbus Show Week May 13th. -- 07. W. W. Prosser. BORANI & NEVARO: "Weary Waggles The Dandy Dude Tramp." The same old act as I last saw it except that the man does not do a number of the best trick he did. -- The woman is quite clever and makes a very favorable impression with her cute way and modest bearing. They waste too much time doing nothing and the 'mugging' of the man is a painful attempt at comedy. -- The act answers fairly well as an opener but that is about all that can be said for it. CDF 14 Min. MURRAY SISTERS: Two nice appearing girls who sing fairly well and who really are favorably received. -- They make a good appearance and work well together. -- Not a big hit but an act that gets by nicely. 12 minutes in one. ALICE & HENRY TAYLOR: The woman is a sharpshooter and the man an equilibrist and they are both very good. -- They went big and were perfectly satisfactory. -- They have a very taking setting and all of their work is well executed. Palace 19 minutes. THE THREE DUMONDS: Parisian Street Minstrels. -- The hit of the bill. Their singing and playing went heavily and they were recalled several times. -- Had I have known that the violinist was as good as he is I would have billed him big and made a feature of him for this town which is very musical. -- Last night in spite of the fact that the hot weather reduced my audience greatly, he was a terrific hit and they would hardly let him off the stage. -- Judging from the opening performances this act is going to go unusually well and if I get it again I am going to play it up big. -- Street 16 minutes. JULIE RING & CO. -- Sketch: "A Quiet Life." -- Quite a commendable offering and one that thoroughly satisfied. -- It is well played. C. D. F. 15 minutes. JACK GARDNER: Blackface comedian. -- He had a hard time getting them to take notice but finally landed and made an excellent finish. -- I was afraid that he was going to fail at the beginning but he fooled me and got away nicely. -- Sings parodies tells a story or two and finishes with a solo on the tuba which proves to be a big hit. Street 15 minutes. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS: Act too well known to necessitate comment except to say that it possesses merit and that it made good. -- Not a big hit but O. K. -- Special set. -- 14 minutes. PICTURES: ---- O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection