Managers' report book, October 25, 1909 - May 3, 1910
Page 242
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242 REPORT OF COLONIAL, LAWRENCE, WEEK OF MAY 9, 1910. Lesso - Juggler and balancer, some very good balancing and juggling. Went very good. 12 min. full stage. Fred Watson - "The Student." went good, 12 min. in one. Druhi - Magician and Illusionist, has some very good tricks, special set of scenery which adds a finish to the act. An interesting act and went very good. 28 min. full stage. Three Vagrants - Street singers and musicians, went very big. 14 min. in one. Fred Ginnett's comedy act - " The Horse Dealer " a great comedy act with lots of laughs from start to finish. Went big. 16 min. full stage, own drop. Long Acre Quartette - one of the best quartettes we have played this season. Big hit. 16 min. in one. Rice, Sully & Scott - Comedy Trampoline Elevated Bar Act, a very good act, went big. 7 min. in one. Motion Pictures. O. K. John [Illegible] (signature) Critic.
242 REPORT OF COLONIAL, LAWRENCE, WEEK OF MAY 9, 1910. Lesso - Juggler and balancer, some very good balancing and juggling. Went very good. 12 min. full stage. Fred Watson - "The Student." went good, 12 min. in one. Druhi - Magician and Illusionist, has some very good tricks, special set of scenery which adds a finish to the act. An interesting act and went very good. 28 min. full stage. Three Vagrants - Street singers and musicians, went very big. 14 min. in one. Fred Ginnett's comedy act - " The Horse Dealer " a great comedy act with lots of laughs from start to finish. Went big. 16 min. full stage, own drop. Long Acre Quartette - one of the best quartettes we have played this season. Big hit. 16 min. in one. Rice, Sully & Scott - Comedy Trampoline Elevated Bar Act, a very good act, went big. 7 min. in one. Motion Pictures. O. K. John [Illegible] (signature) Critic.
Keith-Albee Collection