Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 222
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CRITICISM KEITH & PROCTOR'S 125TH STREET THEATRE AUGUST 26, 1907. JIM & JENNY JEE Wire walking, jumping and cycling exhibition. First American appearance this season. All of their various stunts were well done and received big applause. An excellent act, too good to open the show. 15 minutes full stage. HANSON & NELSON Two young ladies who do a little singing, dancing and a few imitations. Pleasing appearance, nicely costumed. One of the women is quite a comedienne, gives an impersonation of Elfie Fay and an old maid character, on the style of the Elinore Sisters and scored heavily. The other works straight with pleasing voice and is a clever dancer. An excellent act. Big applause and three bows. Fully capable of holding a better place. 17 minutes full stage. ALFRED KELCY & MISS GUISE Presenting a comedy entitled "A Tale of a Turkey". An excellent vehicle and one of the best ever presented by Mr. Kelcy. The theme is new, with bright lines, full of comedy, good business, etc. One big laugh with several genuine curtain calls. 19 minutes full stage. WM. MORROW & VERDA SCHELLBERG In a character comedy singing playlet "Happy's Million". Carry their own drop in one representing a scene in Tonapah. Morrow impersonates a cowboy, his old character, and does it well, while the woman portrays the character of a quakeress and just gets by as she never took any prizes for singing therefor her speaking voice is bad. Morrow introduces his specialty The story is that of a cowboy, lost heavily at faro, meets the quakeress and proposes. Uses a midget on the finish as a cupid, who swings across stage attached to the man and woman by colored ribbons, same idea as in season with Chas. Ernest. Banks Winter was freightfully nervous, missed his lines and made a fiasco of the act. The going here was a little too strong this afternoon - changed their position for the evening performance and being more settled managed to go a trifle better. Presume before the week is out they will have the act whipped in shape. 22 minutes in one. PICTURES "Poor Little Mites" - Rather serious - looks fakey but passes by. "In an Arm-chair" - Forced comedy - fair.
CRITICISM KEITH & PROCTOR'S 125TH STREET THEATRE AUGUST 26, 1907. JIM & JENNY JEE Wire walking, jumping and cycling exhibition. First American appearance this season. All of their various stunts were well done and received big applause. An excellent act, too good to open the show. 15 minutes full stage. HANSON & NELSON Two young ladies who do a little singing, dancing and a few imitations. Pleasing appearance, nicely costumed. One of the women is quite a comedienne, gives an impersonation of Elfie Fay and an old maid character, on the style of the Elinore Sisters and scored heavily. The other works straight with pleasing voice and is a clever dancer. An excellent act. Big applause and three bows. Fully capable of holding a better place. 17 minutes full stage. ALFRED KELCY & MISS GUISE Presenting a comedy entitled "A Tale of a Turkey". An excellent vehicle and one of the best ever presented by Mr. Kelcy. The theme is new, with bright lines, full of comedy, good business, etc. One big laugh with several genuine curtain calls. 19 minutes full stage. WM. MORROW & VERDA SCHELLBERG In a character comedy singing playlet "Happy's Million". Carry their own drop in one representing a scene in Tonapah. Morrow impersonates a cowboy, his old character, and does it well, while the woman portrays the character of a quakeress and just gets by as she never took any prizes for singing therefor her speaking voice is bad. Morrow introduces his specialty The story is that of a cowboy, lost heavily at faro, meets the quakeress and proposes. Uses a midget on the finish as a cupid, who swings across stage attached to the man and woman by colored ribbons, same idea as in season with Chas. Ernest. Banks Winter was freightfully nervous, missed his lines and made a fiasco of the act. The going here was a little too strong this afternoon - changed their position for the evening performance and being more settled managed to go a trifle better. Presume before the week is out they will have the act whipped in shape. 22 minutes in one. PICTURES "Poor Little Mites" - Rather serious - looks fakey but passes by. "In an Arm-chair" - Forced comedy - fair.
Keith-Albee Collection