Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 215
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215. Columbus. Show, Week August 26th. -- 1907. -- (W. W. Prosser.) NORTON & RUSSELL: Man and woman in character change act. -- Introducing several changes and songs all of which are fair and which serve very well to open the show. -- 13 minutes -- Special set. TOM [MANN?] & CO. Two me: comedy act that is easily the hit of the show. One of them is a cracking good piano player and the other an eccentric comedian of far more then usual ability. -- The singer is a knockout in this house and they will hardly let him go. -- C. D. F. 17 minutes. TEDDY BLACK & THE MELNOTTE SISTERS: A conventional singing and talking act that pleases fairly well but that is not especially striking as to merit. --- They get away nicely however and answer its purpose. 13 minutes in one. HASLAM: An act something on the order of Houdini as far as working with straight jacket is concerned but introducing no handcuff work. -- Escapes from straight jacket before audience-- whie passing through tube 14 inches in diameter disrobes and comes out in fleshings -- escapes from straight-jacket while under water in tank. -- Quite a novel act and one that goes big. -- Strikes me that Haslam lacks the quality of "showman" and that he could take lessons from Houdini by learning a nice line of talk. -- Let him acquire an accent of some peculiar sort and secure a few peculiarities of manner then do his own talking and the act would make a more favorable impression. -- Seems to me that he is too reserved and modest. -- He does not make the impression that he would if he had at least displayed more nerve. -- An unusually good act and one that could be worked up into a positive feature and hit of the sensational order. -- 30 minutes palace. SINGING FOUR: Male quartet that has the faculty of singing off key better than any organization I have heard for a long time. -- They get along fairly well however not because they can sing but because people here would like a deaf and dumb quartet. -- With Columbus it's "give me quartets or give me death." -- 14 minutes in one. ZENO JORDAN & KENO: Aerial comedy act two men and woman. -- All of the work is excellent and they go heaviy. -- The act is all that could be desired for one of its kind and there is nothing wrong with it. Garden 10 minutes.
215. Columbus. Show, Week August 26th. -- 1907. -- (W. W. Prosser.) NORTON & RUSSELL: Man and woman in character change act. -- Introducing several changes and songs all of which are fair and which serve very well to open the show. -- 13 minutes -- Special set. TOM [MANN?] & CO. Two me: comedy act that is easily the hit of the show. One of them is a cracking good piano player and the other an eccentric comedian of far more then usual ability. -- The singer is a knockout in this house and they will hardly let him go. -- C. D. F. 17 minutes. TEDDY BLACK & THE MELNOTTE SISTERS: A conventional singing and talking act that pleases fairly well but that is not especially striking as to merit. --- They get away nicely however and answer its purpose. 13 minutes in one. HASLAM: An act something on the order of Houdini as far as working with straight jacket is concerned but introducing no handcuff work. -- Escapes from straight jacket before audience-- whie passing through tube 14 inches in diameter disrobes and comes out in fleshings -- escapes from straight-jacket while under water in tank. -- Quite a novel act and one that goes big. -- Strikes me that Haslam lacks the quality of "showman" and that he could take lessons from Houdini by learning a nice line of talk. -- Let him acquire an accent of some peculiar sort and secure a few peculiarities of manner then do his own talking and the act would make a more favorable impression. -- Seems to me that he is too reserved and modest. -- He does not make the impression that he would if he had at least displayed more nerve. -- An unusually good act and one that could be worked up into a positive feature and hit of the sensational order. -- 30 minutes palace. SINGING FOUR: Male quartet that has the faculty of singing off key better than any organization I have heard for a long time. -- They get along fairly well however not because they can sing but because people here would like a deaf and dumb quartet. -- With Columbus it's "give me quartets or give me death." -- 14 minutes in one. ZENO JORDAN & KENO: Aerial comedy act two men and woman. -- All of the work is excellent and they go heaviy. -- The act is all that could be desired for one of its kind and there is nothing wrong with it. Garden 10 minutes.
Keith-Albee Collection