Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 152
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152 Columbus, Show, Week June 10th. -- 07. W. [S?] Prosser. J. C. POPE & DOG UNO: . This act is one I put on on the spur of the moment, owing to the fact that Girard and Gradner refused to open the show and cancelled. -- Pope has a very clever dog which is well trained and which made quite a distinct hit. -- In fact the act proved unexpectedly good and seemed to please every one who saw it. -- While there is nothing strikingly new about the work, it is all well done and during the presentation received several merited rounds of applause. -- 12 minutes C. D. F. AURIE DAGWELL: " The Girl Who Sings The Old Songs" -- This girl got by and that was about all. -- Just an ordinary single woman singing act. 12 minutes in one. BERNAR'S [MANKINS?): An act too well known to necessitate comment. -- Suffice it to say that it made a terrific hit and was one of the most satisfactory offerings we have had this season. Special set 20 minutes. KELLY & ROSE: Two men in a straight singing act that is far above the ordinary. -- They made good in every sense of the term. -- Both possess excellent voices which they know how to use to the best possible advantage. To their great credit it can be said that they just sing and don't attempt any other line of work; also it may be said that they sing easily and naturally and without striving for effect. 18 minutes in one special drop. GENARO & BAILEY: Man and woman singing and dancing act. -- This act is fairly good and got by pretty well but did not create any special favorable impression. 13 minutes in one. EMMETT DEVOY & CO. In "Dreamland" -- Sketch: -- A decidedly novel act and one of far more than ordinary merit. -- The story is of a man who is selfishly devoted to himself and spiritulism to the exclusion of his wife. -- Early in the act he falls asleep and the action of the piece is supposed to be a dr4am. -- During same he is visited by a daughter of Venus who after almost frightening the life out of him finally shows him the error of his ways by presenting to his eyes the spectacle of his neglected wife in the arms of another man. -- His jealousy is immediately aroused to an insane degree and he finally fires a shot at his wife in an attempt to murder her. -- At this point he wakens, his wife rushes to his arms, he promises to make amends for his errors and all ends happily. The act is excellent in every respect and is played most capably by those engaged in the interpretation. -- It contains many good laughs and the "finish" is exceptionally strong. The opening part of the sketch is to my way of thinking a little long drawn out and could be condensed to the advantage of all concerned. -- It made a very favorable impression here and can be accounted a positive hit. -- Special set 26 minutes. BEN WELCH: The Hebrew & The Dago: A well known act and one that thoroughly made good. -- 19 minutes in one. ROSAIRE & DORETO: Comedy acrobatic act and a good one. -- Went well. 10 Minutes special set. PICTURES: O. K.
152 Columbus, Show, Week June 10th. -- 07. W. [S?] Prosser. J. C. POPE & DOG UNO: . This act is one I put on on the spur of the moment, owing to the fact that Girard and Gradner refused to open the show and cancelled. -- Pope has a very clever dog which is well trained and which made quite a distinct hit. -- In fact the act proved unexpectedly good and seemed to please every one who saw it. -- While there is nothing strikingly new about the work, it is all well done and during the presentation received several merited rounds of applause. -- 12 minutes C. D. F. AURIE DAGWELL: " The Girl Who Sings The Old Songs" -- This girl got by and that was about all. -- Just an ordinary single woman singing act. 12 minutes in one. BERNAR'S [MANKINS?): An act too well known to necessitate comment. -- Suffice it to say that it made a terrific hit and was one of the most satisfactory offerings we have had this season. Special set 20 minutes. KELLY & ROSE: Two men in a straight singing act that is far above the ordinary. -- They made good in every sense of the term. -- Both possess excellent voices which they know how to use to the best possible advantage. To their great credit it can be said that they just sing and don't attempt any other line of work; also it may be said that they sing easily and naturally and without striving for effect. 18 minutes in one special drop. GENARO & BAILEY: Man and woman singing and dancing act. -- This act is fairly good and got by pretty well but did not create any special favorable impression. 13 minutes in one. EMMETT DEVOY & CO. In "Dreamland" -- Sketch: -- A decidedly novel act and one of far more than ordinary merit. -- The story is of a man who is selfishly devoted to himself and spiritulism to the exclusion of his wife. -- Early in the act he falls asleep and the action of the piece is supposed to be a dr4am. -- During same he is visited by a daughter of Venus who after almost frightening the life out of him finally shows him the error of his ways by presenting to his eyes the spectacle of his neglected wife in the arms of another man. -- His jealousy is immediately aroused to an insane degree and he finally fires a shot at his wife in an attempt to murder her. -- At this point he wakens, his wife rushes to his arms, he promises to make amends for his errors and all ends happily. The act is excellent in every respect and is played most capably by those engaged in the interpretation. -- It contains many good laughs and the "finish" is exceptionally strong. The opening part of the sketch is to my way of thinking a little long drawn out and could be condensed to the advantage of all concerned. -- It made a very favorable impression here and can be accounted a positive hit. -- Special set 26 minutes. BEN WELCH: The Hebrew & The Dago: A well known act and one that thoroughly made good. -- 19 minutes in one. ROSAIRE & DORETO: Comedy acrobatic act and a good one. -- Went well. 10 Minutes special set. PICTURES: O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection