Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 142
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142. (Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of June 3, 1907. (Monday June 3--Night Show) Francis Wood. On at 6.45, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. Excellent hoop-rolling act. Thoroughly O. K. for 3-show section. Stereopticon. On at 6.55, 15 min. Showing views of Japan. Neff & Miller. On at 7.10; open in 1, 7 min, full stage. 5 min, 12 min in all; can close 2 or 3 min. in 1, if necessary. 2 shows. Blackface eccentric dancers and singers. The less said about the singing, the better. Neff is a great dancer and with a proper partner would make a very big hit, but Miller is excess baggage. Had to move this act up the bill after the afternoon show, for they did not hold their original spot. Their songs and sayings were more adapted to burlesque than vaudeville; was obliged to make several cuts. But, give Neff a proper partner and he would be heard from. Irvin R. Walton. On at 7.22, 11 min, in 1; 3 shows. This man is a find, being much better than many of the monologue entertainers to whom we are paying a hundred and a quarter and more. He is very versatile, having a good voice, dancing capitally and doing some very clever bits of mimicry. I think that he can fill the number two or three spot almost anywhere. Would advise that something be done with him for next season, as he is one of the kind of people who will help bring down the cost of some of the bills that we have got to put in if we have opposition. Will surely make good in the smaller houses. Overture. 7.33, 8 min. Mr. & Mrs. Allison. On at 7.41, 17 min, full stage. Can close in 1, about 3 min, if required. Playing their familiar "Minnie From Minnesota". Went as well as ever, and could hold a much better place. Clark, Bergman & Mahoney. On at 7.58, 13 min, in 1; 3 shows. Here is another find. Miss Clark is a very attractive little soubrette when made up, and is assisted by two neat, trim-looking young fellows. Their singing is above the average and their dancing is very good indeed. The act is about on a par with that of Knight Bros. & Sawtelle. They should be blanketed, if they have not already signed for another season in burlesque, and can be booked for $150 to $175. I will find out about this later, and will notify the Booking Office. Zeno, Jordan & Zeno. On at 8.11, 11 min, full stage. I have never seen "Sport" Zeno connected with a poor act. He has been with several good ones, but this is the best thing I think he has ever presented. He has two assistants, a man working in a clown make-up, who is a very good comedian, and a girl who is remarkably pretty and shapely. as well as being a very fine performer. The act gets away from the ordinary casting acts, in that they use a swinging trapeze. The work of the comedian and the girl on the tramplin is as good as I have ever seen. The act could be used as a closing act anywhere. riding of one of the boys. They are also good tumblers and do some novel work on a wire. There is something doing every minute they are on the stage. Kinetograph. On at 1.16, "Lost in the Alps". This film is rather fakey in spots, but it pleased today's audience very much. "Forty Winks, or a Strenuous Dream", very good comic. 142
142. (Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of June 3, 1907. (Monday June 3--Night Show) Francis Wood. On at 6.45, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. Excellent hoop-rolling act. Thoroughly O. K. for 3-show section. Stereopticon. On at 6.55, 15 min. Showing views of Japan. Neff & Miller. On at 7.10; open in 1, 7 min, full stage. 5 min, 12 min in all; can close 2 or 3 min. in 1, if necessary. 2 shows. Blackface eccentric dancers and singers. The less said about the singing, the better. Neff is a great dancer and with a proper partner would make a very big hit, but Miller is excess baggage. Had to move this act up the bill after the afternoon show, for they did not hold their original spot. Their songs and sayings were more adapted to burlesque than vaudeville; was obliged to make several cuts. But, give Neff a proper partner and he would be heard from. Irvin R. Walton. On at 7.22, 11 min, in 1; 3 shows. This man is a find, being much better than many of the monologue entertainers to whom we are paying a hundred and a quarter and more. He is very versatile, having a good voice, dancing capitally and doing some very clever bits of mimicry. I think that he can fill the number two or three spot almost anywhere. Would advise that something be done with him for next season, as he is one of the kind of people who will help bring down the cost of some of the bills that we have got to put in if we have opposition. Will surely make good in the smaller houses. Overture. 7.33, 8 min. Mr. & Mrs. Allison. On at 7.41, 17 min, full stage. Can close in 1, about 3 min, if required. Playing their familiar "Minnie From Minnesota". Went as well as ever, and could hold a much better place. Clark, Bergman & Mahoney. On at 7.58, 13 min, in 1; 3 shows. Here is another find. Miss Clark is a very attractive little soubrette when made up, and is assisted by two neat, trim-looking young fellows. Their singing is above the average and their dancing is very good indeed. The act is about on a par with that of Knight Bros. & Sawtelle. They should be blanketed, if they have not already signed for another season in burlesque, and can be booked for $150 to $175. I will find out about this later, and will notify the Booking Office. Zeno, Jordan & Zeno. On at 8.11, 11 min, full stage. I have never seen "Sport" Zeno connected with a poor act. He has been with several good ones, but this is the best thing I think he has ever presented. He has two assistants, a man working in a clown make-up, who is a very good comedian, and a girl who is remarkably pretty and shapely. as well as being a very fine performer. The act gets away from the ordinary casting acts, in that they use a swinging trapeze. The work of the comedian and the girl on the tramplin is as good as I have ever seen. The act could be used as a closing act anywhere. riding of one of the boys. They are also good tumblers and do some novel work on a wire. There is something doing every minute they are on the stage. Kinetograph. On at 1.16, "Lost in the Alps". This film is rather fakey in spots, but it pleased today's audience very much. "Forty Winks, or a Strenuous Dream", very good comic. 142
Keith-Albee Collection