Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 104
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104 104 HYDE & BEHMAN'S Week Commencing December 8th, 1902. SWAN & BAMBARD Eccentric Comedians. Very good opening act. Full stage; close in one. Time 18 minutes. FLORENCE BINDLEY Vocalist and Musician. Please refined act. Miss Bindley presents a most striking appearance, plays gracefully and sings well. Opens with full stage; closes in one. Is exceedingly entertaining. Time 14 minutes. MR. & MRS. PERKINS FISHER Sketch "Half Way House". A very clever playlette, but dangerously like "The Soldier of Propville", both in word, action, effects and situations. The Fishers make the best of a very bright dialogue, which goes very well. Full stage; time 18 minutes. MADDOX & WAYNE Street talking act in one. Very fair performers. Their stuff is funny and new, most of it, and they have introduced some clever comedy, using the house actor to great advantage. As a whole, they please very well. Time 19 minutes. ELITA PROCTOR OTIS "A Bathroom Scandal" Assisted by Tom Terriss. The lines of this skit are considerable of a disappointment. Both artists are clever, and with something more worthy of their talent to work on, would undoubtedly make a hit. There is very little action however, and the dialogue is vapid in the extreme. Full stage. Time 19 minutes. GUYAR & DALY By long odds the hit of the show. Very clever artists both. Guyar's comedy is novel and amusing, but his tough dance with Miss Daly, making a rough house climax is one of the best things produced here this season. It has scored a great success. Full stage; time 15 minutes. LOTTIE GILSON Serio Comic Singer. Same as ever; pleases the gallery contingent. Can awaken more real interest in the singing of a popular ballad than most singers of her class. Full stage. Time 17 minutes. QUIGLEY BROTHERS Congressman at Large. This is a good act in one. Seems to please. Time 16 min. WINSCHERMANN'S BEARS. This act certainly does not make good here, which is all that can be said of it. Time 16 minutes. Henry W. Behman
104 104 HYDE & BEHMAN'S Week Commencing December 8th, 1902. SWAN & BAMBARD Eccentric Comedians. Very good opening act. Full stage; close in one. Time 18 minutes. FLORENCE BINDLEY Vocalist and Musician. Please refined act. Miss Bindley presents a most striking appearance, plays gracefully and sings well. Opens with full stage; closes in one. Is exceedingly entertaining. Time 14 minutes. MR. & MRS. PERKINS FISHER Sketch "Half Way House". A very clever playlette, but dangerously like "The Soldier of Propville", both in word, action, effects and situations. The Fishers make the best of a very bright dialogue, which goes very well. Full stage; time 18 minutes. MADDOX & WAYNE Street talking act in one. Very fair performers. Their stuff is funny and new, most of it, and they have introduced some clever comedy, using the house actor to great advantage. As a whole, they please very well. Time 19 minutes. ELITA PROCTOR OTIS "A Bathroom Scandal" Assisted by Tom Terriss. The lines of this skit are considerable of a disappointment. Both artists are clever, and with something more worthy of their talent to work on, would undoubtedly make a hit. There is very little action however, and the dialogue is vapid in the extreme. Full stage. Time 19 minutes. GUYAR & DALY By long odds the hit of the show. Very clever artists both. Guyar's comedy is novel and amusing, but his tough dance with Miss Daly, making a rough house climax is one of the best things produced here this season. It has scored a great success. Full stage; time 15 minutes. LOTTIE GILSON Serio Comic Singer. Same as ever; pleases the gallery contingent. Can awaken more real interest in the singing of a popular ballad than most singers of her class. Full stage. Time 17 minutes. QUIGLEY BROTHERS Congressman at Large. This is a good act in one. Seems to please. Time 16 min. WINSCHERMANN'S BEARS. This act certainly does not make good here, which is all that can be said of it. Time 16 minutes. Henry W. Behman
Keith-Albee Collection