Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 234
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234. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. September 9, 1907. C. E. BARNES. EARL AND BARTLETT. The Natural Comedian and the Singing Comedienne. 13 min. F. S. Well known on the Circuit. Man and woman, the woman working straight and the man Irish comedy. Makes a very good opener. Line of talk pleasing and got a good many laughs. The songs were good and merited a good closing hand. THE LIPPINCOTTS. Refined Singers and Dancers. 12 min. in 1. A very good singing and dancing act. The vocal offerings were nothing especially brilliant, but the dancing makes them acceptable anywhere in the 3-a-day section. The young lady included a very dainty Scotch dance, in costume, which got good applause. Eccentric dancing at the close. Got a good hand and one curtain call. MLLE. [EMERIE?] Assisted by Mons. Silvern in a Parisian Novelty. 13 min. F. S. The act opens in a characteristically French manner. Both man and woman appear in evening dress. Wine is brought on which the man drugs before the woman drinks. She thereupon kicks his hat off and mounts a step-ladder to the trapeze, where she proceeds to disrobe. This part of the act is a little tart, but, on the whole, inoffensive. Then follows some of the best trapeze, ring and rope work we have seen here for some time. The act is very Frency. The applause was hearty, and the close was very strong. A good act anywhere up to 8:30. THE MISSES DELMORE. Music and Songs of Different Lands. 13 min. in 1. These young ladies are pleasing and versatile entertainers. Both girls are quite pretty in each of their changes of costume and make a fine impression. Their singing, dancing and instrumental work on the violin, mandolin and guitar is very acceptable. Closed well. FRED BOND, FREMONT BENTON & CO., Present the Big Laughing Act, Entitled "HANDKERCHIEF No. 15." 30 min. F. S. This act is a scream. There are some parts of it that are a little bit tart, but there is no doubt about its creating a tremendous laugh throughout. Fred Bond gets all there is out the sketch, which holds the interest right up to the finish. The theme concerns a case of too-much mother-in-law, and a husband's night-lark in disguise when he takes up with a flirtatious actress who secures his handkerchief marked with his name [and] address. The usual complications follow. The scene is a double one on the same stage, the first half taking place on the stage left and the other half on the right, separated by a petition and screen. The lines are very humorous, and Fred Bond is certainly a comedian of high rank in vaudeville sketches. Strong finish and two curtain calls. WINSOR MC CAY. "Silas" Offering his own Famous Original Drawings. 20 min. in 1. Strong advance applause, showing that his work on the occasion of his previous visit was well appreciated. Was watched with close attention, and given frequent applause. Closed with three curtain calls All the papers are highly commending this morning. THE SONG BIRDS. With William Burress. A short Operatic Outburst. 36 Min F. S. This is a very novel and pretentious vaudeville feature. The music is beautifully written. The book contains no end of clever lines, and the charactures of Hammerstein, Conried, Melba, Caruso, and the rest are immense. I could not conceive of a vaudeville travesty constructed on more popular lines. The hits were applauded and the musical numbers got big hands. The finishing chorus in which the Hammerstein [forces?] sing in Italian opera, while the Conried Song Birds sing German opera, beautifully blended in orchestration, got a whirlwind hand with eight curtain calls at the finish and two encores. This act is bound to PHIL BENNETT. Italian Character Singer. 12 min. in 1. A local man, and a positive 'find' for the money he is being paid. Could hold a place between 8 and 8:30 without the slightest doubt. He should be encouraged for he is worthy of an extensive booking, his price being low and his work exceptionally good. LE DENT. The College Juggler. 12 min. F. S. A very good three-show act. Would do well as an opener. Could stand any spot in the 3-a-day section. Improved since last appearance here. REMARKS. An excellent bill,--one that will be talked about and draw business. General critical comment agrees that THE SONG BIRDS is better presented and with better cast than when offered here a few weeks ago at the opposition house. No fall-down with the exception of Geo. H. Wood who closed himself and was substituted at the last minute by James H. Cullen. this bill will certainly bring the people this week. House today jammed.
234. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. September 9, 1907. C. E. BARNES. EARL AND BARTLETT. The Natural Comedian and the Singing Comedienne. 13 min. F. S. Well known on the Circuit. Man and woman, the woman working straight and the man Irish comedy. Makes a very good opener. Line of talk pleasing and got a good many laughs. The songs were good and merited a good closing hand. THE LIPPINCOTTS. Refined Singers and Dancers. 12 min. in 1. A very good singing and dancing act. The vocal offerings were nothing especially brilliant, but the dancing makes them acceptable anywhere in the 3-a-day section. The young lady included a very dainty Scotch dance, in costume, which got good applause. Eccentric dancing at the close. Got a good hand and one curtain call. MLLE. [EMERIE?] Assisted by Mons. Silvern in a Parisian Novelty. 13 min. F. S. The act opens in a characteristically French manner. Both man and woman appear in evening dress. Wine is brought on which the man drugs before the woman drinks. She thereupon kicks his hat off and mounts a step-ladder to the trapeze, where she proceeds to disrobe. This part of the act is a little tart, but, on the whole, inoffensive. Then follows some of the best trapeze, ring and rope work we have seen here for some time. The act is very Frency. The applause was hearty, and the close was very strong. A good act anywhere up to 8:30. THE MISSES DELMORE. Music and Songs of Different Lands. 13 min. in 1. These young ladies are pleasing and versatile entertainers. Both girls are quite pretty in each of their changes of costume and make a fine impression. Their singing, dancing and instrumental work on the violin, mandolin and guitar is very acceptable. Closed well. FRED BOND, FREMONT BENTON & CO., Present the Big Laughing Act, Entitled "HANDKERCHIEF No. 15." 30 min. F. S. This act is a scream. There are some parts of it that are a little bit tart, but there is no doubt about its creating a tremendous laugh throughout. Fred Bond gets all there is out the sketch, which holds the interest right up to the finish. The theme concerns a case of too-much mother-in-law, and a husband's night-lark in disguise when he takes up with a flirtatious actress who secures his handkerchief marked with his name [and] address. The usual complications follow. The scene is a double one on the same stage, the first half taking place on the stage left and the other half on the right, separated by a petition and screen. The lines are very humorous, and Fred Bond is certainly a comedian of high rank in vaudeville sketches. Strong finish and two curtain calls. WINSOR MC CAY. "Silas" Offering his own Famous Original Drawings. 20 min. in 1. Strong advance applause, showing that his work on the occasion of his previous visit was well appreciated. Was watched with close attention, and given frequent applause. Closed with three curtain calls All the papers are highly commending this morning. THE SONG BIRDS. With William Burress. A short Operatic Outburst. 36 Min F. S. This is a very novel and pretentious vaudeville feature. The music is beautifully written. The book contains no end of clever lines, and the charactures of Hammerstein, Conried, Melba, Caruso, and the rest are immense. I could not conceive of a vaudeville travesty constructed on more popular lines. The hits were applauded and the musical numbers got big hands. The finishing chorus in which the Hammerstein [forces?] sing in Italian opera, while the Conried Song Birds sing German opera, beautifully blended in orchestration, got a whirlwind hand with eight curtain calls at the finish and two encores. This act is bound to PHIL BENNETT. Italian Character Singer. 12 min. in 1. A local man, and a positive 'find' for the money he is being paid. Could hold a place between 8 and 8:30 without the slightest doubt. He should be encouraged for he is worthy of an extensive booking, his price being low and his work exceptionally good. LE DENT. The College Juggler. 12 min. F. S. A very good three-show act. Would do well as an opener. Could stand any spot in the 3-a-day section. Improved since last appearance here. REMARKS. An excellent bill,--one that will be talked about and draw business. General critical comment agrees that THE SONG BIRDS is better presented and with better cast than when offered here a few weeks ago at the opposition house. No fall-down with the exception of Geo. H. Wood who closed himself and was substituted at the last minute by James H. Cullen. this bill will certainly bring the people this week. House today jammed.
Keith-Albee Collection