Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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PHILADELPHIA SHOW. SEPTEMBER 2, 1907. C. E. BARNS. MR. & MRS. DICK TRACY. "The Courtship At Cowslip Farm." 17 min. F. S. A Rube act which make an acceptable 3-a-day opener. Contains a good line of talk, and songs fairly well sung. Took very well with the Labor Day crowd. Good laugh and applause at the finish. MILES & RICARD. Singing and Talking Specialty. 12 min. in 1. Man and woman. A very pleasing duo. Sing very well and quite caught the holiday house. Miss Ricards makes an effective change of costume. Line of talk clever and got many laughs. Closed strong, with a curtain call. Good anywhere in the 3/a-day. LIND. 10 min. F. S. Advance applause. Lind, the Mysterious. Made the same hit as on the occasion of his last engagement here. Act practically the same, except the introduction of a two and a half minute moving picture variation while he changes to the final and very fetching costume. Consternation and big applause at the finish after taking off his wig, and four curtain calls. Billed as "Lind, the Mysterious" with no hint of sex. Hence the surprise at the finish. EDWARD GRAY. The Tall Tale-teller. 15 min. in 1. This man has a good line of talk of a dialect order. Got many laughs and held down the spot in good shape. Strong close with three curtain calls. MARIE WAINWRIGHT AND COMPANY in the Brilliant Little Playlet "Our Baby". 22 min. F. S. Advance applause. This act has been greatly improved since its last presentation here. Barring the fact that it is six or eight minutes too long, as a sketch it is excellently written and strongly presented. Audience gave it a most respectful attention. Miss Wainwright's support is much stronger this time, and the love and quarrel scenes were natural and amusing. Bringing on the living baby at the close helps to make the act a hit. Strong closing hand and three curtain calls, at least one for the baby. PETER DONALD AND META CARSON. Presenting "Allex McLeans Dream". 17 min. in 1. Advance applause. A very good Scotch comedy act. The drunken part of Peter Donald is not so broad as to be offensive. Plenty of humor and some good vocal work. Closed very strong. This act has improved with experience with American audiences. FOUR WORDS. World's Greatest Dancing Carnival. 14 min. F. S. Advance applause. There is no doubt about this not living up to its billing -- "Worlds Greatest Dancing Carnival." Each one of the Ford dancers is an expert without peer, and the applause was constant throughout. One of the former girls in the act has been substituted by another who is as beautiful and clever as her running mate. Strong enough to hold any spot on any bill. RIGOLETTI BROTHERS. On the Revolving Ladder and Hand Balancers Supreme. 14 min. Opens in 1. Close F. S. This is an excellent act. The two young men prepossess the audience very strongly from the first, fine looking and well costumed. They open in 1 by doing several acrobatic stunts of the Bellclaire order, and then proceed to their more skillful work full stage on a revolving ladder. Each feat was well appreciated. Final feat got big applause. Two curtain calls. FRIEND and DOWNING. Greatest talking act in the Varities. 15 min. in 1. Two men. One works straight and the other a Hebrew eccentric There were roars of laughter and applause all over the house. To my mind it is as good as "The Rarebit Fiend." FRANK MC CREA. World's Greatest Rifle-Shot. 12 min. F. S. Well known on the Circuit. Made a great hit in his wonderful sharp-shooting. Not as sensational as that of Bordeverry, but a splendid act for all that, and worthy of a good spot on any bill. ELEANOR BLANCHARD/ Character Comedienne. 12 min. in 1. Imitations of stage celebrities. Not a satisfactory act ever as imitations go. Received some applause for her impersonations, but Miss Blanchard does not fit in a house like this. Well buried at the pink-tea hour. GENERAL REMARKS. This is a splendid show, without any shadow of doubt. 3-a-day section was particularly good except Blanchard, and went very well with the holiday crowd. Of course the house was jammed, and everything
PHILADELPHIA SHOW. SEPTEMBER 2, 1907. C. E. BARNS. MR. & MRS. DICK TRACY. "The Courtship At Cowslip Farm." 17 min. F. S. A Rube act which make an acceptable 3-a-day opener. Contains a good line of talk, and songs fairly well sung. Took very well with the Labor Day crowd. Good laugh and applause at the finish. MILES & RICARD. Singing and Talking Specialty. 12 min. in 1. Man and woman. A very pleasing duo. Sing very well and quite caught the holiday house. Miss Ricards makes an effective change of costume. Line of talk clever and got many laughs. Closed strong, with a curtain call. Good anywhere in the 3/a-day. LIND. 10 min. F. S. Advance applause. Lind, the Mysterious. Made the same hit as on the occasion of his last engagement here. Act practically the same, except the introduction of a two and a half minute moving picture variation while he changes to the final and very fetching costume. Consternation and big applause at the finish after taking off his wig, and four curtain calls. Billed as "Lind, the Mysterious" with no hint of sex. Hence the surprise at the finish. EDWARD GRAY. The Tall Tale-teller. 15 min. in 1. This man has a good line of talk of a dialect order. Got many laughs and held down the spot in good shape. Strong close with three curtain calls. MARIE WAINWRIGHT AND COMPANY in the Brilliant Little Playlet "Our Baby". 22 min. F. S. Advance applause. This act has been greatly improved since its last presentation here. Barring the fact that it is six or eight minutes too long, as a sketch it is excellently written and strongly presented. Audience gave it a most respectful attention. Miss Wainwright's support is much stronger this time, and the love and quarrel scenes were natural and amusing. Bringing on the living baby at the close helps to make the act a hit. Strong closing hand and three curtain calls, at least one for the baby. PETER DONALD AND META CARSON. Presenting "Allex McLeans Dream". 17 min. in 1. Advance applause. A very good Scotch comedy act. The drunken part of Peter Donald is not so broad as to be offensive. Plenty of humor and some good vocal work. Closed very strong. This act has improved with experience with American audiences. FOUR WORDS. World's Greatest Dancing Carnival. 14 min. F. S. Advance applause. There is no doubt about this not living up to its billing -- "Worlds Greatest Dancing Carnival." Each one of the Ford dancers is an expert without peer, and the applause was constant throughout. One of the former girls in the act has been substituted by another who is as beautiful and clever as her running mate. Strong enough to hold any spot on any bill. RIGOLETTI BROTHERS. On the Revolving Ladder and Hand Balancers Supreme. 14 min. Opens in 1. Close F. S. This is an excellent act. The two young men prepossess the audience very strongly from the first, fine looking and well costumed. They open in 1 by doing several acrobatic stunts of the Bellclaire order, and then proceed to their more skillful work full stage on a revolving ladder. Each feat was well appreciated. Final feat got big applause. Two curtain calls. FRIEND and DOWNING. Greatest talking act in the Varities. 15 min. in 1. Two men. One works straight and the other a Hebrew eccentric There were roars of laughter and applause all over the house. To my mind it is as good as "The Rarebit Fiend." FRANK MC CREA. World's Greatest Rifle-Shot. 12 min. F. S. Well known on the Circuit. Made a great hit in his wonderful sharp-shooting. Not as sensational as that of Bordeverry, but a splendid act for all that, and worthy of a good spot on any bill. ELEANOR BLANCHARD/ Character Comedienne. 12 min. in 1. Imitations of stage celebrities. Not a satisfactory act ever as imitations go. Received some applause for her impersonations, but Miss Blanchard does not fit in a house like this. Well buried at the pink-tea hour. GENERAL REMARKS. This is a splendid show, without any shadow of doubt. 3-a-day section was particularly good except Blanchard, and went very well with the holiday crowd. Of course the house was jammed, and everything
Keith-Albee Collection