Keith-Albee managers' report book, December 28, 1908 - October 18, 1909
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C. E. BARNS. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. MARCH 29-09. ZEDA. 13 min. F:S. A very showy act from a spectacular standpoint. Although it is nothing new in the dragon line, (contortion tricks being very limited), it made a good opener. The woman with Zada dances in tights, makes a fairly good showing. Some scattered applause and a fair finish. RYAN AND WHITE. 8 min. in one. Two of the best wooden shoe dancers we have ever had on this stage. Single or double, they are the real goods from start to finish. Introduce a lot of new steps, and do difficult ones with the greatest ease. Good applause. These boys are worthy of a good spot on any bill. They make a novel finish which brings strong applause. ROBERTS, HAYES & ROBERTS. 15 min. F.S. We understand this act was featured with a burlesque company last season. The sooner they get back to burlesque, the better for all concerned. MAMIE FLEMING. 18 min. one. Nothing in the work of this young woman to recommend her to anything but an obscure spot. She has no voice to speak of and her personality is not particularly impressive. She attempts a good deal in the way of character songs, receiving some applause after each effort, and a fair finish. NEWHOLD & ANNIE CARROLL. 9 min. F.S. This is a novel act. The long skirt worn by the woman seems to be in the way, and at times a little vulgar; but the work of the pair on the high parallel bars is very good and won a deal of applause, bringing up to a satisfactory finish. Rightly placed. OTTO BROS. 14 min. in one. Begun their act with a new line of material, then reverted to their old burlesque Grand Opera work. Received good applause and closed well. "SUNNY SOUTH." 24 min. Certainly a ginger act all the way through. Ten people and all good singers and dancers. Brisk music and abundance of fun. Closed strong. MR. HYMACK. 15 min. Mr. Hymack has truck a new idea in the protean line in this lightning change act. The audience did not seem to know exactly what to make of it at first; but the interest grew as the act went on, and his ability to assume characters and change his personality with such swiftness, caught the crowd very well. Think this man will be talked about and we have billed him pretty heavily and got the newspapers interested in him. ZINKA PANNA. 15 min. in one. This is a very clever little girl, both on the zither and the violin. The principal interest in the act, however, is in the dogs which dance to her music, and one of them grinds a hand organ. The woman herself is very pretty and has a pleasing way about her. Can hold her own in a good place. MURPHY, NICHOLS & CO. 26 min. This is one of the funniest burlesques ever seen in Vaudeville, and Murphy has certainly outdone himself both in his travesty of the seamy side of the stage, and the introduction of mighty bright lines, and no end of ludicrous, "business." The audience was soon in roars of laughter, and kept it up to, a smashing big finish. JAMES R. WATERS. 15 min. A good Hebrew and Italian comedian, his dialect, as well as his singing voice, being up to the requirements of a fairly good spot on the bill. GENERAL REMARKS. By a little transposition, this show plays very well. Business all over town is pretty light owing to the Lenten season, and a number of attractions on the boards. Nevertheless, I am sure that we will hold our own with this bill. As rearranged, the order of acts stands as follows:- A Keith's Orchestra B Roberts, Hayes & Roberts C Mamie Fleming D Newhold & Carroll E Ryan and White F "Sunny South" G Otto Brothers H Hymack I Zinka Panna J Murphy, Nichols & Co. K Big City Four L Byrne Brothers M Kinetograph N Zeda O J. R. Waters P Youna and Wardell Q Exit March
C. E. BARNS. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. MARCH 29-09. ZEDA. 13 min. F:S. A very showy act from a spectacular standpoint. Although it is nothing new in the dragon line, (contortion tricks being very limited), it made a good opener. The woman with Zada dances in tights, makes a fairly good showing. Some scattered applause and a fair finish. RYAN AND WHITE. 8 min. in one. Two of the best wooden shoe dancers we have ever had on this stage. Single or double, they are the real goods from start to finish. Introduce a lot of new steps, and do difficult ones with the greatest ease. Good applause. These boys are worthy of a good spot on any bill. They make a novel finish which brings strong applause. ROBERTS, HAYES & ROBERTS. 15 min. F.S. We understand this act was featured with a burlesque company last season. The sooner they get back to burlesque, the better for all concerned. MAMIE FLEMING. 18 min. one. Nothing in the work of this young woman to recommend her to anything but an obscure spot. She has no voice to speak of and her personality is not particularly impressive. She attempts a good deal in the way of character songs, receiving some applause after each effort, and a fair finish. NEWHOLD & ANNIE CARROLL. 9 min. F.S. This is a novel act. The long skirt worn by the woman seems to be in the way, and at times a little vulgar; but the work of the pair on the high parallel bars is very good and won a deal of applause, bringing up to a satisfactory finish. Rightly placed. OTTO BROS. 14 min. in one. Begun their act with a new line of material, then reverted to their old burlesque Grand Opera work. Received good applause and closed well. "SUNNY SOUTH." 24 min. Certainly a ginger act all the way through. Ten people and all good singers and dancers. Brisk music and abundance of fun. Closed strong. MR. HYMACK. 15 min. Mr. Hymack has truck a new idea in the protean line in this lightning change act. The audience did not seem to know exactly what to make of it at first; but the interest grew as the act went on, and his ability to assume characters and change his personality with such swiftness, caught the crowd very well. Think this man will be talked about and we have billed him pretty heavily and got the newspapers interested in him. ZINKA PANNA. 15 min. in one. This is a very clever little girl, both on the zither and the violin. The principal interest in the act, however, is in the dogs which dance to her music, and one of them grinds a hand organ. The woman herself is very pretty and has a pleasing way about her. Can hold her own in a good place. MURPHY, NICHOLS & CO. 26 min. This is one of the funniest burlesques ever seen in Vaudeville, and Murphy has certainly outdone himself both in his travesty of the seamy side of the stage, and the introduction of mighty bright lines, and no end of ludicrous, "business." The audience was soon in roars of laughter, and kept it up to, a smashing big finish. JAMES R. WATERS. 15 min. A good Hebrew and Italian comedian, his dialect, as well as his singing voice, being up to the requirements of a fairly good spot on the bill. GENERAL REMARKS. By a little transposition, this show plays very well. Business all over town is pretty light owing to the Lenten season, and a number of attractions on the boards. Nevertheless, I am sure that we will hold our own with this bill. As rearranged, the order of acts stands as follows:- A Keith's Orchestra B Roberts, Hayes & Roberts C Mamie Fleming D Newhold & Carroll E Ryan and White F "Sunny South" G Otto Brothers H Hymack I Zinka Panna J Murphy, Nichols & Co. K Big City Four L Byrne Brothers M Kinetograph N Zeda O J. R. Waters P Youna and Wardell Q Exit March
Keith-Albee Collection