Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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REPORT ON SHOW, KEITH'S THEATRE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., JANUARY 5, 1903, (CHAS. LOVENBERB) Stereopticon. As usual. The Folly Trio. These people are giving a Dutch version of practically the same act they had last season in black and white face. It is only a fair act but is all right for the place they get on the bill. 25 min. open in three, close in one. Orville and Frank. A man and a boy in a novelty acrobatic act the first part of which the man balances a ladder on his feet at the top of which the boy does some work on a trapeze. The latter part of their act consists of postruing in which the feature is the throwing of a double somersault from the man's feet to the floor. A good act. 10 min. in three or four. Biograph. Fairly good set of views. 14 minutes. Vernon. Ventriloquist. The same set he has given us a couple of times before which went very well. Good act. 21 min. opening in three closng in one. Smith & Fuller. Music act. I was inclined at the afternoon show to feel that the act was about played out and not worth the money but Miss St. George's Harp solos and singing went as strong on the night show to pull the act up wonderfully and they made really a hit, however, as the novelty of the instruments which Smith plays upon, have gone by, I do not think that in the future the act will be as valuable as it has been and a cut should be made in their salary. 23 min open in three close in one. Mattie Keene & Co. In Ella Wheeler Wilcox play "Her First Divorce Case." A very good sketch full of laughs and Miss Keen's work is full of marked personality of high order. One of the hits of our bill. 17 min. in three. The Pantzer Trio. An exceptionally fine contortionist enlivened by some good eccentric comedy. 14 min. in three. LeRoy & Woodford. Man and woman in a talking act in which the bulk of the work falls upon the man. It is by no means a big act and is hardly strong enough for the place they had on the bill, still they went very well even better than I expected they would and if they could be got on in a bill before 8:30 I think they would make a hit. 17 min. in one. Mr. & Mrs. Keley. In "Uncle Phineas." The Mrs. Keley of this case is a another woman and by no means replaces the original, however the man's work is so clever and the sketch is so good that they made a hit. 20 min. in three. George W. Day. It is surprising how strong this man goes when one considers the great amount of old material that he uses. He really made a hit at the finish of the show. 10 min. full stage. Milly Capell. In her act with Horse and Dogs. Comment unnecessary except that she made a hit at the finish of the show. 10 min. full stage. Ward & Raymond. Irish man and soubrette. A good little act in which the dancing is the principal feature. 14 min. in one. Carlotta Delmar. Fair biccle act. 9 min. full stage. Romany Trio. Same act as described in the other Houses on the circuit and which went well and I consider it quite good. 13 min. in one. Mr. & Mrs. Neil Litchfield. In a yankee comedy sketch which may be classed as good. 22 min. full stage. Can close in one. The show as a whole is very good and gave excellent satisfaction to the audience. The scheme of everybody doing two shows worked as successful as it did last week, and I am inclined to believe that it is all right and that we will all agree to continue it. We never had as many people in the House from 5:30 to 6:30 as we are having now, the consequence being that all the acts give satisfaction, when before, going on at supper time, with no one in the House, they fell flat, and such people as might have been in the House would, on going out, condemn the show, whereas now, they praise it, and the result must be that they will send as much money into the House if not more than the difference costs.
REPORT ON SHOW, KEITH'S THEATRE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., JANUARY 5, 1903, (CHAS. LOVENBERB) Stereopticon. As usual. The Folly Trio. These people are giving a Dutch version of practically the same act they had last season in black and white face. It is only a fair act but is all right for the place they get on the bill. 25 min. open in three, close in one. Orville and Frank. A man and a boy in a novelty acrobatic act the first part of which the man balances a ladder on his feet at the top of which the boy does some work on a trapeze. The latter part of their act consists of postruing in which the feature is the throwing of a double somersault from the man's feet to the floor. A good act. 10 min. in three or four. Biograph. Fairly good set of views. 14 minutes. Vernon. Ventriloquist. The same set he has given us a couple of times before which went very well. Good act. 21 min. opening in three closng in one. Smith & Fuller. Music act. I was inclined at the afternoon show to feel that the act was about played out and not worth the money but Miss St. George's Harp solos and singing went as strong on the night show to pull the act up wonderfully and they made really a hit, however, as the novelty of the instruments which Smith plays upon, have gone by, I do not think that in the future the act will be as valuable as it has been and a cut should be made in their salary. 23 min open in three close in one. Mattie Keene & Co. In Ella Wheeler Wilcox play "Her First Divorce Case." A very good sketch full of laughs and Miss Keen's work is full of marked personality of high order. One of the hits of our bill. 17 min. in three. The Pantzer Trio. An exceptionally fine contortionist enlivened by some good eccentric comedy. 14 min. in three. LeRoy & Woodford. Man and woman in a talking act in which the bulk of the work falls upon the man. It is by no means a big act and is hardly strong enough for the place they had on the bill, still they went very well even better than I expected they would and if they could be got on in a bill before 8:30 I think they would make a hit. 17 min. in one. Mr. & Mrs. Keley. In "Uncle Phineas." The Mrs. Keley of this case is a another woman and by no means replaces the original, however the man's work is so clever and the sketch is so good that they made a hit. 20 min. in three. George W. Day. It is surprising how strong this man goes when one considers the great amount of old material that he uses. He really made a hit at the finish of the show. 10 min. full stage. Milly Capell. In her act with Horse and Dogs. Comment unnecessary except that she made a hit at the finish of the show. 10 min. full stage. Ward & Raymond. Irish man and soubrette. A good little act in which the dancing is the principal feature. 14 min. in one. Carlotta Delmar. Fair biccle act. 9 min. full stage. Romany Trio. Same act as described in the other Houses on the circuit and which went well and I consider it quite good. 13 min. in one. Mr. & Mrs. Neil Litchfield. In a yankee comedy sketch which may be classed as good. 22 min. full stage. Can close in one. The show as a whole is very good and gave excellent satisfaction to the audience. The scheme of everybody doing two shows worked as successful as it did last week, and I am inclined to believe that it is all right and that we will all agree to continue it. We never had as many people in the House from 5:30 to 6:30 as we are having now, the consequence being that all the acts give satisfaction, when before, going on at supper time, with no one in the House, they fell flat, and such people as might have been in the House would, on going out, condemn the show, whereas now, they praise it, and the result must be that they will send as much money into the House if not more than the difference costs.
Keith-Albee Collection