Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 77
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77 77 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 24th. BARRY AND HALVERS: Man and a woman who do an eccentric comedy turn. A very good act indeed. 20 minutes full stage. LOUISE DRESSER: Singing comedienne. She makes a charming appearance. Is the possessor of a good voice. She pleases all elements immensely. 12 minutes in 1. SAM ELTON: Juggler and pantomimist. This artist is without doubt the best in his line. Without speaking a word he keeps his audiences in continuous laughter from his entrance to his final exit. 10 minutes full stage. JACK NORWORTH: Black face singing comedian. Has a voice that is better than the average and his material is good. 12 minutes in 1. CLAY CLEMENT & CO.: Presenting a sketch entitled "The Baron's Love Story." This vehicle in the hands of other than these clever people would not go the way it has here. Mr. Clement is an artist who could win his audiences with material that less talented performers would:get the flag" on. 30 minutes full stage. LES DUMONDS: Three men who do a musical act in which they emply the violin, mandolin and guitar. They are very good and make a tremendous hit with their audiences. 17 minutes in 1. MILLY CAPELL: An exceedingly pretty woman who performs with a troupe of trained dogs and a horse. Considered from a picturesque view-point this act is a "blue ribbon" winner; from an artistic standpoint it contains nothing new or novel. 10 minutes full stage. QUIGLEY BROTHERS: In a talking act which they have christened "A Congressman-at-Large." These performers are exceptionally clever and keep their audience convulsed from start to finish. 18 minutes in 1. HACKER & LESTER: comedy cyclists. This turn is in the fore rank of its particular class. 14 minutes full stage.
77 77 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 24th. BARRY AND HALVERS: Man and a woman who do an eccentric comedy turn. A very good act indeed. 20 minutes full stage. LOUISE DRESSER: Singing comedienne. She makes a charming appearance. Is the possessor of a good voice. She pleases all elements immensely. 12 minutes in 1. SAM ELTON: Juggler and pantomimist. This artist is without doubt the best in his line. Without speaking a word he keeps his audiences in continuous laughter from his entrance to his final exit. 10 minutes full stage. JACK NORWORTH: Black face singing comedian. Has a voice that is better than the average and his material is good. 12 minutes in 1. CLAY CLEMENT & CO.: Presenting a sketch entitled "The Baron's Love Story." This vehicle in the hands of other than these clever people would not go the way it has here. Mr. Clement is an artist who could win his audiences with material that less talented performers would:get the flag" on. 30 minutes full stage. LES DUMONDS: Three men who do a musical act in which they emply the violin, mandolin and guitar. They are very good and make a tremendous hit with their audiences. 17 minutes in 1. MILLY CAPELL: An exceedingly pretty woman who performs with a troupe of trained dogs and a horse. Considered from a picturesque view-point this act is a "blue ribbon" winner; from an artistic standpoint it contains nothing new or novel. 10 minutes full stage. QUIGLEY BROTHERS: In a talking act which they have christened "A Congressman-at-Large." These performers are exceptionally clever and keep their audience convulsed from start to finish. 18 minutes in 1. HACKER & LESTER: comedy cyclists. This turn is in the fore rank of its particular class. 14 minutes full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection