Managers' report book, January 21, 1918-May 19, 1919
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PHILADELPHIA B. F. KEITH'S January 27, 9 CURRENT EVENTS - 13 mins. Scenes of President Wilson's trip through Italy featured this week's reel and created a great deal of interest. RITCHIE & ST. ONGE - 15 mins. A bicycle act by a man and woman. A very good novelty. Open with moving pictures and finish with a very good idea that gets away from the ordinary wheel act. It made a very good opener. TED DONER - 13 mins. This boy was a big hit in this spot. Has several songs which he gets over with good effect and finished in a riot of applause with some very good imitations and eccentric stepping. Good appearance, injects lots of action into his work and was very well liked. "COLOR GEMS" - 9 mins. A posing act with some new subjects. Very well posed and highly colored. It held close attention from the audience and finished to a fairly good hand. GEORGE & PAUL HICKMAN - 16 mins. A very funny blackface talking act. They have a good line of chatter at the opening and work into a big laughing hit with a travesty melodrama. A little stepping is used for the finish. Closed to a big hand. HYAMS & McINTYRE - 27 mins. in "Maybloom", A delightful comedy that was as well liked as any act of its kind we have ever played in this house. The principals are great favorites here and each was given a very warm welcome. The sketch is an artistic gem in the comedy line and exceedingly well played. It is filled with bright lines, got a lot of laughs, and closed very strong. AL & FANNIE STEDMAN - 18 mins. This couple have played here several times, and their "nut" comedy is always a big laughing hit. They repeated former successes on this visit, keeping the house laughing and closed to a big hand. Mme. MARGUERITA SYLVA - 24 mins. This famous operatic primadonna was given a very warm greeting here and after singing her usual number of selections was called back for an extra one and finished very strong. She has an excellent voice, a good repertoire of numbers and was an artistic treat for music lovers. A big applause hit. JIMMIE LUCAS & CO. - 18 mins. His nut comedy act was a big laughing hit despite the fact that he had to follow the Stedmans. He has cleaned up his material considerably and with some good songs he got over in great shape. He still uses the old soldier in the box for the final song and closed to a big hand. RICE & WERNER - 14 mins. This is rough comedy but it proved a big laugh winner in the closing spot and following a lot of comedy. Some of the material is very burlesquey but there is nothing offensive in the way it was done here and it kept the audience in a scream from start to finish. It was only necessary to make one or two very slight changes in their material. GENERAL REMARKS - This is a great comedy bill, with a high-class artiste as a headliner. It is splendidly balanced and a capacity audience enjoyed it thoroughly. CUTS JIMMIE LUCAS - Reference to Y.M.C.A., "Thumbing the nose" and "Stick of Licorice." RICE & WERNER -"See my predicament" and modifying business while woman is climbing out window.
PHILADELPHIA B. F. KEITH'S January 27, 9 CURRENT EVENTS - 13 mins. Scenes of President Wilson's trip through Italy featured this week's reel and created a great deal of interest. RITCHIE & ST. ONGE - 15 mins. A bicycle act by a man and woman. A very good novelty. Open with moving pictures and finish with a very good idea that gets away from the ordinary wheel act. It made a very good opener. TED DONER - 13 mins. This boy was a big hit in this spot. Has several songs which he gets over with good effect and finished in a riot of applause with some very good imitations and eccentric stepping. Good appearance, injects lots of action into his work and was very well liked. "COLOR GEMS" - 9 mins. A posing act with some new subjects. Very well posed and highly colored. It held close attention from the audience and finished to a fairly good hand. GEORGE & PAUL HICKMAN - 16 mins. A very funny blackface talking act. They have a good line of chatter at the opening and work into a big laughing hit with a travesty melodrama. A little stepping is used for the finish. Closed to a big hand. HYAMS & McINTYRE - 27 mins. in "Maybloom", A delightful comedy that was as well liked as any act of its kind we have ever played in this house. The principals are great favorites here and each was given a very warm welcome. The sketch is an artistic gem in the comedy line and exceedingly well played. It is filled with bright lines, got a lot of laughs, and closed very strong. AL & FANNIE STEDMAN - 18 mins. This couple have played here several times, and their "nut" comedy is always a big laughing hit. They repeated former successes on this visit, keeping the house laughing and closed to a big hand. Mme. MARGUERITA SYLVA - 24 mins. This famous operatic primadonna was given a very warm greeting here and after singing her usual number of selections was called back for an extra one and finished very strong. She has an excellent voice, a good repertoire of numbers and was an artistic treat for music lovers. A big applause hit. JIMMIE LUCAS & CO. - 18 mins. His nut comedy act was a big laughing hit despite the fact that he had to follow the Stedmans. He has cleaned up his material considerably and with some good songs he got over in great shape. He still uses the old soldier in the box for the final song and closed to a big hand. RICE & WERNER - 14 mins. This is rough comedy but it proved a big laugh winner in the closing spot and following a lot of comedy. Some of the material is very burlesquey but there is nothing offensive in the way it was done here and it kept the audience in a scream from start to finish. It was only necessary to make one or two very slight changes in their material. GENERAL REMARKS - This is a great comedy bill, with a high-class artiste as a headliner. It is splendidly balanced and a capacity audience enjoyed it thoroughly. CUTS JIMMIE LUCAS - Reference to Y.M.C.A., "Thumbing the nose" and "Stick of Licorice." RICE & WERNER -"See my predicament" and modifying business while woman is climbing out window.
Keith-Albee Collection