Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 172
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"IN MOROCCO" Picturesque Oriental Novelty. 15 min. F. S. This act is all the name implies. Begins with a dancing fantasy, proceeds with a tumbling feature, then to a Zouave drill, winding up with a brilliant wall-scaling feat after the manner of the Pekin Zouaves. Pricess Laia does some pretty dancing in between changes of costume of the 15 performers, well received although nothing brilliantly new. Make a strong closer for any house. Carry their own drops which are fairly-well painted. A versatile and intesting closing act. KINETOGRAPH. WINTER SPORTS. A beautiful travel series throughout. Servant's Revenge. Short, but good fun. THE CLOWN DOCOR. A pretty child's story and well worth the place. Kinetograph throughout very good indeed this week. REMARKS: A very satisfactory show as revised. Winter was a genuine surprise in the two-a-day, and Martin Brothers in the three-a-day sections. ADDENDA: GRACE TEMPEST TRIO. Well dressed woman and two diminutive young men with exceptional voices in a singing and dancing specialty. Miss Tempest sings passably and the boys help her actwith some very clever dancing. A good three-a-day act in one, 13 min. NAGEL AND ADAMS. General Entertainment. 13 min. F.S. Another good 3-a-day feature in that the man's work is particuolarly versatile and pleasing. Does some juggling, tumbling, imitations of birds to phonograph accompaniment and received some assistance from his pretty companion in the act. Could bhold a pretty good spot. IVY DONETTE and her Canine Picanny. 15 min in 1. Opens with kinetograph picture of colored washer-woman at home. Miss Donnette come on and sings, dances and introduces her dog amusingly dressed. The canine is well trained and helps her win the house. A fair closing hand. SEYMOUR AND HILL. Eccentric Com. Well known in the Circuit. Introduce their usual amount of nonsense. Miss Hill appears in two changes as before. Considerable laughter throughout. Acrobatic work good, that of Seymour particuoarly, who seems to have improved. Closed well. 15 min. F. S, MARTIN BROS. Xylophonists. 14 min. in 1. Very good three-a-day act, being well-costumed, their instrments beautifully designed and decorated. Both men very skillful and good musicians. Plenty of applause after each selection, encore and two curtain-calls at close. Can hold any 3-a-day spot and better. WROE'S DANCING WONDERS. Second week. Local act, 15 min. F.S. Made the same unqualified hit as previously and a drawing-card. Big applause and strong close WINONA GORDON WINTER. "The Little Cheer-up Girl." There seems to have been some doubt about this girl's making good, but she had turned the trick so beautifully that she will go way down the line for the balance of the week on the strength of her impersonations--particularly Tanguay, Vernon and the rest--all of which received a perfect whirlwind of applause. In fact, Winter was a distinct hit. She is a very pretty girl, dresses becomingly and has the advantage of youth. She will be a great artist if she keeps on. As it is, she won the house and would hold any house around nine o'clock with credit. Eleven curtain-calls on last two efforts--and a warm day at that. LA DELL & CROUCH. 16 min. op. in 3, close in 1. Man works straight, girl soubrette two changes of costume. Singing fairly good, dancing better, comedy best of all. In fact, La Dell is a real genius of humor. Good applause after each stunt, two cutain calls at close. Held the place. PAPINTA.---14 min, F.S. Beautiful dancing specialty in three parts, and each a marvel of spectacular charm and electrical ingenuity. Received hearty applause after each turn, the fire-scene being the loudest applauded. An act to be talked about. Papinta is a Parisian adept to her finger-tips. EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR. 20 min in 1. Well-known on the Circuit. Practically the same act as played here recently. The Dutchman is a gem of humor and the audience were constantly in roars of laughter. Singing excellent. A very satisfactory act for almost any place on a bill. MR. AND MRS. SIDNEY DREW. "Billy's Tombstone." 32 min. F.S. Described from New York. Phil. endorses the popular verdict--that this is one of the richest bits of humor ever seen for these clever people. Close was immense, with curtain-calls. Will hold the town for two weeks easily. JULIUS TANNEN. 21 min. Monologuist and one of the best. First part marred by mannerisms and indistinct articulation, but follows with a running-fire of fun, winding up with imitations, all strongly applauded. Close big.
