Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 176
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176 176 HYDE & BEHMAN'S Week Commencing February 2nd, 1903. GOGGIN & DAVIS Soldier Acrobatic Act. Good for an opener; very clever tumblers with several new tricks, but their comedy is very poor. Full stage, closing in one. Time 17 Min. SPARROW Mad Juggler. As usual, is one of the chief hits of the show; gets the laugh from the start and it continues throughout; his impromptu dancing at intervals is very funny and his general abandonment to any established rule or custom makes the act a continues surprise and keeps the house in an uproar. Full stage. Time 14 min. SAILOR & BARBARETTO The Man and the Pajama Girl. Capital singing act of 13 minutes. Work in one to great advantage; and the change of costume of Miss Barbaretto from concert dress to Pajamas is a pleasing one and makes a hit. MATTIE KEENE & CO. "Her First Divorce Case". A bright little sketch, that goes off with a snap and vigor; Miss Keene is cleverly vivacious throughout and has competent assistance. Full stage; time 17 minutes. HINES & REMINTON Miss Patter of Paterson. Same old act, with a few new localisms interspersed. Are both good artists and always make good at this house. Work in one in 20 min. LOIE FULLER Has proved to be a good drawing card. The electrical effects produces are novel and very beautiful. Miss Fuller's entertainment is of a class that stand alone and unequaled in its originality Has a large force of assistants and the paraphernalia used is most complicated. Full stage; time 19 minutes. BERTIE FOWLER Monologue and Songs. Her repertoire has not undergone much change since her last visit, but she has a pleasing manner and generally makes good here. What she does do is well done. Works in one. Time 11 minutes. GUYER & DALY Comedy singers and dancers. Same act; but it makes a great hit, the rough house dancing catching the orchestra and gallery alike; full stage 14 minutes. THREE NEVARROS Acrobats and Barrel Jumpers. Have a very swell act, one of the best of its kind. Two men in evening dress and a girl; they make a capital closing performance; full stage, 13 minutes. Henry W. Behman
176 176 HYDE & BEHMAN'S Week Commencing February 2nd, 1903. GOGGIN & DAVIS Soldier Acrobatic Act. Good for an opener; very clever tumblers with several new tricks, but their comedy is very poor. Full stage, closing in one. Time 17 Min. SPARROW Mad Juggler. As usual, is one of the chief hits of the show; gets the laugh from the start and it continues throughout; his impromptu dancing at intervals is very funny and his general abandonment to any established rule or custom makes the act a continues surprise and keeps the house in an uproar. Full stage. Time 14 min. SAILOR & BARBARETTO The Man and the Pajama Girl. Capital singing act of 13 minutes. Work in one to great advantage; and the change of costume of Miss Barbaretto from concert dress to Pajamas is a pleasing one and makes a hit. MATTIE KEENE & CO. "Her First Divorce Case". A bright little sketch, that goes off with a snap and vigor; Miss Keene is cleverly vivacious throughout and has competent assistance. Full stage; time 17 minutes. HINES & REMINTON Miss Patter of Paterson. Same old act, with a few new localisms interspersed. Are both good artists and always make good at this house. Work in one in 20 min. LOIE FULLER Has proved to be a good drawing card. The electrical effects produces are novel and very beautiful. Miss Fuller's entertainment is of a class that stand alone and unequaled in its originality Has a large force of assistants and the paraphernalia used is most complicated. Full stage; time 19 minutes. BERTIE FOWLER Monologue and Songs. Her repertoire has not undergone much change since her last visit, but she has a pleasing manner and generally makes good here. What she does do is well done. Works in one. Time 11 minutes. GUYER & DALY Comedy singers and dancers. Same act; but it makes a great hit, the rough house dancing catching the orchestra and gallery alike; full stage 14 minutes. THREE NEVARROS Acrobats and Barrel Jumpers. Have a very swell act, one of the best of its kind. Two men in evening dress and a girl; they make a capital closing performance; full stage, 13 minutes. Henry W. Behman
Keith-Albee Collection