Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 143a
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GYH- AGNES MAHR: This girl's trunk did not arrive in time for her to go on the afternoon bill, consequently I am unable to criticize her act. GNH- LaMAR & GABRIEL:- A man and a midget in a talking act. Gabriel the midget is working in a white face this time and in eccentric make-up. They have quite a bit of talk that is new to them, although the most of it has been done by other performers, but Gabriel's size enables him to get away with it all right, and the act made about as bit a hit as it ever did in the house. 15 minutes in one. MRR- MERVILLE, BOOTH & ELMORE:- In a comedy sketch entitled "The Two Juliets". This act is too well known, however, to the circuit to require any extended mention. It is a good[?] lively comedy sketch, well played, and created lots of laughter this afternoon. 18 minutes; full stage. YHR- YORKE & ADAMS:- Hebrew comedians in a cross-fire talking act. These fellows had an extremely hard place on the bill, but they certainly went very strong this afternoon. They would naturally go bigger here of course, than they would in Philadelphia, but still their material out to carry them through any where. 17 minutes, in one. YRR-COOK & SONORA:- Man and woman in a comedy act, woman made up straight, and the man as a tramp. This is the same act that they have always done, but his methods of working always seem to catch the patrons of this house, as they got lots of laughs and went very strong indeed. 21 minutes; full stage. NH-DAVE NOWLIN:- Mimic and vocalist. He does some very good imitations of animals, musical instruments etc. has a pretty good baritone voice, which he uses to advantage, although it is not especially well cultivated. 15 minutes in one. GYH- SKATINELLI &DELILIA:- This is a man and a woman in a balancing trapeze and ring act, a European importation. The woman does nothing at all but stand around and assist the man, and while she is very pretty the audience were included to guy her a bit this afternoon on account of the fact that she does not do anything. If there is any inclination of their doing so to-night I will take her off entirely. The man is exceptionally clever ring performer, and can work his act alone all right, if necessary.Their wardrobe is very beautiful indeed, and it may have been there were a few fresh people down in front that started the guying. The set is really a good one.12 minutes. full stage. HR- NEVINS & ARNOLD:- Young boy and girl in a singing and dancing act. It is a nicely dressed act, and while not a big one is still very acceptable. It is much after the style of the Nics[?] Twins. 10 Mins. in one. GYH-RICH & WALTERS:- This is one of the best acrobatic comedy acts that has ever played the house. One of the men makes up straight and the other as a white faced clown, after the style of Geo. Carson, and his methods remind me very much of Carron. He makes some very funny calls[?] and makes them so naturally that the audience fairly scream with laughter. It is an excellent set throughout.11 Mins. full stage. REMARKS:--- This is the first day of the two-shows-a-day system, and it certainly has been a great success so far as we are able to judge with the afternoon performance. We had an extremely big opening. There must have been two or three hundred people when the doors opened, and the most absolute smoothness, with the exception of the non-arrival of Miss Mahr's trunk. We came out about 9 minutes shy, but that will be made up all right in the night show, and the stereopticon and the biograph both ran little bit short. The audience stayed in remarkably well and evidently waited for a repetition of the biograph as a signal that the show was ended. There were no waits in the bill and the whole show was received elegantly. S. K. [name?]
GYH- AGNES MAHR: This girl's trunk did not arrive in time for her to go on the afternoon bill, consequently I am unable to criticize her act. GNH- LaMAR & GABRIEL:- A man and a midget in a talking act. Gabriel the midget is working in a white face this time and in eccentric make-up. They have quite a bit of talk that is new to them, although the most of it has been done by other performers, but Gabriel's size enables him to get away with it all right, and the act made about as bit a hit as it ever did in the house. 15 minutes in one. MRR- MERVILLE, BOOTH & ELMORE:- In a comedy sketch entitled "The Two Juliets". This act is too well known, however, to the circuit to require any extended mention. It is a good[?] lively comedy sketch, well played, and created lots of laughter this afternoon. 18 minutes; full stage. YHR- YORKE & ADAMS:- Hebrew comedians in a cross-fire talking act. These fellows had an extremely hard place on the bill, but they certainly went very strong this afternoon. They would naturally go bigger here of course, than they would in Philadelphia, but still their material out to carry them through any where. 17 minutes, in one. YRR-COOK & SONORA:- Man and woman in a comedy act, woman made up straight, and the man as a tramp. This is the same act that they have always done, but his methods of working always seem to catch the patrons of this house, as they got lots of laughs and went very strong indeed. 21 minutes; full stage. NH-DAVE NOWLIN:- Mimic and vocalist. He does some very good imitations of animals, musical instruments etc. has a pretty good baritone voice, which he uses to advantage, although it is not especially well cultivated. 15 minutes in one. GYH- SKATINELLI &DELILIA:- This is a man and a woman in a balancing trapeze and ring act, a European importation. The woman does nothing at all but stand around and assist the man, and while she is very pretty the audience were included to guy her a bit this afternoon on account of the fact that she does not do anything. If there is any inclination of their doing so to-night I will take her off entirely. The man is exceptionally clever ring performer, and can work his act alone all right, if necessary.Their wardrobe is very beautiful indeed, and it may have been there were a few fresh people down in front that started the guying. The set is really a good one.12 minutes. full stage. HR- NEVINS & ARNOLD:- Young boy and girl in a singing and dancing act. It is a nicely dressed act, and while not a big one is still very acceptable. It is much after the style of the Nics[?] Twins. 10 Mins. in one. GYH-RICH & WALTERS:- This is one of the best acrobatic comedy acts that has ever played the house. One of the men makes up straight and the other as a white faced clown, after the style of Geo. Carson, and his methods remind me very much of Carron. He makes some very funny calls[?] and makes them so naturally that the audience fairly scream with laughter. It is an excellent set throughout.11 Mins. full stage. REMARKS:--- This is the first day of the two-shows-a-day system, and it certainly has been a great success so far as we are able to judge with the afternoon performance. We had an extremely big opening. There must have been two or three hundred people when the doors opened, and the most absolute smoothness, with the exception of the non-arrival of Miss Mahr's trunk. We came out about 9 minutes shy, but that will be made up all right in the night show, and the stereopticon and the biograph both ran little bit short. The audience stayed in remarkably well and evidently waited for a repetition of the biograph as a signal that the show was ended. There were no waits in the bill and the whole show was received elegantly. S. K. [name?]
Keith-Albee Collection