"IN MOROCCO" Picturesque Oriental Novelty. 15 min. F. S. This act is all the name implies. Begins with a dancing fantasy, proceeds with a tumbling feature, then to a Zouave drill, winding up with a brilliant wall-scaling feat after the manner of the Pekin Zouaves. Pricess Laia does some pretty dancing in between changes of costume of the 15 performers, well received although nothing brilliantly new. Make a strong closer for any house. Carry their own drops which are fairly-well painted. A versatile and intesting closing act. KINETOGRAPH. WINTER SPORTS. A beautiful travel series throughout. Servant's Revenge. Short, but good fun. THE CLOWN DOCOR. A pretty child's story and well worth the place. Kinetograph throughout very good indeed this week. REMARKS: A very satisfactory show as revised. Winter was a genuine surprise in the two-a-day, and Martin Brothers in the three-a-day sections. ADDENDA: GRACE TEMPEST TRIO. Well dressed woman and two diminutive young men with exceptional voices in a singing and dancing specialty. Miss Tempest sings passably and the boys help her actwith some very clever dancing. A good three-a-day act in one, 13 min. NAGEL AND ADAMS. General Entertainment. 13 min. F.S. Another good 3-a-day feature in that the man's work is particuolarly versatile and pleasing. Does some juggling, tumbling, imitations of birds to phonograph accompaniment and received some assistance from his pretty companion in the act. Could bhold a pretty good spot. IVY DONETTE and her Canine Picanny. 15 min in 1. Opens with kinetograph picture of colored washer-woman at home. Miss Donnette come on and sings, dances and introduces her dog amusingly dressed. The canine is well trained and helps her win the house. A fair closing hand. SEYMOUR AND HILL. Eccentric Com. Well known in the Circuit. Introduce their usual amount of nonsense. Miss Hill appears in two changes as before. Considerable laughter throughout. Acrobatic work good, that of Seymour particuoarly, who seems to have improved. Closed well. 15 min. F. S, MARTIN BROS. Xylophonists. 14 min. in 1. Very good three-a-day act, being well-costumed, their instrments beautifully designed and decorated. Both men very skillful and good musicians. Plenty of applause after each selection, encore and two curtain-calls at close. Can hold any 3-a-day spot and better. WROE'S DANCING WONDERS. Second week. Local act, 15 min. F.S. Made the same unqualified hit as previously and a drawing-card. Big applause and strong close WINONA GORDON WINTER. "The Little Cheer-up Girl." There seems to have been some doubt about this girl's making good, but she had turned the trick so beautifully that she will go way down the line for the balance of the week on the strength of her impersonations--particularly Tanguay, Vernon and the rest--all of which received a perfect whirlwind of applause. In fact, Winter was a distinct hit. She is a very pretty girl, dresses becomingly and has the advantage of youth. She will be a great artist if she keeps on. As it is, she won the house and would hold any house around nine o'clock with credit. Eleven curtain-calls on last two efforts--and a warm day at that. LA DELL & CROUCH. 16 min. op. in 3, close in 1. Man works straight, girl soubrette two changes of costume. Singing fairly good, dancing better, comedy best of all. In fact, La Dell is a real genius of humor. Good applause after each stunt, two cutain calls at close. Held the place. PAPINTA.---14 min, F.S. Beautiful dancing specialty in three parts, and each a marvel of spectacular charm and electrical ingenuity. Received hearty applause after each turn, the fire-scene being the loudest applauded. An act to be talked about. Papinta is a Parisian adept to her finger-tips. EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR. 20 min in 1. Well-known on the Circuit. Practically the same act as played here recently. The Dutchman is a gem of humor and the audience were constantly in roars of laughter. Singing excellent. A very satisfactory act for almost any place on a bill. MR. AND MRS. SIDNEY DREW. "Billy's Tombstone." 32 min. F.S. Described from New York. Phil. endorses the popular verdict--that this is one of the richest bits of humor ever seen for these clever people. Close was immense, with curtain-calls. Will hold the town for two weeks easily. JULIUS TANNEN. 21 min. Monologuist and one of the best. First part marred by mannerisms and indistinct articulation, but follows with a running-fire of fun, winding up with imitations, all strongly applauded. Close big.
Keith-Albee Collection