Keith-Albee managers' report book, June 13, 1910-February 20, 1911
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B.F. KEITH'S HIPPODROME. Jan 9th 1911 Cleveland, Ohio. N.S. Hastings. ROYAL COLIBRIS LILLIPUTIANS. Time 8. C.D.F. 3 midgets. Do original acrobatic work and balancing. Great work meriting better applause than they received. LEO CARRILLO. In 1. Time 14. Stories and mechanical sound imitations. Went well in spite of the fact that there is no change in his material, offered this season over last. LEWIS & HARR CO. Time 22. 2 men, 1 woman. F.S. attractive special exterior. Baring a certain pleasing ease of presentation, this act is below standard. They give a little musical sketch impersonating shiftless Southern negroes. Their singing and dancing is poor, and sour notes are frequent in their instrumental work. The act is far too long for the material they have. [ULSSEMS?]. Time 17. F.S. interior. 3 men, 2 midgets. A truly wonderful exhibition of balancing, juggling and tumbling. Big hand throughout. BUTLER HAVILAND - ALICE THORNTON. Open C.D.F. Time 20. Close in 1. A clever pair who have strung together a lot of bright nonsense. Toward the end they impersonate a couple attending a theater in splendid fashion to a big hand. HOMER B. MASON, MARGUERITE KEELER & CO. 1 woman, 4 men. Time 25. Open inter F.S., shift to 1 special, and keep shifting back and forth. They offer a very funny sketch called, "In and Out." The dialogue is crisp and original and one monologue a "dunk" gives to a door key is as fine a bit of work as has been heard here for a long time. The audience appeared to enjoy every moment of this sketch. J. FRANCIS DOOLEY & CORINNE SAYLES. In 1. Time 27. Songs and sayings. They do some good work, but on the otherhand there is much vulgarity and downright silliness utterly devoid of merit. They dragged the act out terribly and took so little encouragement for an encore that I was afraid somebody would call out "get the hook." FOUR ONETTI SISTERS. F.S. Time 8. A quartette of attractive young women who perform on the trapeze and rings, supplimented by abundant hanging apparatus. Their work is neat and quick. PHOTOPLANE DAYLIGHT MOTION VIEWS.
B.F. KEITH'S HIPPODROME. Jan 9th 1911 Cleveland, Ohio. N.S. Hastings. ROYAL COLIBRIS LILLIPUTIANS. Time 8. C.D.F. 3 midgets. Do original acrobatic work and balancing. Great work meriting better applause than they received. LEO CARRILLO. In 1. Time 14. Stories and mechanical sound imitations. Went well in spite of the fact that there is no change in his material, offered this season over last. LEWIS & HARR CO. Time 22. 2 men, 1 woman. F.S. attractive special exterior. Baring a certain pleasing ease of presentation, this act is below standard. They give a little musical sketch impersonating shiftless Southern negroes. Their singing and dancing is poor, and sour notes are frequent in their instrumental work. The act is far too long for the material they have. [ULSSEMS?]. Time 17. F.S. interior. 3 men, 2 midgets. A truly wonderful exhibition of balancing, juggling and tumbling. Big hand throughout. BUTLER HAVILAND - ALICE THORNTON. Open C.D.F. Time 20. Close in 1. A clever pair who have strung together a lot of bright nonsense. Toward the end they impersonate a couple attending a theater in splendid fashion to a big hand. HOMER B. MASON, MARGUERITE KEELER & CO. 1 woman, 4 men. Time 25. Open inter F.S., shift to 1 special, and keep shifting back and forth. They offer a very funny sketch called, "In and Out." The dialogue is crisp and original and one monologue a "dunk" gives to a door key is as fine a bit of work as has been heard here for a long time. The audience appeared to enjoy every moment of this sketch. J. FRANCIS DOOLEY & CORINNE SAYLES. In 1. Time 27. Songs and sayings. They do some good work, but on the otherhand there is much vulgarity and downright silliness utterly devoid of merit. They dragged the act out terribly and took so little encouragement for an encore that I was afraid somebody would call out "get the hook." FOUR ONETTI SISTERS. F.S. Time 8. A quartette of attractive young women who perform on the trapeze and rings, supplimented by abundant hanging apparatus. Their work is neat and quick. PHOTOPLANE DAYLIGHT MOTION VIEWS.
Keith-Albee Collection