Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 149
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WEEK MAY 27th. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. E. BARNS DE VOY & MILLER Comedy Acrobats. 13 min. F. S. On at 7.06. This is originally a Philadelphia act, which has met with quite a deal of success. They did very well the last time they were here, and the act has considerably improved in the interval. One man works straight and the other eccentric and both are very good. Good applause throughout and closed well. As an opener, it is very acceptable. 3 shows. WISE & MILTON. Man & Woman. Coon. 20 min. On at 7.20. Well known on the circuit. They are good for almost any spot on the 3-a-day section. DORA RONCA. Gypsy Violinist. 12 min. On at 7.48. A very pretty young lady, playing the violin with a great deal of skill and artistic charm. Received good applause and an encore after "Cavelleria Rusticana" Could hold a much better spot on any bill. 4 HUNTINGS. "The Foor House." 20 min. On at 8.00. F. S. This is the first time this act has played this house since 1904. At that time, I believe, it made a big hit; but after the tremendous bills we have had recently, they did not score as strong as we expected they would. One plays the part of an old man, another of an elevator-boy, the third, a booby, and the fourth, a woman, the soubrette. There is a good line of talk. The acrobatic work of the young man and the dancing of the young lady carry the act, the latter being especially good. The close was strong. ELSIE FAYE & BOYS. Singing and Dancing Oddity. 13 min. On at 8.20. Makes a pleasing, though by no means great impression. Miss Faye sings only fairly well; her beauty and her high-kicking getting the applause. Two changes of costume. The two boys do wooden shoe dancing very well and received a good hand. This act was substituted for Emma Francis, so that the latter would not conflict with the closing Arab act. The close was good with one curtain call. VERNON. Ventriloquist. 18 min. On at 8.33. This is a good act--as Ventriloquistic acts go. Gets good applause, but is nothing sensational, like the work of Tom Edwards, nor does he compare with Reynard or Duncan. Received fairly good laughs and closed well. LALLA SELBINI. The Parisian Bathing Beauty. 15 min. On at 8.51. F. S. If the truth must be known about this act, in the afternoon, it was the most complete "fall-down" for a big headliner ever seen. I never saw an audience go to pieces, after a tremendous hit, as they did with Selbini. The show up to that time, was improving every act, and "That Quartette" had them in the best of humor, and they were ready for the big act that we were sure was to be sprung on them. Selbini opened her act with a flourish on a bicycle, appearing in a very stunning gown and making a very dainty picture, against the most seamy and badly painted drop. She proceeded to do a number of things, including a song. (very indifferently rendered), some juggling--that has been much and sure to be talked about. "THAT QUARTETTE." 14 min. On at 9.54. Big advance applause. The last time this combination was here, they made an unqualified score, and, naturally, the people were glad to welcome them on their return. Their songs are new and most skillfully and brilliantly sung. Each man is an artist in his own way, and the ensemble work is simply faultless. Tremendous applause after each selection and a great finish. 3 curtain calls and an encore.
WEEK MAY 27th. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. E. BARNS DE VOY & MILLER Comedy Acrobats. 13 min. F. S. On at 7.06. This is originally a Philadelphia act, which has met with quite a deal of success. They did very well the last time they were here, and the act has considerably improved in the interval. One man works straight and the other eccentric and both are very good. Good applause throughout and closed well. As an opener, it is very acceptable. 3 shows. WISE & MILTON. Man & Woman. Coon. 20 min. On at 7.20. Well known on the circuit. They are good for almost any spot on the 3-a-day section. DORA RONCA. Gypsy Violinist. 12 min. On at 7.48. A very pretty young lady, playing the violin with a great deal of skill and artistic charm. Received good applause and an encore after "Cavelleria Rusticana" Could hold a much better spot on any bill. 4 HUNTINGS. "The Foor House." 20 min. On at 8.00. F. S. This is the first time this act has played this house since 1904. At that time, I believe, it made a big hit; but after the tremendous bills we have had recently, they did not score as strong as we expected they would. One plays the part of an old man, another of an elevator-boy, the third, a booby, and the fourth, a woman, the soubrette. There is a good line of talk. The acrobatic work of the young man and the dancing of the young lady carry the act, the latter being especially good. The close was strong. ELSIE FAYE & BOYS. Singing and Dancing Oddity. 13 min. On at 8.20. Makes a pleasing, though by no means great impression. Miss Faye sings only fairly well; her beauty and her high-kicking getting the applause. Two changes of costume. The two boys do wooden shoe dancing very well and received a good hand. This act was substituted for Emma Francis, so that the latter would not conflict with the closing Arab act. The close was good with one curtain call. VERNON. Ventriloquist. 18 min. On at 8.33. This is a good act--as Ventriloquistic acts go. Gets good applause, but is nothing sensational, like the work of Tom Edwards, nor does he compare with Reynard or Duncan. Received fairly good laughs and closed well. LALLA SELBINI. The Parisian Bathing Beauty. 15 min. On at 8.51. F. S. If the truth must be known about this act, in the afternoon, it was the most complete "fall-down" for a big headliner ever seen. I never saw an audience go to pieces, after a tremendous hit, as they did with Selbini. The show up to that time, was improving every act, and "That Quartette" had them in the best of humor, and they were ready for the big act that we were sure was to be sprung on them. Selbini opened her act with a flourish on a bicycle, appearing in a very stunning gown and making a very dainty picture, against the most seamy and badly painted drop. She proceeded to do a number of things, including a song. (very indifferently rendered), some juggling--that has been much and sure to be talked about. "THAT QUARTETTE." 14 min. On at 9.54. Big advance applause. The last time this combination was here, they made an unqualified score, and, naturally, the people were glad to welcome them on their return. Their songs are new and most skillfully and brilliantly sung. Each man is an artist in his own way, and the ensemble work is simply faultless. Tremendous applause after each selection and a great finish. 3 curtain calls and an encore.
Keith-Albee Collection