Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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FH Brandt. Cleveland, Ohio. July 15, '07. BAILEY & FLETCHER Two men, colored. A good opening coon act, lots of comedy, singing, and a little instrumental work. Went very good this afternoon. 15 Min. in One. THE GREAT HENRI FRENCH Mimic Actor and Impersonator. Clever Juggler adept musician. This man does a little of everything including magic monologue, mimicing actors, gives an imitation of a drunken man on a wheel which goes very big. He opens full stage, does about 15 Min. Closes in one, giving impersonations of great composers, which runs about three minutes. WILL H ARMSTRONG & MAGDALENE HOLLY. Presenting farce entitled "The Expressman." This sketch has some good lines, and a lot of old junk. It is too long and drags in the middle. In general the comedy is poor and the methods of this team suggest the Burlesque Houses. Went very poorly Monday afternoon. Interior 23 min. INTERMISSION 10 MINUTES. LASKY'S QUINTETTE. This act consists of five people, 3 men and two women and is without a doubt one of the neatest and best musical acts we have ever played. They play on four cellos and one base and carry specially constructed shell which gives the audience the full benefit of the music. They play a little of both classical and popular music and received hearty applause for every number. The act should make good anywhere. 14 Min. in two, spec. Shell. MARY ANNE BROWN. Dainty singing comedienne. This is a very clever woman and certainly made good this afternoon. Her first two songs did not go quite so well, but the next two were a big hit. Her songs were on the order of Vesta Victoria and Alice Lloyd. She closes her act giving imitation of Fay Templeton, Vesta Victoria, and George Cohen, which were the hits of her act. Very good act, 18 Min In one. MISS ELIZABETH BRICE & CO. Late Prima donna of "The Social World and of "Lady Teazle." Presenting a playlet entitled "Cupid's Manager." There is absolutely nothing to this sketch more than to introduce Miss Brice and her assistant in a few popular songs, which seem to go quite well. Miss Brice will never set the world on fire in vaudeville, and probably was handicapped today by following Mary Anne Brown. This act was far from being ood enough for this spot. Center door fancy 13 Min. Close in One 4 Min. AMERICUS COMEDY FOUR. This act was probably the laughing hit of the show. four Men who make about six changes, singing travesties on the latest song hits which were about as funny as anything I have seen in a long time. A very good comedy act. Open interior. 6 min Go to one, house drop, then to two for special drop, then close in one again. FAMOUS SUTCLIFF TROUPE. World'a renouned Character Dancers, Scottish Pipers and Acrobats. 9 min Six Men and one woman, make their entrance dressed in beautiful Skottish uniforms four of them playing bag pipes two on snare drums and one of them on a base drum. The second number is Scottish dancing by four members of the troupe after which they go through an acrobatic part of the programme with some very good tumbling. The act closes with them playing pipes and drums when they leave the stage. A very neat and refined and well dressed act, and held the audience until close. Very few of them going out considering the show was running quite late and the weather is unusually hot. 10 Min. Full stage.
FH Brandt. Cleveland, Ohio. July 15, '07. BAILEY & FLETCHER Two men, colored. A good opening coon act, lots of comedy, singing, and a little instrumental work. Went very good this afternoon. 15 Min. in One. THE GREAT HENRI FRENCH Mimic Actor and Impersonator. Clever Juggler adept musician. This man does a little of everything including magic monologue, mimicing actors, gives an imitation of a drunken man on a wheel which goes very big. He opens full stage, does about 15 Min. Closes in one, giving impersonations of great composers, which runs about three minutes. WILL H ARMSTRONG & MAGDALENE HOLLY. Presenting farce entitled "The Expressman." This sketch has some good lines, and a lot of old junk. It is too long and drags in the middle. In general the comedy is poor and the methods of this team suggest the Burlesque Houses. Went very poorly Monday afternoon. Interior 23 min. INTERMISSION 10 MINUTES. LASKY'S QUINTETTE. This act consists of five people, 3 men and two women and is without a doubt one of the neatest and best musical acts we have ever played. They play on four cellos and one base and carry specially constructed shell which gives the audience the full benefit of the music. They play a little of both classical and popular music and received hearty applause for every number. The act should make good anywhere. 14 Min. in two, spec. Shell. MARY ANNE BROWN. Dainty singing comedienne. This is a very clever woman and certainly made good this afternoon. Her first two songs did not go quite so well, but the next two were a big hit. Her songs were on the order of Vesta Victoria and Alice Lloyd. She closes her act giving imitation of Fay Templeton, Vesta Victoria, and George Cohen, which were the hits of her act. Very good act, 18 Min In one. MISS ELIZABETH BRICE & CO. Late Prima donna of "The Social World and of "Lady Teazle." Presenting a playlet entitled "Cupid's Manager." There is absolutely nothing to this sketch more than to introduce Miss Brice and her assistant in a few popular songs, which seem to go quite well. Miss Brice will never set the world on fire in vaudeville, and probably was handicapped today by following Mary Anne Brown. This act was far from being ood enough for this spot. Center door fancy 13 Min. Close in One 4 Min. AMERICUS COMEDY FOUR. This act was probably the laughing hit of the show. four Men who make about six changes, singing travesties on the latest song hits which were about as funny as anything I have seen in a long time. A very good comedy act. Open interior. 6 min Go to one, house drop, then to two for special drop, then close in one again. FAMOUS SUTCLIFF TROUPE. World'a renouned Character Dancers, Scottish Pipers and Acrobats. 9 min Six Men and one woman, make their entrance dressed in beautiful Skottish uniforms four of them playing bag pipes two on snare drums and one of them on a base drum. The second number is Scottish dancing by four members of the troupe after which they go through an acrobatic part of the programme with some very good tumbling. The act closes with them playing pipes and drums when they leave the stage. A very neat and refined and well dressed act, and held the audience until close. Very few of them going out considering the show was running quite late and the weather is unusually hot. 10 Min. Full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection