Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 173a
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(2) La Veen & Cross. On at 3.08, 15 min, full stage. Here is an act that is almost in the class of the Belleclaires. Their acrobatic feats are very well done indeed, while La Veen's posings, a la Sandow, are simply great. This act can go in any bill and make good. In cities where it has not been seen it will cause a great amount of talk. At the price it is a wonderful value. We pay many a foreign act double the money and do not begin to get the results that can be obtained from this act. To get all there is in the act, it should not be used to close the show. Herbert Cyril. On at 3.23, 16 min, in 1. This man was slightly hoarse today, from the heat and a week's layoff, but nevertheless he can be scored as a hit. His songs are very catchy and when his voice regains its resonance, he will go even better than he did with this afternoon's audience. He has a very attractive stage presence, somewhat reminiscent of Clifton Crawford. He is certainly a bargain as prices are going nowadays. Shall be very glad to play him again in the winter season. Henry E. Dixey & Co. On at 3.39, 17 min, full stage. Presenting "David Garrick". This is eminently a high-class offering. As everybody knows, the sketch itself is a very bright and dainty bit of work, and Dixey plays Garrick in a splendid manner. Miss Nordstrom I do not care so much for, although she has a most attractive stage presence. It is my humble opinion that Mr. Dixey would draw fully as much money if he appeared in a monologue. At five or six hundred he would be great value. At one thousand he is of course overpaid, but as things are, how can we help it? Howard & Howard. On at 3.56, 18 min, in 1. These boys made thoroughly good in this spot this afternoon, and I think will give satisfaction throughout the week, although it would be a little late for them in the regular season. Nobody can go wrong in playing them and giving them a good spot. Rose Wentworth's Equestrian Novelty. On at 4.14, 12 min, full stage. Circus set. An excellent act of the kind, and makes a showy and satisfactory closing number. Did not work with their accustomed snap today, on account of a long layoff, but know that they will pick up through the week. Kinetograph. On at 4.26, 26 min. "The Holy City", an interesting "travel" film. "Palmistry", a very good comic. "A Biker Does the Impossible", fair comic. The kinetograph offering seems rather weak after "Lost in the Alps" and "Arctic Hunting". "Arctic Hunting" has made a great deal of talk and it is not surprising, for it is certainly a wonderful picture.
(2) La Veen & Cross. On at 3.08, 15 min, full stage. Here is an act that is almost in the class of the Belleclaires. Their acrobatic feats are very well done indeed, while La Veen's posings, a la Sandow, are simply great. This act can go in any bill and make good. In cities where it has not been seen it will cause a great amount of talk. At the price it is a wonderful value. We pay many a foreign act double the money and do not begin to get the results that can be obtained from this act. To get all there is in the act, it should not be used to close the show. Herbert Cyril. On at 3.23, 16 min, in 1. This man was slightly hoarse today, from the heat and a week's layoff, but nevertheless he can be scored as a hit. His songs are very catchy and when his voice regains its resonance, he will go even better than he did with this afternoon's audience. He has a very attractive stage presence, somewhat reminiscent of Clifton Crawford. He is certainly a bargain as prices are going nowadays. Shall be very glad to play him again in the winter season. Henry E. Dixey & Co. On at 3.39, 17 min, full stage. Presenting "David Garrick". This is eminently a high-class offering. As everybody knows, the sketch itself is a very bright and dainty bit of work, and Dixey plays Garrick in a splendid manner. Miss Nordstrom I do not care so much for, although she has a most attractive stage presence. It is my humble opinion that Mr. Dixey would draw fully as much money if he appeared in a monologue. At five or six hundred he would be great value. At one thousand he is of course overpaid, but as things are, how can we help it? Howard & Howard. On at 3.56, 18 min, in 1. These boys made thoroughly good in this spot this afternoon, and I think will give satisfaction throughout the week, although it would be a little late for them in the regular season. Nobody can go wrong in playing them and giving them a good spot. Rose Wentworth's Equestrian Novelty. On at 4.14, 12 min, full stage. Circus set. An excellent act of the kind, and makes a showy and satisfactory closing number. Did not work with their accustomed snap today, on account of a long layoff, but know that they will pick up through the week. Kinetograph. On at 4.26, 26 min. "The Holy City", an interesting "travel" film. "Palmistry", a very good comic. "A Biker Does the Impossible", fair comic. The kinetograph offering seems rather weak after "Lost in the Alps" and "Arctic Hunting". "Arctic Hunting" has made a great deal of talk and it is not surprising, for it is certainly a wonderful picture.
Keith-Albee Collection