Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 165
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165 166 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Jany. 26th. BALLERANI'S DOGS: All small dogs that work on a table. They are a great drawing card for thee ladies and children. A very good animal act in our opinion. 12 minutes in II and 3 minutes in I. WATERBURY BROTHERS & TENNY: Three men, two of whom do straight work and the other does black face comedy. A very good musical act. 20 in III and 3 minutes in I. CLARA BALLERANI: A pretty young woman who does a trapez turn. It is one of the neatest serial acts in vaudeville. 12 minutes full stage. NED WAYBURN'S JOCKEY CLUB: This is the second week for this great novelty and it is repeating its triumph of last week. 14 minutes full stage. JAMES J. MORTON: monologist. One of the biggest "laugh-producers" appearing before the public. 17 minutes in 1. BARROWS-LANCASTER CO.: Presenting the sketch entitled "A Jolly Jollier." The interpreters--three men and one woman-- are deserving of a better vehicle. 24 minutes full stage. RITA MARIO: Violin virtuoso. This artist plays with much feeling and expression. She goes with all classes. 10 minutes in 1. LIEUT. CARL NOBEL: A European ventriloquist who introduces walking manakins. It is only a fair turn. It lacks the finish that American acts in the same line have. Pleased only fairly well. 17 minutes full stage and 2 minutes in 1. BROTHERS FREYDO: European acrobats. The hand-balancing of this pair is exceedingly clever. The act got the liberal applause of two large audiences yesterday and deserved it. 10 minutes full stage.
165 166 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Jany. 26th. BALLERANI'S DOGS: All small dogs that work on a table. They are a great drawing card for thee ladies and children. A very good animal act in our opinion. 12 minutes in II and 3 minutes in I. WATERBURY BROTHERS & TENNY: Three men, two of whom do straight work and the other does black face comedy. A very good musical act. 20 in III and 3 minutes in I. CLARA BALLERANI: A pretty young woman who does a trapez turn. It is one of the neatest serial acts in vaudeville. 12 minutes full stage. NED WAYBURN'S JOCKEY CLUB: This is the second week for this great novelty and it is repeating its triumph of last week. 14 minutes full stage. JAMES J. MORTON: monologist. One of the biggest "laugh-producers" appearing before the public. 17 minutes in 1. BARROWS-LANCASTER CO.: Presenting the sketch entitled "A Jolly Jollier." The interpreters--three men and one woman-- are deserving of a better vehicle. 24 minutes full stage. RITA MARIO: Violin virtuoso. This artist plays with much feeling and expression. She goes with all classes. 10 minutes in 1. LIEUT. CARL NOBEL: A European ventriloquist who introduces walking manakins. It is only a fair turn. It lacks the finish that American acts in the same line have. Pleased only fairly well. 17 minutes full stage and 2 minutes in 1. BROTHERS FREYDO: European acrobats. The hand-balancing of this pair is exceedingly clever. The act got the liberal applause of two large audiences yesterday and deserved it. 10 minutes full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection