Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 193a
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EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR Returned this act after four months on account of being Local Favorites here and pleased to say the audience seemed to never tire of their work. 17 minutes in one. MILTON & DOLLY NOBLES Assisted by Ida Lewis and Thomas M. Hunter. Presenting the alleged one-act farce "Fads and Fancies" by Milton Nobles. Regret to say this was a disasterous failure, no life, action or business. All talk and that hardly laudable. The audience twisted and turned and finally took a recess during this intermission. Will arrange for their old act "Why Walker Reformed". EVA TANGUAY Repeated her success of two weeks ago. Big advance applause on her entrance and unable to sing for some few minutes. Rousing applause after each number. Hit of the show. 17 minutes in one. FOUR INTERNATIONAL COMIQUES 4/m. In an eccentric acrobatic comedy on the order of the Nelson Comiques. The acrobatic work is fairly good and the comedy just about gets by. Not strong enough to close the show. All right as an opener. 11 minutes full stage. KINETOGRAPH Lightning Sketches Good That Fatal Sneeze Good
EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR Returned this act after four months on account of being Local Favorites here and pleased to say the audience seemed to never tire of their work. 17 minutes in one. MILTON & DOLLY NOBLES Assisted by Ida Lewis and Thomas M. Hunter. Presenting the alleged one-act farce "Fads and Fancies" by Milton Nobles. Regret to say this was a disasterous failure, no life, action or business. All talk and that hardly laudable. The audience twisted and turned and finally took a recess during this intermission. Will arrange for their old act "Why Walker Reformed". EVA TANGUAY Repeated her success of two weeks ago. Big advance applause on her entrance and unable to sing for some few minutes. Rousing applause after each number. Hit of the show. 17 minutes in one. FOUR INTERNATIONAL COMIQUES 4/m. In an eccentric acrobatic comedy on the order of the Nelson Comiques. The acrobatic work is fairly good and the comedy just about gets by. Not strong enough to close the show. All right as an opener. 11 minutes full stage. KINETOGRAPH Lightning Sketches Good That Fatal Sneeze Good
Keith-Albee Collection