Keith-Albee managers' report book, June 13, 1910-February 20, 1911
Page 41
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C. E. BARNS PHILADELPHIA SHOW JULY 16, 1910 WALKER & STURM: 9 min F.S. Racquet Jugglers. Open with their own set showing hammock, staturay etc. in garden set with gaily colored tennis rackets stacked about. One man works straight, the other eccentric. Very expert work indeed on the part of both, meriting good applause throughout and some laughter for the comedy. The final stunt with the ladders gave them a good close. A mighty good act and should be routed. Mabel McCane. 17 min in one. Makes a good appearance in changes of costume, and sings with grace and charm. An act for a good spot on any bill. Fine applause after each selection and closed strong with a timely baseball song and a soubrette ballad. JEWELLS MANIKINS 21 min F.S. Better than ever. This act is certainly the childrens delight and no mistake. immensely improved by the introduction of a manikin audience and orchestra visible throughout. It is marvelous how close to human movements they can operate these little toys in imitation of people of all nations in consistent scenes, all brilliant and varied. Childrens laughter could be heard everywhere in the house, and the applause was constant. Mme Jewell got a strong hand at the finish. WHITES JOLLY JIGGERS: 13 min in one. Advance applause. Three boys and three girls in yokel costumes at the start, changing to fancy. Al. White has certainly studied to find something novel in the eccentric dancing line, and has succeeded very well. All showed long and careful training. First time on any stage to-day and naturally not as perfectly developed as it will be. Think it will work into an act entirely worthy of this locally famous teacher, and make good anywhere. Marion Barney & Co. "Ashes of Roses" 25 min F.S. Immense advance applause continuing for several minutes. Miss Barney has found a clever vehicle in this playlet which tells an absorbing story of an actress in love with her playwright (a married man) who abandons his wife every now and then for a pretty woman. The wife comes to the actress to enlist her sympathies in her behalf, and to exact a promise to help the wife win him back to her. Miss Barney is convincing in the part, and her support is everything that could be desired. Act held the interest of the audience intensely, and at the close the applause was prolonged for many minutes while she received an armful of flowers and curtain call after curtain call. Miss Barney is a great favorite here and will draw very strong, mainly with the stock habitues. Marshall Montgomery: 19 min in one. Works with one dummy, a table, telephone, glasses etc. Kept the audience in good humor with a lot of clean, lively material. One of the best ventriloquists we have ever had. Closes by walking down the aisle with his dummy whistling while he himself smokes a cigarette. Closed very strong. Bellclair Bros. 8 min in two. Close F.S. Well known on the circuit. This act gets bigger applause everytime it comes back to us, heing one of the cleanest-cut and most skillful of strong men in the world--in fact a leader. Every feat got a big applause, and the finish was likewise A#1. The GREAT GOLDEN TROUPE: 15 min F.S. Stunning costuming, brilliant vocal and instrumental work and wonderful dancing characterize this act. Eight people beside the two principals. Act full of ginger, winding up with a grand hurrah. An ideal closer for any bill. KINETOGRAPH RUSSIAN CAUCASES. A beautiful colored travelled film. "Down with Women" Comedy film that gets by. GENERAL REMARKS: A corking show and no doubt about it. Big house this afternoon, and the program played off like wildfire. With the weather conditions that are promised for this week, this show will certainly turn the big trick.
C. E. BARNS PHILADELPHIA SHOW JULY 16, 1910 WALKER & STURM: 9 min F.S. Racquet Jugglers. Open with their own set showing hammock, staturay etc. in garden set with gaily colored tennis rackets stacked about. One man works straight, the other eccentric. Very expert work indeed on the part of both, meriting good applause throughout and some laughter for the comedy. The final stunt with the ladders gave them a good close. A mighty good act and should be routed. Mabel McCane. 17 min in one. Makes a good appearance in changes of costume, and sings with grace and charm. An act for a good spot on any bill. Fine applause after each selection and closed strong with a timely baseball song and a soubrette ballad. JEWELLS MANIKINS 21 min F.S. Better than ever. This act is certainly the childrens delight and no mistake. immensely improved by the introduction of a manikin audience and orchestra visible throughout. It is marvelous how close to human movements they can operate these little toys in imitation of people of all nations in consistent scenes, all brilliant and varied. Childrens laughter could be heard everywhere in the house, and the applause was constant. Mme Jewell got a strong hand at the finish. WHITES JOLLY JIGGERS: 13 min in one. Advance applause. Three boys and three girls in yokel costumes at the start, changing to fancy. Al. White has certainly studied to find something novel in the eccentric dancing line, and has succeeded very well. All showed long and careful training. First time on any stage to-day and naturally not as perfectly developed as it will be. Think it will work into an act entirely worthy of this locally famous teacher, and make good anywhere. Marion Barney & Co. "Ashes of Roses" 25 min F.S. Immense advance applause continuing for several minutes. Miss Barney has found a clever vehicle in this playlet which tells an absorbing story of an actress in love with her playwright (a married man) who abandons his wife every now and then for a pretty woman. The wife comes to the actress to enlist her sympathies in her behalf, and to exact a promise to help the wife win him back to her. Miss Barney is convincing in the part, and her support is everything that could be desired. Act held the interest of the audience intensely, and at the close the applause was prolonged for many minutes while she received an armful of flowers and curtain call after curtain call. Miss Barney is a great favorite here and will draw very strong, mainly with the stock habitues. Marshall Montgomery: 19 min in one. Works with one dummy, a table, telephone, glasses etc. Kept the audience in good humor with a lot of clean, lively material. One of the best ventriloquists we have ever had. Closes by walking down the aisle with his dummy whistling while he himself smokes a cigarette. Closed very strong. Bellclair Bros. 8 min in two. Close F.S. Well known on the circuit. This act gets bigger applause everytime it comes back to us, heing one of the cleanest-cut and most skillful of strong men in the world--in fact a leader. Every feat got a big applause, and the finish was likewise A#1. The GREAT GOLDEN TROUPE: 15 min F.S. Stunning costuming, brilliant vocal and instrumental work and wonderful dancing characterize this act. Eight people beside the two principals. Act full of ginger, winding up with a grand hurrah. An ideal closer for any bill. KINETOGRAPH RUSSIAN CAUCASES. A beautiful colored travelled film. "Down with Women" Comedy film that gets by. GENERAL REMARKS: A corking show and no doubt about it. Big house this afternoon, and the program played off like wildfire. With the weather conditions that are promised for this week, this show will certainly turn the big trick.
Keith-Albee Collection