Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 209
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(2) Charlotte Parry & Co. On at 3.34, 29 min, full stage. Miss Parry undoubtedly made a great impression with this afternoon's audience. Of all the protean acts I have seen, there is but one I prefer to hers and that of course is "Dick Turpin" as played by Roberts. I consider this act one of the best things in show business for the money and she should certainly have no trouble in filling up her season. I am going to get aboard for another week in Boston, at the Orpheum, before the price goes up. Bellclair Bros. On at 4.03, 10 min, in 1. There is no greater gymnastic act than this, European or American. We have paid many an act three times the money without having one-half the talk made about them. This is their fourth week in Boston since March, two at this house and two at the Orpheum. I regret extremely that I cannot have them again until next June, for I would willingly play them two weeks during the season. Bert Leslie & Co. On at 4.13, 22 min, full stage. I great big laughing hit, another act that I regret extremely we cannot have in Boston for at least two weeks during the regular season. Kinetograph. On at 4.35, 20 min. "The Express Sculptor", a capital film, both interesting and humorous. "Winter Angling in Norway", an interesting scenic picture. "A Voyage in a Balloon", a very good comedy film, much above the average. Joe Cook & Bro. On at 4.55, 13 min, full stage; 3 shows. Don't overlook this act if you want a cheap comedy juggling turn, one that will surely make good, to open your show. I wouldn't be afraid to play them as late as 2.30 in this house. They are bound to improve. Gertie De Milt. On at 5.08, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. A pretty girl who sings a couple of songs fairly well and then dances for three or four minutes. She has a corking fine figure, which shows to good advantage in the costume she wears for the dancing. Ryan & White. On at 5.18, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. As dancers these boys rank with the Reiff Bros., in fact I think they would be a bigger applause hit with almost any audience. I would not hesitate to play them in almost any spot on my bill and shall use every effort when in New York this week to get them a season's booking. I consider the act a find. Russian Gipsy singers and dancers. The man is a fine-looking chap, while the woman is petite and pretty, rather saucy in type. Their costumes are gorgeous. They sing very well, the man's rendering of "Love Me and the World is Mine" in his broken English winning much favor. They close with a very unique dance. They did not go as strongly as I hoped this afternoon, but possibly because the woman was ill and fainted about an hour before going on. I think they will be more successful tonight. Elinore Sisters. On at 3.15, 19 min, in 1. A hit, as usual. They are doing almost an entire new act, practically all of their talk being fresh this season. When they get the rough edges off and get to working smoothly, they will make as good as they ever did. Of course Kate's personality is the answer to it all, however.
(2) Charlotte Parry & Co. On at 3.34, 29 min, full stage. Miss Parry undoubtedly made a great impression with this afternoon's audience. Of all the protean acts I have seen, there is but one I prefer to hers and that of course is "Dick Turpin" as played by Roberts. I consider this act one of the best things in show business for the money and she should certainly have no trouble in filling up her season. I am going to get aboard for another week in Boston, at the Orpheum, before the price goes up. Bellclair Bros. On at 4.03, 10 min, in 1. There is no greater gymnastic act than this, European or American. We have paid many an act three times the money without having one-half the talk made about them. This is their fourth week in Boston since March, two at this house and two at the Orpheum. I regret extremely that I cannot have them again until next June, for I would willingly play them two weeks during the season. Bert Leslie & Co. On at 4.13, 22 min, full stage. I great big laughing hit, another act that I regret extremely we cannot have in Boston for at least two weeks during the regular season. Kinetograph. On at 4.35, 20 min. "The Express Sculptor", a capital film, both interesting and humorous. "Winter Angling in Norway", an interesting scenic picture. "A Voyage in a Balloon", a very good comedy film, much above the average. Joe Cook & Bro. On at 4.55, 13 min, full stage; 3 shows. Don't overlook this act if you want a cheap comedy juggling turn, one that will surely make good, to open your show. I wouldn't be afraid to play them as late as 2.30 in this house. They are bound to improve. Gertie De Milt. On at 5.08, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. A pretty girl who sings a couple of songs fairly well and then dances for three or four minutes. She has a corking fine figure, which shows to good advantage in the costume she wears for the dancing. Ryan & White. On at 5.18, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. As dancers these boys rank with the Reiff Bros., in fact I think they would be a bigger applause hit with almost any audience. I would not hesitate to play them in almost any spot on my bill and shall use every effort when in New York this week to get them a season's booking. I consider the act a find. Russian Gipsy singers and dancers. The man is a fine-looking chap, while the woman is petite and pretty, rather saucy in type. Their costumes are gorgeous. They sing very well, the man's rendering of "Love Me and the World is Mine" in his broken English winning much favor. They close with a very unique dance. They did not go as strongly as I hoped this afternoon, but possibly because the woman was ill and fainted about an hour before going on. I think they will be more successful tonight. Elinore Sisters. On at 3.15, 19 min, in 1. A hit, as usual. They are doing almost an entire new act, practically all of their talk being fresh this season. When they get the rough edges off and get to working smoothly, they will make as good as they ever did. Of course Kate's personality is the answer to it all, however.
Keith-Albee Collection