Keith-Albee managers' report book, June 13, 1910-February 20, 1911
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C. E. BARNS. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. FEB. 13, 1911. ELDORA & CO., 15 min. F.S. These veterans in the service certainly do a good opening act. Juggle with cannon balls, tables, cartwheels and the usual paraphernalia. The comedian in sailor makeup adds considerable good comedy to the act to win the applause. The finish with the juggler balancing the clown-comedian with table and chair by his teeth got a good hand and merited an encore. HARRY BREEN. 17 min. in one. Breen is a great boy to wake up a house with the liveliest lot of patter and nonsense imaginable, getting it over in a way that mystifies people at first but afterwards gets them going strong, particularly the women and children. His closing number in which he picks out people in the audience with good natured banter in rhyme cannot possibly give offence and it certainly does get the big laugh. Closed very strong with the holiday crowd. ADONIS & DOG. 10 min. F.S. This man begins the act with equilibristic feats on table and pedestal. These are expert and good. The trained dog with the diamond collar comes in and does some of the regulation balancing feats which get a good hand. The act is well dressed and particularly pleasing to the children. Closed well. ISABELLE D'ARMOND & GEO. MOORE. 16 min. in one. Miss D'Armond is a typical soubrette of the higher type, very versatile, singing, dancing and playing the piano well. She has found a good partner in George Moore. Considerable applause throughout, and closed fairly strong. SCHICHTL'S MANIKINS. 16 min. F.S. This is the most extraordinary marionette act ever seen here. The figures act with extraordinary life-like motions, and one surprise follow another right up to the strong finish. There was a little applause throughout the act, but the rapt attention with which it was received showed that it was thoroughly enjoyed, and the applause at the finish proved it. One of the prettiest childrens' acts that could be booked. HAWTHORNE & BURT. 20 min. in one. this act is full of the characteristic humor of two men who are well known on the circuit. The hits were appreciated and got laughter. The act held the spot in good shape. Closed well. MARION MURRAY & CO. "The Prima Donna's Honeymoon." 20 min. F.S. This is a lively comedy act that held the audience satisfactorily. Miss Murray makes a very stunning appearance in three changes of costume, and is well supported. Closed very strong. CARRIE DeMAR. 24 min. in one. Miss DeMar is a favorite here, as the advance hand showed. Sang half a dozen selections, each one of them with a change of costume and a special drop. The material was all new and good, and some of her costumes very fetching. The particular feature, "Three Days on the Ocean," is a worthy successor to her "Fluffy Ruffles," on her first champagne jag, and is really a scream. Closed strong. SEVEN BELFORDS. 9 Min. F.S. These men make a fine appearance and do their work on the mat without paraphernalia. Their ground tumbling is good, but their risley work is exceptionally skilful, some of their stunts never having been seen here before. Closed strong. KINETOGRAPH. "Scenes on a Cocoanut Plantation." Very beautiful travel film. "Tank and Rank." Good comedy. Kinetograph features altogether up to the standard. GEN. REM. This show is of the average good makeup with plenty of comedy and novelties. The holiday crowd seemed to enjoy it thoroughly, which augurs well for the balance of the week. Music Hall Pawtucket R. I. 3 days Thurs. Fri & Sat Feb 16--17--18 Whittier--Ince & co 3 people, comedy sketch. Dr Smarts Dilemma, good lively sketch well done went very good 18 minutes Bothwell Sisters Well dressed Sister act, singing and some comedy, singing great comedy bad, went very good 15 minutes in one Dailey Bros. Head to head balancers, little comedy introduced, clever work. 10 minutes full stage went very good Smythe & Hartmann All week going very good David R Buffinton
C. E. BARNS. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. FEB. 13, 1911. ELDORA & CO., 15 min. F.S. These veterans in the service certainly do a good opening act. Juggle with cannon balls, tables, cartwheels and the usual paraphernalia. The comedian in sailor makeup adds considerable good comedy to the act to win the applause. The finish with the juggler balancing the clown-comedian with table and chair by his teeth got a good hand and merited an encore. HARRY BREEN. 17 min. in one. Breen is a great boy to wake up a house with the liveliest lot of patter and nonsense imaginable, getting it over in a way that mystifies people at first but afterwards gets them going strong, particularly the women and children. His closing number in which he picks out people in the audience with good natured banter in rhyme cannot possibly give offence and it certainly does get the big laugh. Closed very strong with the holiday crowd. ADONIS & DOG. 10 min. F.S. This man begins the act with equilibristic feats on table and pedestal. These are expert and good. The trained dog with the diamond collar comes in and does some of the regulation balancing feats which get a good hand. The act is well dressed and particularly pleasing to the children. Closed well. ISABELLE D'ARMOND & GEO. MOORE. 16 min. in one. Miss D'Armond is a typical soubrette of the higher type, very versatile, singing, dancing and playing the piano well. She has found a good partner in George Moore. Considerable applause throughout, and closed fairly strong. SCHICHTL'S MANIKINS. 16 min. F.S. This is the most extraordinary marionette act ever seen here. The figures act with extraordinary life-like motions, and one surprise follow another right up to the strong finish. There was a little applause throughout the act, but the rapt attention with which it was received showed that it was thoroughly enjoyed, and the applause at the finish proved it. One of the prettiest childrens' acts that could be booked. HAWTHORNE & BURT. 20 min. in one. this act is full of the characteristic humor of two men who are well known on the circuit. The hits were appreciated and got laughter. The act held the spot in good shape. Closed well. MARION MURRAY & CO. "The Prima Donna's Honeymoon." 20 min. F.S. This is a lively comedy act that held the audience satisfactorily. Miss Murray makes a very stunning appearance in three changes of costume, and is well supported. Closed very strong. CARRIE DeMAR. 24 min. in one. Miss DeMar is a favorite here, as the advance hand showed. Sang half a dozen selections, each one of them with a change of costume and a special drop. The material was all new and good, and some of her costumes very fetching. The particular feature, "Three Days on the Ocean," is a worthy successor to her "Fluffy Ruffles," on her first champagne jag, and is really a scream. Closed strong. SEVEN BELFORDS. 9 Min. F.S. These men make a fine appearance and do their work on the mat without paraphernalia. Their ground tumbling is good, but their risley work is exceptionally skilful, some of their stunts never having been seen here before. Closed strong. KINETOGRAPH. "Scenes on a Cocoanut Plantation." Very beautiful travel film. "Tank and Rank." Good comedy. Kinetograph features altogether up to the standard. GEN. REM. This show is of the average good makeup with plenty of comedy and novelties. The holiday crowd seemed to enjoy it thoroughly, which augurs well for the balance of the week. Music Hall Pawtucket R. I. 3 days Thurs. Fri & Sat Feb 16--17--18 Whittier--Ince & co 3 people, comedy sketch. Dr Smarts Dilemma, good lively sketch well done went very good 18 minutes Bothwell Sisters Well dressed Sister act, singing and some comedy, singing great comedy bad, went very good 15 minutes in one Dailey Bros. Head to head balancers, little comedy introduced, clever work. 10 minutes full stage went very good Smythe & Hartmann All week going very good David R Buffinton
Keith-Albee Collection