Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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PHILADELPHIA SHOW. WEEK OF JULY 8, 1907. C.E. BARNS. WELSH, LYNCH & CO. In 'Huckin's Run.' 24 min, F.S. Melodrama, humor and character work in a curious hodge-podge, running twice too long and winning only mild appreciation and applause. The theme is hackneyed, and the work ranging from indifferent to rank, suffers upon presentation in a house like this where audiences want the best and usually get it. ARNOLDO'S LEOPARDS. 17 min, F.S. A very interesting animal act and one that would help to diversify any vaudeville bill. Has big cage well up-stage, the background representing a log-cabin in the jungle. Eight panthers, jaguars and leopards to the regulation Bostock stunts, jumping through hoops, climbing around the cage-bars, posing, etc. Animals fine specimens and seem not to have been abused. Considerable applause throughout and prolonged at finish. A good novelty for any vaudeville house. WILLIE ECKSTEIN. Pianist. 15 min. in 1. Well known. New selections both classic and popular. Improved greatly in technique and precision. Big hand after each number and a fine finish. A lad with a great future. SWAN AND BOMBARD. Ecc. Com. 16 min, close 4 min. in 1. A good act. It includes some good dancing, some excellent acrobatic work, and some humor that is quite irresistible. Much laughter and applause. Close strong. "THIRTY MINUTES OF FAUST." 18 min, F.S. close in 1. Act was cut from 30 to 18 min. after first performance to improve it. Local combination, recently playing 'Faust' in its entirety at the Academy of Music with great success. Make good impressions in splendid costumes, and all sing with grace and sureness showing long training. Will draw strong this week on account of the local popularity of the four artists. Closed to big hand. SYDNEY DREW & CO, In 'Billy's Tombstones.' 23 min. in 3. Second week. A great little comedy, admirably played. It has drawn people and will continue to do so this week, for it is a Vaudeville gem of novelty and humor. MAGGIE CLINE. 13 min. in 1. The same swaggering, bragging, good-humored Irish 'Mag' of yore, getting hold of her audience quick and clinching them to the finish. A big card for this house. Laughter and applause for everything she does whether she really deserves it or not. Three curtain-calls after 'McCluskey.' Maggie wins 'em hands down. Will draw well this week. COOPER & ROBINSON. 18 min. in 1. Well known and among the best of coon comedians Have good line of parodies, banter and witticisms, and they make the best possible use of it. Much laughter and a strong close. An A.1. act. TOM NAWN & CO. In "Pat and the Genie." 28 min, F.S. A ripping good act, well constructed and presented. Five people in all. Set represents interior of curio-museum. A precious old Egyptian jar arrives, which, upon being shaken, sets free a very lovely little genie. Lines and business irresistible right up to the finish when Pat wakes from slumber to 'find it all a dream.' An act that would not fail to score anywhere. Big closing hand, and curtain-call work on the bounding-mat won big hands, and a strong applause at the finish proved their popularity with all parts of the house. Good for 2 wks. anywhere. KINETOGRAPH. "Straw Hat Factory in Florence." Interesting travel film. "Arctic Hunting." Ditty, cooling for hot weather. "Catch the Kid." A funny film, making a good closer. WIORA DUO. Hungarian singers and dancers. 10 min. in 3. Make a pretty picture, sing fairly and dance with a good deal of dash and abandon. A good 3-a-day act. GALLANDO. Clay-modeller. 12 min in 2. Can work in 1, but best not to do so as he is apt to spatter the drop with his mud. Is very expert and introduces a lot of humor in his work. A novel and satisfactory act for 3-a-day. THREE GARDNER CHILDREN. 10 min in 1. Pretty singing and dancing act, filling the spot acceptably. They will develop into something very well worth while later. GENERAL REMARKS. Show of the real Holiday order, but as the city is filling with Elks already in anticipation of the great week to follow, I think we shall win out strong, particularly against an opposition that is offering nude women mopped with a coat of whitewash to draw the crowd. Bill played off very well as first arranged, and houses extremely good considering the thermometre in hovering about the ninety-mark.
PHILADELPHIA SHOW. WEEK OF JULY 8, 1907. C.E. BARNS. WELSH, LYNCH & CO. In 'Huckin's Run.' 24 min, F.S. Melodrama, humor and character work in a curious hodge-podge, running twice too long and winning only mild appreciation and applause. The theme is hackneyed, and the work ranging from indifferent to rank, suffers upon presentation in a house like this where audiences want the best and usually get it. ARNOLDO'S LEOPARDS. 17 min, F.S. A very interesting animal act and one that would help to diversify any vaudeville bill. Has big cage well up-stage, the background representing a log-cabin in the jungle. Eight panthers, jaguars and leopards to the regulation Bostock stunts, jumping through hoops, climbing around the cage-bars, posing, etc. Animals fine specimens and seem not to have been abused. Considerable applause throughout and prolonged at finish. A good novelty for any vaudeville house. WILLIE ECKSTEIN. Pianist. 15 min. in 1. Well known. New selections both classic and popular. Improved greatly in technique and precision. Big hand after each number and a fine finish. A lad with a great future. SWAN AND BOMBARD. Ecc. Com. 16 min, close 4 min. in 1. A good act. It includes some good dancing, some excellent acrobatic work, and some humor that is quite irresistible. Much laughter and applause. Close strong. "THIRTY MINUTES OF FAUST." 18 min, F.S. close in 1. Act was cut from 30 to 18 min. after first performance to improve it. Local combination, recently playing 'Faust' in its entirety at the Academy of Music with great success. Make good impressions in splendid costumes, and all sing with grace and sureness showing long training. Will draw strong this week on account of the local popularity of the four artists. Closed to big hand. SYDNEY DREW & CO, In 'Billy's Tombstones.' 23 min. in 3. Second week. A great little comedy, admirably played. It has drawn people and will continue to do so this week, for it is a Vaudeville gem of novelty and humor. MAGGIE CLINE. 13 min. in 1. The same swaggering, bragging, good-humored Irish 'Mag' of yore, getting hold of her audience quick and clinching them to the finish. A big card for this house. Laughter and applause for everything she does whether she really deserves it or not. Three curtain-calls after 'McCluskey.' Maggie wins 'em hands down. Will draw well this week. COOPER & ROBINSON. 18 min. in 1. Well known and among the best of coon comedians Have good line of parodies, banter and witticisms, and they make the best possible use of it. Much laughter and a strong close. An A.1. act. TOM NAWN & CO. In "Pat and the Genie." 28 min, F.S. A ripping good act, well constructed and presented. Five people in all. Set represents interior of curio-museum. A precious old Egyptian jar arrives, which, upon being shaken, sets free a very lovely little genie. Lines and business irresistible right up to the finish when Pat wakes from slumber to 'find it all a dream.' An act that would not fail to score anywhere. Big closing hand, and curtain-call work on the bounding-mat won big hands, and a strong applause at the finish proved their popularity with all parts of the house. Good for 2 wks. anywhere. KINETOGRAPH. "Straw Hat Factory in Florence." Interesting travel film. "Arctic Hunting." Ditty, cooling for hot weather. "Catch the Kid." A funny film, making a good closer. WIORA DUO. Hungarian singers and dancers. 10 min. in 3. Make a pretty picture, sing fairly and dance with a good deal of dash and abandon. A good 3-a-day act. GALLANDO. Clay-modeller. 12 min in 2. Can work in 1, but best not to do so as he is apt to spatter the drop with his mud. Is very expert and introduces a lot of humor in his work. A novel and satisfactory act for 3-a-day. THREE GARDNER CHILDREN. 10 min in 1. Pretty singing and dancing act, filling the spot acceptably. They will develop into something very well worth while later. GENERAL REMARKS. Show of the real Holiday order, but as the city is filling with Elks already in anticipation of the great week to follow, I think we shall win out strong, particularly against an opposition that is offering nude women mopped with a coat of whitewash to draw the crowd. Bill played off very well as first arranged, and houses extremely good considering the thermometre in hovering about the ninety-mark.
Keith-Albee Collection