Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 171
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Columbus Show: Week June 24th. -- 1907. W. W. Prosser. SWAN & BAMBARD: Acrobatic & Knockabout Comedians who repeated their success here of earlier in the season. -- They made good in every sense of the term. 11 minutes Wood. Lillian Shaw: She sings several songs acceptably and seemed to make quite a favorable impression. -- I don't believe she is as clever or at least does not go as well as she did the last time I saw here. -- Got by nicely however and did much better than the usual single woman act. 18 minutes in one. J. C. NUGENT & CO. -- Sketch: "The Absent Minded Beggar." -- Man and woman. This act made a distinct hit and is really one of the best things we have had here in the sketch lines since the house opened. -- The old soldier as impersonated by Nugent is an admirable piece of work and it may be recorded to his credit that his efforts to please were crowned with unqualified success. -- It strikes me that this man is an actor of uncommon ability. He makes every word and gesture count and at no time overdoes things to attain the desired result. The idea of the sketch is somewhat away from the usual theme; there are many bright lines in the little play. His wife fulfills the demands in playing opposite to him satisfactorily. 19 minutes. KNIGHT BROS & SAWTELLE: A well known and so far as this town is concerned well liked singing and dancing act. -- They went very well. Terrace in 2 15 minutes. LEROY & WOODFORD: Man and woman conversational comedy act. -- The man is very clever and won his audience at the outset. -- He also held it until the finish. -- The woman not having anything in particular to do is really "excess" -- however what she attempts is satisfactory. -- Her part should be "fattened" or the man should work alone. Street 19 minutes. WATERBURY BROS & [TEENY? TENNY?]: Three men in a crackerjack musical act. -- They can all play and the blackface end of the trio is really runny. -- This act act made distinct hit with all parts of the house. 22 minutes C. D. F. TROVOLO: Ventriolquist. -- He has a special set and uses his figures differently than the usual act of this kind. -- He went very well but but not what you would term a decided hit. -- It strikes me that he works too slowly and that he would better matters considerably by working more rapidly. 17 minutes special set. BESSIE VALDARE TROUPE: Bicycle act 6 girls 1 man. -- A very good act but nothing very much out of the ordinary in the way of feats. -- Another act that seems to lack ginger. -- It makes a nice appearance and the work introduced is fairly well done. -- Would term it an act of moderate value. Garden set 12 minutes. COMMENT: All in all this makes a good show the only places where interest seems to lag being during the work of Trovolo and the Valdare Troupe.
Columbus Show: Week June 24th. -- 1907. W. W. Prosser. SWAN & BAMBARD: Acrobatic & Knockabout Comedians who repeated their success here of earlier in the season. -- They made good in every sense of the term. 11 minutes Wood. Lillian Shaw: She sings several songs acceptably and seemed to make quite a favorable impression. -- I don't believe she is as clever or at least does not go as well as she did the last time I saw here. -- Got by nicely however and did much better than the usual single woman act. 18 minutes in one. J. C. NUGENT & CO. -- Sketch: "The Absent Minded Beggar." -- Man and woman. This act made a distinct hit and is really one of the best things we have had here in the sketch lines since the house opened. -- The old soldier as impersonated by Nugent is an admirable piece of work and it may be recorded to his credit that his efforts to please were crowned with unqualified success. -- It strikes me that this man is an actor of uncommon ability. He makes every word and gesture count and at no time overdoes things to attain the desired result. The idea of the sketch is somewhat away from the usual theme; there are many bright lines in the little play. His wife fulfills the demands in playing opposite to him satisfactorily. 19 minutes. KNIGHT BROS & SAWTELLE: A well known and so far as this town is concerned well liked singing and dancing act. -- They went very well. Terrace in 2 15 minutes. LEROY & WOODFORD: Man and woman conversational comedy act. -- The man is very clever and won his audience at the outset. -- He also held it until the finish. -- The woman not having anything in particular to do is really "excess" -- however what she attempts is satisfactory. -- Her part should be "fattened" or the man should work alone. Street 19 minutes. WATERBURY BROS & [TEENY? TENNY?]: Three men in a crackerjack musical act. -- They can all play and the blackface end of the trio is really runny. -- This act act made distinct hit with all parts of the house. 22 minutes C. D. F. TROVOLO: Ventriolquist. -- He has a special set and uses his figures differently than the usual act of this kind. -- He went very well but but not what you would term a decided hit. -- It strikes me that he works too slowly and that he would better matters considerably by working more rapidly. 17 minutes special set. BESSIE VALDARE TROUPE: Bicycle act 6 girls 1 man. -- A very good act but nothing very much out of the ordinary in the way of feats. -- Another act that seems to lack ginger. -- It makes a nice appearance and the work introduced is fairly well done. -- Would term it an act of moderate value. Garden set 12 minutes. COMMENT: All in all this makes a good show the only places where interest seems to lag being during the work of Trovolo and the Valdare Troupe.
Keith-Albee Collection