Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 231
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231. Ned.S.Hastings Keith's, Cleveland. Sept, 2nd, 1907. THE BOLDENS. Two Coons. Man and Woman. Time 16 minutes in One. Man in comedy make-up. A very good singing, talking and dancing act, which holds the attention of the audience. The Hebrew Impersonation introduced is a novelty and makes a hit. The Man is a good comedian, and makes a lot of funny falls all over the stage, which bring applause. The woman is excess baggage. One encore. GALLETTI'S MONKEY COMEDIANS. Galletti, Four Monkeys, One Dog. Garden in 3. Time 18 Minutes. One of the best animal acts ever seen here. The Monkeys are well trained, and their musical specialty on the "organ chimes" is a knockout. The part in which the monkeys become barbers is also very funny. A great act for the children, but it proves amusing for the older people as well. A distinct feature on any bill. MIGNONETTE KOKIN In one. Time 12 minutes. Miss Kokin is dainty and a thorough artist. She dances gracefully and takes her audience with her, aided by a fascinating personality. She introduced representations of typical characters in English Music Halls, including a Scotch, A Dutch and a Soubrette. All good, and much appreciated. Her national dancing is an especial feature. She uses motion pictures between changes showing herself in the act of changing costumes, thus filling in the break interestingly. COUNTESS OLGA ROSSI AND MONSIEUR PAULO. Center Door Fancy. Close in One. time 13 minutes. The Countess is an unusually handsome woman of refined and charming appearance. This act is a singing feature exclusively. The Countess has a well trained voice, which she keeps under excellent control, and never once attempts to tear her lungs out by the roots, as many well dressed acts have done lately. Paulo sits in a box at first. He shows great enthusiasm for the Countess. Finally he leaps on the stage and they continue the act to-gether. Not a strong act, but one which took very well Monday afternoon. CLAYTON KENNEDY AND MATTIE ROONEY. Interior fancy set. Time, 26 minutes. Close in One. Fast and furious dancing is the feature of this act. Kennedy is a good comedian and keeps the audience going with his side talk. Miss Rooney sings well, but her dancing is the big hit of the act. They introduce a lot of bright nonsense, and carry out their long act without a bit of a drag. Two encores. TOM NAWN AND COMPANY. Two women, TOM Nawn and two pick-up assistants in small parts. Special scenery carried for this act. Time 25 minutes. Entitled "Pat and The Genii" This act is well known, but appears here this week for the first time in five years. The plot is fantastical, and the fun consists in the introduction of a Genii whom Pat has liberated from an jar brought from Egypt, which is supposed to be thousands of years old. Many ridiculous situations arise, and the contrast between the stiff conversation of the Genni and the Irish brogue of Pat, brings many a good laugh. This is our headline act this week, and it holds down the place well, on an exceptionally strong bill. "THE NEW REPORTER" Two women, three men. In One Time, 16 Minutes. A lot of fast nonsense, most of which is very funny. A couple of good songs are introduced, being accompanied by ensemble dancing by the entire cast. No plot, just a series of foolish incidents, which the audience apparently liked. THE FOUR BALTUS Four men. Full stage. time 16 minutes. Posing. Weight lifting. An skillful pyramiding. Also fast acrobatic stunts. All the material is new, at least unusual. A big hit for this kind of an act, closing an unusually strong show.
231. Ned.S.Hastings Keith's, Cleveland. Sept, 2nd, 1907. THE BOLDENS. Two Coons. Man and Woman. Time 16 minutes in One. Man in comedy make-up. A very good singing, talking and dancing act, which holds the attention of the audience. The Hebrew Impersonation introduced is a novelty and makes a hit. The Man is a good comedian, and makes a lot of funny falls all over the stage, which bring applause. The woman is excess baggage. One encore. GALLETTI'S MONKEY COMEDIANS. Galletti, Four Monkeys, One Dog. Garden in 3. Time 18 Minutes. One of the best animal acts ever seen here. The Monkeys are well trained, and their musical specialty on the "organ chimes" is a knockout. The part in which the monkeys become barbers is also very funny. A great act for the children, but it proves amusing for the older people as well. A distinct feature on any bill. MIGNONETTE KOKIN In one. Time 12 minutes. Miss Kokin is dainty and a thorough artist. She dances gracefully and takes her audience with her, aided by a fascinating personality. She introduced representations of typical characters in English Music Halls, including a Scotch, A Dutch and a Soubrette. All good, and much appreciated. Her national dancing is an especial feature. She uses motion pictures between changes showing herself in the act of changing costumes, thus filling in the break interestingly. COUNTESS OLGA ROSSI AND MONSIEUR PAULO. Center Door Fancy. Close in One. time 13 minutes. The Countess is an unusually handsome woman of refined and charming appearance. This act is a singing feature exclusively. The Countess has a well trained voice, which she keeps under excellent control, and never once attempts to tear her lungs out by the roots, as many well dressed acts have done lately. Paulo sits in a box at first. He shows great enthusiasm for the Countess. Finally he leaps on the stage and they continue the act to-gether. Not a strong act, but one which took very well Monday afternoon. CLAYTON KENNEDY AND MATTIE ROONEY. Interior fancy set. Time, 26 minutes. Close in One. Fast and furious dancing is the feature of this act. Kennedy is a good comedian and keeps the audience going with his side talk. Miss Rooney sings well, but her dancing is the big hit of the act. They introduce a lot of bright nonsense, and carry out their long act without a bit of a drag. Two encores. TOM NAWN AND COMPANY. Two women, TOM Nawn and two pick-up assistants in small parts. Special scenery carried for this act. Time 25 minutes. Entitled "Pat and The Genii" This act is well known, but appears here this week for the first time in five years. The plot is fantastical, and the fun consists in the introduction of a Genii whom Pat has liberated from an jar brought from Egypt, which is supposed to be thousands of years old. Many ridiculous situations arise, and the contrast between the stiff conversation of the Genni and the Irish brogue of Pat, brings many a good laugh. This is our headline act this week, and it holds down the place well, on an exceptionally strong bill. "THE NEW REPORTER" Two women, three men. In One Time, 16 Minutes. A lot of fast nonsense, most of which is very funny. A couple of good songs are introduced, being accompanied by ensemble dancing by the entire cast. No plot, just a series of foolish incidents, which the audience apparently liked. THE FOUR BALTUS Four men. Full stage. time 16 minutes. Posing. Weight lifting. An skillful pyramiding. Also fast acrobatic stunts. All the material is new, at least unusual. A big hit for this kind of an act, closing an unusually strong show.
Keith-Albee Collection