Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 3-November 3, 1913
Page 59
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[printed page number: 59] Report on Acts Playing the Scenic Temple Mon. Tues. & Wed. April 28 29 30, 1913. Show Seen Mon. Matnee [sic] by C. L. McNally Billy & Edith Adams Work In One. 12 Min. Man & Woman. Singing & Dancing Act. Very Good Dancers, Man doing wooden show dancing while woman does Irish Reel and Scotch dances. Went Good. Frank & True Rice Work In One 14 Min. Talkative Acrobats, Doing clever acrobatic stunts with some comedy talk. Went Good. BA. PT May Walsh Works In One 12 Min. Singing Comedienne Sings Three songs with (2) Costumme [sic] changes. About the same as all single acts of this description. Went Fair. Onaip: Works in full stage, special set 14 Min. (5) Men in act; four in the act, while the other work the trick. Mysterious piano act where the piano raises from the floor with man playing instruments also turn over as he is playing No hand at finish but think I will get some money as they are all talking about act. STT. REPORT ON ACTS PLAYING THE SCENIC TEMPLE PAWT. R.I. THURS. FRI. & SAT. MAY 1 2 3 1913. La Vier Sensational Trapezist works in full stage garden Time 5 Min. Doing some great stunts that make the audiennce [sic] shudder Went Good / ST 1/2 Daley & [Krammer?] Work in one 12 Min. Man & Woman Singing and talking act well dressed Fair singers act very slow no life to it. They work as if they were a sleep [sic] Walked off stage with no hand. PT. Jennings Jewell & Barlow Work in full stage center door fancy Time 17 Min. Name of act "The Dope The Dutchman and the Girl." comedy singing sketch (2) Men One Girl. Only for the paradies [sic] they sing on the popular songs the act would not get over The act is over paid. Went Good. FO. PT. Onaip Going same as Mon. no Hand at finish but people talking big about act. Show seen by C. L. McNally/Thurs. Matnee [sic]
[printed page number: 59] Report on Acts Playing the Scenic Temple Mon. Tues. & Wed. April 28 29 30, 1913. Show Seen Mon. Matnee [sic] by C. L. McNally Billy & Edith Adams Work In One. 12 Min. Man & Woman. Singing & Dancing Act. Very Good Dancers, Man doing wooden show dancing while woman does Irish Reel and Scotch dances. Went Good. Frank & True Rice Work In One 14 Min. Talkative Acrobats, Doing clever acrobatic stunts with some comedy talk. Went Good. BA. PT May Walsh Works In One 12 Min. Singing Comedienne Sings Three songs with (2) Costumme [sic] changes. About the same as all single acts of this description. Went Fair. Onaip: Works in full stage, special set 14 Min. (5) Men in act; four in the act, while the other work the trick. Mysterious piano act where the piano raises from the floor with man playing instruments also turn over as he is playing No hand at finish but think I will get some money as they are all talking about act. STT. REPORT ON ACTS PLAYING THE SCENIC TEMPLE PAWT. R.I. THURS. FRI. & SAT. MAY 1 2 3 1913. La Vier Sensational Trapezist works in full stage garden Time 5 Min. Doing some great stunts that make the audiennce [sic] shudder Went Good / ST 1/2 Daley & [Krammer?] Work in one 12 Min. Man & Woman Singing and talking act well dressed Fair singers act very slow no life to it. They work as if they were a sleep [sic] Walked off stage with no hand. PT. Jennings Jewell & Barlow Work in full stage center door fancy Time 17 Min. Name of act "The Dope The Dutchman and the Girl." comedy singing sketch (2) Men One Girl. Only for the paradies [sic] they sing on the popular songs the act would not get over The act is over paid. Went Good. FO. PT. Onaip Going same as Mon. no Hand at finish but people talking big about act. Show seen by C. L. McNally/Thurs. Matnee [sic]
Keith-Albee Collection