Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 115
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115 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Beginning Week of Dec. 15. RICE & WALTERS: Acrobatic grotesques. They do splendid act that hits the audience a "solar plexus" blow. 10 minutes full stage. AGNES MAHR: Dancing comedienne. The most artistic, dainty and original dancer who has ever appeared upon the stage of this house. 6 minutes in 2 and 2 minutes in 1. FRANCO PIPER: Novelty banjoist. This artist is alone in his class. His competitors are yet to be discovered. 13 minutes full stage. 2 minutes in 1. WILFRED CLARKE & CO.: Presenting the sketch entitled "In the Biograph. This is a very clever comedietta and it could net be presented better than Mr. Clarke and his capable assistants are offering it. 19 minutes full stage. SYDNEY GRANT: Monologuist. This young man does a very fair talking turn. He has a good singing voice and he ought to exercise it a little more than he does. He had the audience with him from the start to the finish. 18 minutes in 1. THE "KILTIES," (Canada's Crack Military Band) Made up of forty men who, besides giving a matchless band concert, introduce Scotch dances, vocal solos and instrumental selections of a very high order. This is without doubt the king of all vaudeville acts. The "Kilties" national airs and classical selections fairly lifted the auditors out of their seats. 1 hour full stage. JANET MELVILLE & EVIE STETSON: Singing comediennes. This turn pleases the people who "settle with the man in the box office" to see the show. 14 minutes in 1. THE FIVE JUGGLING JOHNSONS: These artists have reached the highest pinnacle of artistic success. 12 minutes full stage.
115 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Beginning Week of Dec. 15. RICE & WALTERS: Acrobatic grotesques. They do splendid act that hits the audience a "solar plexus" blow. 10 minutes full stage. AGNES MAHR: Dancing comedienne. The most artistic, dainty and original dancer who has ever appeared upon the stage of this house. 6 minutes in 2 and 2 minutes in 1. FRANCO PIPER: Novelty banjoist. This artist is alone in his class. His competitors are yet to be discovered. 13 minutes full stage. 2 minutes in 1. WILFRED CLARKE & CO.: Presenting the sketch entitled "In the Biograph. This is a very clever comedietta and it could net be presented better than Mr. Clarke and his capable assistants are offering it. 19 minutes full stage. SYDNEY GRANT: Monologuist. This young man does a very fair talking turn. He has a good singing voice and he ought to exercise it a little more than he does. He had the audience with him from the start to the finish. 18 minutes in 1. THE "KILTIES," (Canada's Crack Military Band) Made up of forty men who, besides giving a matchless band concert, introduce Scotch dances, vocal solos and instrumental selections of a very high order. This is without doubt the king of all vaudeville acts. The "Kilties" national airs and classical selections fairly lifted the auditors out of their seats. 1 hour full stage. JANET MELVILLE & EVIE STETSON: Singing comediennes. This turn pleases the people who "settle with the man in the box office" to see the show. 14 minutes in 1. THE FIVE JUGGLING JOHNSONS: These artists have reached the highest pinnacle of artistic success. 12 minutes full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection