Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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51 51 REPORT ON SHOW, KEITH'S THEATRE, PROV. R. I., NOV. 10, '02. (CHAS. LOVENBERG) Stereopticon. Not required. Wood & Wood. Ring act. Good three a day turn, making a very satisfactory opener. 8 min. full stage, 3 shows. Edwards and Booney. Eccentric talking act. This is the poorest act on the bill, by long odds. Can hardly have said to make good, at best is only fair. 18 min. in one, 3 shows. Morrissey & Rich. In an Irish version of the old photograph gallery nigger act act for which they carry a drop of their own. From a three a day standpoint it may be classed as good. 17 min. open in three, close in one, three shows. Howley & Leslie. In a very good act, introducing step dancing and imitations of a little girl by the lady which is very good. The whole act made quite a hit. 15 min. open in two close in one, 3 shows. Franco Piper. The banjo juggler. In a very unique and extraordinary act, which made a hit. Open full stage, close in one, 18 min. 2 shows. Chris Bruno & Mabel Russell. Comedy sketch introducing some very graceful and clever dancing and fair singing. A good act. Full stage, 16 min. 2 shows. Sailor & Barbette. Singing act. These people have good voices and make a very nice appearance. They close with the lady dressed in Pink Pajamas, and singing the Pajama Song, form the Liberty Belle. 13 min. in one, 3 shows. Tom O'Brien and Clara Havel. In their new act, by Gressy, called, "Clicks and Ticks", which went very strong. 32 min. full stage 2 shows. Dave Nowlin. Mimic and comedian and also good singer. He has an act entirely out of the ordinary, wit which he makes good. An exceptionally strong three a day turn. 15 min. in one. Mong Toon and Mong Chef. Burmese football players. A most remarkable sight act, and while it does not get very much applause it certainly must create talk, and I believe will draw business. 10 min. full stage, 2 shows. Clarice Vance. Singing coon songs. Her act is about the same as it has been before, and does not please the audience, as well due to the fact, I believe, that rag-time music is on the wane. Her act cannot now be considered as good as it was in the past. 10 min. in one 2 shows. T. J. Ryan and Mary Richfield. In "Wag Haggerty's Father", by Gressy. Very strong, 27 min. full stage, 2 shows. The Brittons. Colored singers and dancers. Made a hit in an extremely difficult position on the bill. Excellent three a day turn. 12 min. in one. Bright Brothers. Hand to hand balancers. Very good act. 8 min. full stage, 2 shows. Biograph. O. K.
51 51 REPORT ON SHOW, KEITH'S THEATRE, PROV. R. I., NOV. 10, '02. (CHAS. LOVENBERG) Stereopticon. Not required. Wood & Wood. Ring act. Good three a day turn, making a very satisfactory opener. 8 min. full stage, 3 shows. Edwards and Booney. Eccentric talking act. This is the poorest act on the bill, by long odds. Can hardly have said to make good, at best is only fair. 18 min. in one, 3 shows. Morrissey & Rich. In an Irish version of the old photograph gallery nigger act act for which they carry a drop of their own. From a three a day standpoint it may be classed as good. 17 min. open in three, close in one, three shows. Howley & Leslie. In a very good act, introducing step dancing and imitations of a little girl by the lady which is very good. The whole act made quite a hit. 15 min. open in two close in one, 3 shows. Franco Piper. The banjo juggler. In a very unique and extraordinary act, which made a hit. Open full stage, close in one, 18 min. 2 shows. Chris Bruno & Mabel Russell. Comedy sketch introducing some very graceful and clever dancing and fair singing. A good act. Full stage, 16 min. 2 shows. Sailor & Barbette. Singing act. These people have good voices and make a very nice appearance. They close with the lady dressed in Pink Pajamas, and singing the Pajama Song, form the Liberty Belle. 13 min. in one, 3 shows. Tom O'Brien and Clara Havel. In their new act, by Gressy, called, "Clicks and Ticks", which went very strong. 32 min. full stage 2 shows. Dave Nowlin. Mimic and comedian and also good singer. He has an act entirely out of the ordinary, wit which he makes good. An exceptionally strong three a day turn. 15 min. in one. Mong Toon and Mong Chef. Burmese football players. A most remarkable sight act, and while it does not get very much applause it certainly must create talk, and I believe will draw business. 10 min. full stage, 2 shows. Clarice Vance. Singing coon songs. Her act is about the same as it has been before, and does not please the audience, as well due to the fact, I believe, that rag-time music is on the wane. Her act cannot now be considered as good as it was in the past. 10 min. in one 2 shows. T. J. Ryan and Mary Richfield. In "Wag Haggerty's Father", by Gressy. Very strong, 27 min. full stage, 2 shows. The Brittons. Colored singers and dancers. Made a hit in an extremely difficult position on the bill. Excellent three a day turn. 12 min. in one. Bright Brothers. Hand to hand balancers. Very good act. 8 min. full stage, 2 shows. Biograph. O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection