Managers' report book, October 25, 1909 - May 3, 1910
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Jan. 31 1910 PHILADELPHIA SHOW C. E. BARNS. THREE ERNESTS.--8 min. F.S. This is one of the best, if not the best comedy bar and bounding mat acts we have played in this house this year. Almost too good to open the show, although it starts it off with a rush and can go anywhere on anybody's bill. McNISH & PENFOLD.--18 min. in 1. Second time they have appeared here. One of them works eccentric. A fair line of talk which would be improved by their using original stuff exclusively. The vocal work is good, and the grotesque dancing and comedy business better. Closed well. Held this spot acceptable, but would not do for further down the bill. MR. & MRS. PERKINS FISHER.--17 min. F.S. This well known rural classic has had hardly a line changed in the past ten years. Despite that, it made more than good in this spot this afternoon. Held the attention of the audience throughout. Closed strong. A good act always. THE VILLAGE CHOIR.-- 14 min. in one. With a new man in place of Glover Ware, this act repeated its former success here and held the spot acceptably. TOM EDWARDS.--21 min F.S. This man's act has improved since last appearance here. Edwards makes a good appearance in English hunting costume, and with a good stage setting and well-handled newsboy manikin, manages to hold all parts of the house. His work with the minikin baby was immense and got a big closing hand. IRENE FRANKLIN.--31 min. F.S. This well known American character singer repeated her past successes, and with her new line of songs is bound to be a big drawing card for us. Miss Franklin received an enthusiastic welcome, good applause after each number, and was compelled to make a little curtain speech before the audience would let her go. MACART & BRADFORD.--26 min. open in 1, close F.S. "A Legitimate Holdup" This is a very amusing sketch of domestic mixups. The gentlemanly inebriate idea does not take very strongly here, but Macart's is the best interpretation of the society inebriate that we have seen here in a long while. Miss Bradford is stunningly fetching in her superb gown, and is a capable actress. Interest held right up to the surprising finish, and a strong closing hand. Would go anywhere in this spot. MERRILL & OTTO.--18 min in 1. "After the Shower>" Drop represents scene at Lake George. Miss Merrill is a mighty pretty girl, and not only has a fine voice and good stage training, but is a very dainty dancer. Otto makes the best use of his material, and altogether the act held a hard spot with entire credit. The close was big as it well deserved. KITAMURA JAPS.--18 min F.S. The most beautiful oriental stage setting and costuming ever seen in vaudeville. Regulation Jap stunts in the high poles, foot juggling, and the little boys who always make a hit in Jap acts. Everything brilliant and showmanlike, with some comedy that gets laughter and applause. The boy whirling the water-bowls on the ends of a long rope certainly got the house. A splendid closer. KINETOGRAPH.-- "Digging the Panama Canal." Really interesting and timely series. Worth featuring, in fact. GENERAL REMARKS.-- A strong show, with no weak note. Miss Franklin is artistic than ever, and proves herself in the very front ranks. Show well-balanced and should draw big. Owing to the hit made by Macart & Bradford and also to make a smoother running show, the rearrangement for the balance of the week stands as follows:- A Orchestra B Three Ernests C McNish & Penfold D Mr. & Mrs. Perkins Fisher E Village Choir F Kitamura Japs G Merrill & Otto H Tom Edwards I Irene Franklin J Macart & Bradford K Kinetograph L Exit March
Jan. 31 1910 PHILADELPHIA SHOW C. E. BARNS. THREE ERNESTS.--8 min. F.S. This is one of the best, if not the best comedy bar and bounding mat acts we have played in this house this year. Almost too good to open the show, although it starts it off with a rush and can go anywhere on anybody's bill. McNISH & PENFOLD.--18 min. in 1. Second time they have appeared here. One of them works eccentric. A fair line of talk which would be improved by their using original stuff exclusively. The vocal work is good, and the grotesque dancing and comedy business better. Closed well. Held this spot acceptable, but would not do for further down the bill. MR. & MRS. PERKINS FISHER.--17 min. F.S. This well known rural classic has had hardly a line changed in the past ten years. Despite that, it made more than good in this spot this afternoon. Held the attention of the audience throughout. Closed strong. A good act always. THE VILLAGE CHOIR.-- 14 min. in one. With a new man in place of Glover Ware, this act repeated its former success here and held the spot acceptably. TOM EDWARDS.--21 min F.S. This man's act has improved since last appearance here. Edwards makes a good appearance in English hunting costume, and with a good stage setting and well-handled newsboy manikin, manages to hold all parts of the house. His work with the minikin baby was immense and got a big closing hand. IRENE FRANKLIN.--31 min. F.S. This well known American character singer repeated her past successes, and with her new line of songs is bound to be a big drawing card for us. Miss Franklin received an enthusiastic welcome, good applause after each number, and was compelled to make a little curtain speech before the audience would let her go. MACART & BRADFORD.--26 min. open in 1, close F.S. "A Legitimate Holdup" This is a very amusing sketch of domestic mixups. The gentlemanly inebriate idea does not take very strongly here, but Macart's is the best interpretation of the society inebriate that we have seen here in a long while. Miss Bradford is stunningly fetching in her superb gown, and is a capable actress. Interest held right up to the surprising finish, and a strong closing hand. Would go anywhere in this spot. MERRILL & OTTO.--18 min in 1. "After the Shower>" Drop represents scene at Lake George. Miss Merrill is a mighty pretty girl, and not only has a fine voice and good stage training, but is a very dainty dancer. Otto makes the best use of his material, and altogether the act held a hard spot with entire credit. The close was big as it well deserved. KITAMURA JAPS.--18 min F.S. The most beautiful oriental stage setting and costuming ever seen in vaudeville. Regulation Jap stunts in the high poles, foot juggling, and the little boys who always make a hit in Jap acts. Everything brilliant and showmanlike, with some comedy that gets laughter and applause. The boy whirling the water-bowls on the ends of a long rope certainly got the house. A splendid closer. KINETOGRAPH.-- "Digging the Panama Canal." Really interesting and timely series. Worth featuring, in fact. GENERAL REMARKS.-- A strong show, with no weak note. Miss Franklin is artistic than ever, and proves herself in the very front ranks. Show well-balanced and should draw big. Owing to the hit made by Macart & Bradford and also to make a smoother running show, the rearrangement for the balance of the week stands as follows:- A Orchestra B Three Ernests C McNish & Penfold D Mr. & Mrs. Perkins Fisher E Village Choir F Kitamura Japs G Merrill & Otto H Tom Edwards I Irene Franklin J Macart & Bradford K Kinetograph L Exit March
Keith-Albee Collection