Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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PHILADELPHIA SHOW. SEPTEMBER 16, 1907. C. E. BARNES. Extra criticism on Batty's Bears. BATTY'S BEARS. This act was delayed in arriving here, as was noted in my criticism of Monday. Not only did the animals not work well, but some of the paraphernalia was delayed, arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday. Batty went to work and got his act going in good shape so that now we regard it as one of the most interesting childrens' and womens' animal features obtainable. Whereas the bears do not do anything that can be regarded as an overwhelming novelty, there is not a dull moment in the act. They turn summersaults, walk on barrels and globes, do see-saw stunts, dancing, eating and drinking in a very ludicrous manner. The big cinnamon bear is harnessed to a wagon containing little black bears, and gets a big laugh from the women and children as it opens the act. The same big bear totes out a basket containing a little baby bear, whose antics are also very amusing. Considering the difficulty of training these clumsy creatures to do anything but catch a stick and do a street dance, the act is a very creditable one and should make good anywhere between 8 and 9 o'clock. is certainly a swift-moving and novel act, full of bright hits and plenty of dash and go. The opening drop is much too small for our theatre, and is badly painted. The finishing of the act is very good. It may be said that the act can now hold any spot with safety. SONG BIRDS. 27 min. F. S. Got the same advance applause and was the same unqualified hit as last week. This act will certainly draw as strong this week as last, if not indeed stronger. KINETOGRAPH. No.1. Liquid Electricity. A very funny film, would get the laughs anywhere. No. 2. Two thousand Miles Without a Dollar. A fine western series with plenty of action and interest. No. 3. Spanish Views on Post Cards. Interesting travel film, done in an unexpected manner. Kinetograph work this week much above the standard. CARROLL AND [CLAREN?]. Singing, Dancing and Eccentric Comedy Duo. 9 min. in 1. The comedy in this act is shy, the singing fair, and the dancing good. All right in the supper show section, but hardly strong enough for a better spot. ROLAND & DUGAN. 13 min. in 1. This is not a strong act by any means. The line of talk is not bright. Much of the business is plainly borrowed. The singing and dancing at the finish got a good hand. FRED W. MORTON. Trick Harmonica Player, Finger-whistler and Paper Manipulator. 15 Min. in 1. This man is quite versatile in a small way. He does a good many things quite well, but the best of these is the paper tearing which is something unique. He takes a folded package of paper and proceeds to tear it in his fingers, talking rather amusingly the while. In a few minutes he unfolds it and displays a very pretty design with the work Keith's Theatre cut out in strong letters. This makes a good close for the act.
PHILADELPHIA SHOW. SEPTEMBER 16, 1907. C. E. BARNES. Extra criticism on Batty's Bears. BATTY'S BEARS. This act was delayed in arriving here, as was noted in my criticism of Monday. Not only did the animals not work well, but some of the paraphernalia was delayed, arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday. Batty went to work and got his act going in good shape so that now we regard it as one of the most interesting childrens' and womens' animal features obtainable. Whereas the bears do not do anything that can be regarded as an overwhelming novelty, there is not a dull moment in the act. They turn summersaults, walk on barrels and globes, do see-saw stunts, dancing, eating and drinking in a very ludicrous manner. The big cinnamon bear is harnessed to a wagon containing little black bears, and gets a big laugh from the women and children as it opens the act. The same big bear totes out a basket containing a little baby bear, whose antics are also very amusing. Considering the difficulty of training these clumsy creatures to do anything but catch a stick and do a street dance, the act is a very creditable one and should make good anywhere between 8 and 9 o'clock. is certainly a swift-moving and novel act, full of bright hits and plenty of dash and go. The opening drop is much too small for our theatre, and is badly painted. The finishing of the act is very good. It may be said that the act can now hold any spot with safety. SONG BIRDS. 27 min. F. S. Got the same advance applause and was the same unqualified hit as last week. This act will certainly draw as strong this week as last, if not indeed stronger. KINETOGRAPH. No.1. Liquid Electricity. A very funny film, would get the laughs anywhere. No. 2. Two thousand Miles Without a Dollar. A fine western series with plenty of action and interest. No. 3. Spanish Views on Post Cards. Interesting travel film, done in an unexpected manner. Kinetograph work this week much above the standard. CARROLL AND [CLAREN?]. Singing, Dancing and Eccentric Comedy Duo. 9 min. in 1. The comedy in this act is shy, the singing fair, and the dancing good. All right in the supper show section, but hardly strong enough for a better spot. ROLAND & DUGAN. 13 min. in 1. This is not a strong act by any means. The line of talk is not bright. Much of the business is plainly borrowed. The singing and dancing at the finish got a good hand. FRED W. MORTON. Trick Harmonica Player, Finger-whistler and Paper Manipulator. 15 Min. in 1. This man is quite versatile in a small way. He does a good many things quite well, but the best of these is the paper tearing which is something unique. He takes a folded package of paper and proceeds to tear it in his fingers, talking rather amusingly the while. In a few minutes he unfolds it and displays a very pretty design with the work Keith's Theatre cut out in strong letters. This makes a good close for the act.
Keith-Albee Collection