Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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55 56 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 10th. MR. & MRS. WALTER E. DEAVE'S MARIONETTES: A pleasing novelty turn. 11 minutes full stage. EVANS & ST. JOHN: Man and a woman who do a singing and dancing turn. The woman has a good voice and the man is an A1 dancer. 15 minutes in 1. FALKE & SEAMON: Two men who do a black and white face comedy musical act. The burnt cork member of the duo is very funny and the major portion of this stuff is new, Th e act is in the front row in its class. 20 minutes full stage, LEONA THURBER: A large, well-formed, particularly well-dressed singing comedienne supported by two negro boys who have outgrown the pickaninny class and whose work consists of making discordant noises on a cornet, a trombone and shouting at the top of their voices in a way that would blast rocks. 14 minutes in 1. FILSON & ERROL: Presenting their one-act play entitled "A Daughter of Bacchus." Some may question the morale of this sketch as Filson and his partner feign drunkenness (the former from start to close and the latter three-fourths of the time she is upon the stage) during the entirety of hits recital. It is admirably acted and it reached the "laugh center" with both audiences yesterday. 23 minutes full stage. PRESS ELDRIDGE: Black face comedian. A considerable part of his "stuff" is new and of a fairly good quality. He made them laugh. 17 minutes in 1. ZAZEL & VERNON: Pantomimists who work chiefly on the horizontal bars. Their comedy is good and it produces the results with the audiences for which they have put it together. 8 minutes full stage. 4 in 1. STAVORDALE QUINTETTE: A novelty musical turn made up of men only iin which a harp and four banjos are used. 9 minutes in 1. THE FIVE DE LUCCAS: European acrobats. All men. These performers have certainly reached the limit in daring feats and originality. The space permitted is to limited to do them anything like justice in the way of describing their work. 8 minutes full stage. PROF. JO PAGE SMITH'S EDUCATED CANINES AND FELINES: "Our most prominent citizens" say: "The best ever." 15 minutes full stage.
55 56 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 10th. MR. & MRS. WALTER E. DEAVE'S MARIONETTES: A pleasing novelty turn. 11 minutes full stage. EVANS & ST. JOHN: Man and a woman who do a singing and dancing turn. The woman has a good voice and the man is an A1 dancer. 15 minutes in 1. FALKE & SEAMON: Two men who do a black and white face comedy musical act. The burnt cork member of the duo is very funny and the major portion of this stuff is new, Th e act is in the front row in its class. 20 minutes full stage, LEONA THURBER: A large, well-formed, particularly well-dressed singing comedienne supported by two negro boys who have outgrown the pickaninny class and whose work consists of making discordant noises on a cornet, a trombone and shouting at the top of their voices in a way that would blast rocks. 14 minutes in 1. FILSON & ERROL: Presenting their one-act play entitled "A Daughter of Bacchus." Some may question the morale of this sketch as Filson and his partner feign drunkenness (the former from start to close and the latter three-fourths of the time she is upon the stage) during the entirety of hits recital. It is admirably acted and it reached the "laugh center" with both audiences yesterday. 23 minutes full stage. PRESS ELDRIDGE: Black face comedian. A considerable part of his "stuff" is new and of a fairly good quality. He made them laugh. 17 minutes in 1. ZAZEL & VERNON: Pantomimists who work chiefly on the horizontal bars. Their comedy is good and it produces the results with the audiences for which they have put it together. 8 minutes full stage. 4 in 1. STAVORDALE QUINTETTE: A novelty musical turn made up of men only iin which a harp and four banjos are used. 9 minutes in 1. THE FIVE DE LUCCAS: European acrobats. All men. These performers have certainly reached the limit in daring feats and originality. The space permitted is to limited to do them anything like justice in the way of describing their work. 8 minutes full stage. PROF. JO PAGE SMITH'S EDUCATED CANINES AND FELINES: "Our most prominent citizens" say: "The best ever." 15 minutes full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection