Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 183a
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FLYING BALLET. (Grigoletti's) Well known on the circuit. This is a quick return for this beautiful act, but we needed something of the kind to round out a strong Elks' bill. Just as interesting and engrossing as ever, with as strong a finish. 11 min F.S. NAT WILLS. Second and last week. New line of material and all good. Just as strong as last week, and an important headliner for us. Sang an Elks' song which won him seven encores. A.A.1. anywhere. 23 min in 1. ELLIS, NOWLIN TROUPE. Comedy acrobats. 12 min, F. S. Just as strong as when here last, with a better finish with the comedy horse. The last half of the act is by far the best, and won continued laughter. Three men and a woman in the act, and all experts in their line. The clown works like 'Slivers' Oakley in a burlesque bareback-riding stunt. It was all to the good. KINETOGRAPH. Last Elks Convention parade, at Atlantic City. Good. The Holy Land. A very interesting film for all classes. Palmistry. A funny French film as a fitting closer. SOPHIE EVERETT & CO. 'The House Warming.' Sketch. 12 min F.S. A jumble of amusing stuff, action centred about a house-moving incident. Some funny lines and a very good supper-show time-killer. Some applause. LORO AND PAYNE. 'The college boy and Sleepy Sam.' Comedy Acrobats. Local Act. Made a very good showing in the 3-a-day section. 13 min. REMARKS: A good Elk show, with nothing serious and nothing below a certain standard of excellence. The city is already jammed and it will be a good show week. The Elk specialties are a great hit. A special Elk drop and a magnificent electric clock over the proscenium arch and to the interior features. The exterior decorations are second to none on Chestnut Street, with the possible exception of Wanamaker's which display cost many thousands. Cuts: John F. Clark--The expression "Hell." Dan Sherman: --Throwing dummy cannon-balls into audience.
FLYING BALLET. (Grigoletti's) Well known on the circuit. This is a quick return for this beautiful act, but we needed something of the kind to round out a strong Elks' bill. Just as interesting and engrossing as ever, with as strong a finish. 11 min F.S. NAT WILLS. Second and last week. New line of material and all good. Just as strong as last week, and an important headliner for us. Sang an Elks' song which won him seven encores. A.A.1. anywhere. 23 min in 1. ELLIS, NOWLIN TROUPE. Comedy acrobats. 12 min, F. S. Just as strong as when here last, with a better finish with the comedy horse. The last half of the act is by far the best, and won continued laughter. Three men and a woman in the act, and all experts in their line. The clown works like 'Slivers' Oakley in a burlesque bareback-riding stunt. It was all to the good. KINETOGRAPH. Last Elks Convention parade, at Atlantic City. Good. The Holy Land. A very interesting film for all classes. Palmistry. A funny French film as a fitting closer. SOPHIE EVERETT & CO. 'The House Warming.' Sketch. 12 min F.S. A jumble of amusing stuff, action centred about a house-moving incident. Some funny lines and a very good supper-show time-killer. Some applause. LORO AND PAYNE. 'The college boy and Sleepy Sam.' Comedy Acrobats. Local Act. Made a very good showing in the 3-a-day section. 13 min. REMARKS: A good Elk show, with nothing serious and nothing below a certain standard of excellence. The city is already jammed and it will be a good show week. The Elk specialties are a great hit. A special Elk drop and a magnificent electric clock over the proscenium arch and to the interior features. The exterior decorations are second to none on Chestnut Street, with the possible exception of Wanamaker's which display cost many thousands. Cuts: John F. Clark--The expression "Hell." Dan Sherman: --Throwing dummy cannon-balls into audience.
Keith-Albee Collection