Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 197
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(Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of July 29, 1907. (Monday July 29--Night Show.) James & Prior. On at 6.26, 15 min, full stage. Two Western people who are doing an "introductory week" here for $80 and three shows. The act is a comedy sketch and contains a whole lot of laughs. James plays the character of an old sea captain. Miss Prior makes a most attractive stage appearance and is a good actress. I think that this act would be O.K. in every respect for the smaller houses, in the number two or three place, and would like to see them get some booking. I think they will accept $100. Would willingly give them a better position, if possible. Flora. On at 6.41, opens in 18 min, closes full stage 4 min; 12 min in all; 3 shows. She makes her appearance in 1 as an eccentric comedienne and sings a couple of songs fairly well. Then she goes to full stage, disrobes on a wire and does a few simple tricks. I think she has ability all right, but at present her act is rather crude. Stereopticon. On at 6.53, 9 min. Showing views of Old and New Boston, in honor of Old Home Week. Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Hussey. On at 7.02, 10 min full stage, 5 min close in 1; 15 min in all; 3 shows. I consider this a valuable 3-a-day and think it would get by in an early place almost anywhere. Hussey is a very good ventriloquist, his figures are excellent and Mrs. Hussey is a capable assistant. The Gregsons. On at 7.17, 13 min, in 1; 3 shows. The same act they have done for several seasons. Florence Gregsons voice is not as good as it formerly was. I have always wondered why somebody didn't capture her and make something out of her, two or three years ago, when she was as pretty and dainty a soubrette as walked on a stage. I am afraid that the time has gone by now, however. The Fadettes. On at 7.30, 60 min, full stage. This is the opening of their annual summer engagement at this house, with the big orchestra of forty pieces. Judging from the comments heard yesterday, this year's organization is the best that Mrs. Nichols has ever led. Price considered, I do not believe there is a better feature in vaudeville today. Leo Carrillo. On at 8.30, 10 min, in 1. A clever fellow who scored in this spot in the bill and left his audience clamoring for more. I think he could easily add five minutes more to his act without tiring his audiences in the least. Kinetograph. On at 10.09. Showing "The Elks' Parade in Philadelphia", which made a hit on account of a very good view of Boston Lodge. "Lightning Sketches", fair comedy film. "1907 Derby"; this film is good in spots. "Madam's Tantrums", fair comic. Comment. A pretty heavy show for the summer season, but this is Old Home Week here, and we put together as good a bill as we could. I consider it a thoroughly good show. No cuts.
(Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of July 29, 1907. (Monday July 29--Night Show.) James & Prior. On at 6.26, 15 min, full stage. Two Western people who are doing an "introductory week" here for $80 and three shows. The act is a comedy sketch and contains a whole lot of laughs. James plays the character of an old sea captain. Miss Prior makes a most attractive stage appearance and is a good actress. I think that this act would be O.K. in every respect for the smaller houses, in the number two or three place, and would like to see them get some booking. I think they will accept $100. Would willingly give them a better position, if possible. Flora. On at 6.41, opens in 18 min, closes full stage 4 min; 12 min in all; 3 shows. She makes her appearance in 1 as an eccentric comedienne and sings a couple of songs fairly well. Then she goes to full stage, disrobes on a wire and does a few simple tricks. I think she has ability all right, but at present her act is rather crude. Stereopticon. On at 6.53, 9 min. Showing views of Old and New Boston, in honor of Old Home Week. Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Hussey. On at 7.02, 10 min full stage, 5 min close in 1; 15 min in all; 3 shows. I consider this a valuable 3-a-day and think it would get by in an early place almost anywhere. Hussey is a very good ventriloquist, his figures are excellent and Mrs. Hussey is a capable assistant. The Gregsons. On at 7.17, 13 min, in 1; 3 shows. The same act they have done for several seasons. Florence Gregsons voice is not as good as it formerly was. I have always wondered why somebody didn't capture her and make something out of her, two or three years ago, when she was as pretty and dainty a soubrette as walked on a stage. I am afraid that the time has gone by now, however. The Fadettes. On at 7.30, 60 min, full stage. This is the opening of their annual summer engagement at this house, with the big orchestra of forty pieces. Judging from the comments heard yesterday, this year's organization is the best that Mrs. Nichols has ever led. Price considered, I do not believe there is a better feature in vaudeville today. Leo Carrillo. On at 8.30, 10 min, in 1. A clever fellow who scored in this spot in the bill and left his audience clamoring for more. I think he could easily add five minutes more to his act without tiring his audiences in the least. Kinetograph. On at 10.09. Showing "The Elks' Parade in Philadelphia", which made a hit on account of a very good view of Boston Lodge. "Lightning Sketches", fair comedy film. "1907 Derby"; this film is good in spots. "Madam's Tantrums", fair comic. Comment. A pretty heavy show for the summer season, but this is Old Home Week here, and we put together as good a bill as we could. I consider it a thoroughly good show. No cuts.
Keith-Albee Collection