Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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criticism of show. KEITH'S THEATRE, PHILA., PA. FEB. 23RD. Mitchell & Lowe-15 mins. in one-Two men, one Dutch and one straight, side-walk conversation; jokes are not funny; talk is not bright; poor act. El Salto-10 mins.-car. in 3-Girl contortionist, neatly dressed "small" act that is entertaining as a time filler. Marrion & Dean-15 mins.-Gar. in 2; close in one-Man and woman, singing, dancing and talking act. Singing is poor, dancing, fair; and talk, fair; no harm on early bill. Musical Thor-15 mins. C. D. in 2-man, "small" musical act, fair. Lawrence Crane-20 mins. in one-The irish magician. He does some fairly clever work and fills in time acceptably. Best things he does is the back palming with the cards. Imhoff & Conn-18 mins.-C.D. in 2-"The Man from Klondike." This is the act that conflicts with the Horse Shoe Trios' act Two men, one working as an Irishman and the other as an old deaf docor, in an act that is supposed to be funny, but can be classed as fair. Georgia O'Ramsey-15 mins. in one-Georgia closed because she couldn't have the orchestra and because she wasn't on at 3 and 9. She succedded in producing a doctor's certificae, but was not taken sick until we told her that we couldn't change the time. Eugene O'Rourke & Co.-25 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Man and woman, in a sketch" Parlor A." O'Rourke's work is good as it always is; but the woman works carelessly. The act did not get as much applause as it deserved, for it was necessary to give it a very early place on tehthebill, as we had Konorah, Mantelli, Papinta and others. to be featured Mlle. Konorah-15 mins. C. D. F. in support3-Billedas "The Modern Witch." She combines mathematics with mind reding. The act is not genuine like Inaudi's, and cannot stand the public test that Inaud i stood. Konorah uses foot plates and electrical connections. The audience, of course, is not aware of this and she thoroughly succedded in mystifying them. The interest is intense throughout; but the act is one of those that gets little applause. Alf Holt-16 mins. in one-Mimic, good. Papinta-14 mins.-Own set-Second week, same series of dances. We believe she still has some drawing power, but needs a good surrounding show to support her. Hines & Remington-20 mins. in one-Man and woman, in a street conversation. This is unusual, inasmuch as the woman is not used as a "feeder,"but does most of the work and is really the life of the set. It is a crazy, nonsensical affair--but very good. Mme. Mantelli-12 mins.-C.D.E. in 3-The hit of the show. This is unusual, inasmuch as an artists of her calibre is usually above the audience. Mantelli received an ovation Monday and Tuesday, both afternoon and evening. She is clever, inasmuch as she comes down to the audience's understanding of music rather than try to raise them to her understanding. Her selections were the secret of her success. She sang "The Violet" song from The Little Duchess" and some of Chas. K. Harris' music and made a decided hit. Mark Sullivan-Mimic and impersonator; excellent act of its kind. Caron & Herbert-13 mns.-Spec. drop in 4; close in one-The best grotesque acrobatic act in the business. They were received here with roars and kept the audience thoroughly interested throughout. Grapewin & Chance-24 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-In his sketch "Above the Limit." We did not think the audience look to this sketch as they did to "The Awakening of Pipp." It does not contain as many laughs, and the character is not as well suited to Grapewin's style of work. However, it went well and was received with much applause. Avery & Hart-11 mins. in one-Imitators of Williams & Walker, but not the original team by a good many yards. They are not bad actors, but they will never possess the cleverness shown by the originators of their act. Athos Family-12 ins.-Pal. in 3-Six foreign acrobats who do the regulation stunts. Probably no better and no worse than a great many other foreign acrobatic acts. Good set. H. A. DANIELS.
criticism of show. KEITH'S THEATRE, PHILA., PA. FEB. 23RD. Mitchell & Lowe-15 mins. in one-Two men, one Dutch and one straight, side-walk conversation; jokes are not funny; talk is not bright; poor act. El Salto-10 mins.-car. in 3-Girl contortionist, neatly dressed "small" act that is entertaining as a time filler. Marrion & Dean-15 mins.-Gar. in 2; close in one-Man and woman, singing, dancing and talking act. Singing is poor, dancing, fair; and talk, fair; no harm on early bill. Musical Thor-15 mins. C. D. in 2-man, "small" musical act, fair. Lawrence Crane-20 mins. in one-The irish magician. He does some fairly clever work and fills in time acceptably. Best things he does is the back palming with the cards. Imhoff & Conn-18 mins.-C.D. in 2-"The Man from Klondike." This is the act that conflicts with the Horse Shoe Trios' act Two men, one working as an Irishman and the other as an old deaf docor, in an act that is supposed to be funny, but can be classed as fair. Georgia O'Ramsey-15 mins. in one-Georgia closed because she couldn't have the orchestra and because she wasn't on at 3 and 9. She succedded in producing a doctor's certificae, but was not taken sick until we told her that we couldn't change the time. Eugene O'Rourke & Co.-25 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Man and woman, in a sketch" Parlor A." O'Rourke's work is good as it always is; but the woman works carelessly. The act did not get as much applause as it deserved, for it was necessary to give it a very early place on tehthebill, as we had Konorah, Mantelli, Papinta and others. to be featured Mlle. Konorah-15 mins. C. D. F. in support3-Billedas "The Modern Witch." She combines mathematics with mind reding. The act is not genuine like Inaudi's, and cannot stand the public test that Inaud i stood. Konorah uses foot plates and electrical connections. The audience, of course, is not aware of this and she thoroughly succedded in mystifying them. The interest is intense throughout; but the act is one of those that gets little applause. Alf Holt-16 mins. in one-Mimic, good. Papinta-14 mins.-Own set-Second week, same series of dances. We believe she still has some drawing power, but needs a good surrounding show to support her. Hines & Remington-20 mins. in one-Man and woman, in a street conversation. This is unusual, inasmuch as the woman is not used as a "feeder,"but does most of the work and is really the life of the set. It is a crazy, nonsensical affair--but very good. Mme. Mantelli-12 mins.-C.D.E. in 3-The hit of the show. This is unusual, inasmuch as an artists of her calibre is usually above the audience. Mantelli received an ovation Monday and Tuesday, both afternoon and evening. She is clever, inasmuch as she comes down to the audience's understanding of music rather than try to raise them to her understanding. Her selections were the secret of her success. She sang "The Violet" song from The Little Duchess" and some of Chas. K. Harris' music and made a decided hit. Mark Sullivan-Mimic and impersonator; excellent act of its kind. Caron & Herbert-13 mns.-Spec. drop in 4; close in one-The best grotesque acrobatic act in the business. They were received here with roars and kept the audience thoroughly interested throughout. Grapewin & Chance-24 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-In his sketch "Above the Limit." We did not think the audience look to this sketch as they did to "The Awakening of Pipp." It does not contain as many laughs, and the character is not as well suited to Grapewin's style of work. However, it went well and was received with much applause. Avery & Hart-11 mins. in one-Imitators of Williams & Walker, but not the original team by a good many yards. They are not bad actors, but they will never possess the cleverness shown by the originators of their act. Athos Family-12 ins.-Pal. in 3-Six foreign acrobats who do the regulation stunts. Probably no better and no worse than a great many other foreign acrobatic acts. Good set. H. A. DANIELS.
Keith-Albee Collection