Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 236
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NEW YORK SHOW: [WEEK?] APRIL 6TH Stereopticon: Usual collection of views: 10 minutes in one. HR-HELLMAN:- Magician: This is the regulation magic act, no better nor no worse than other acts of the same calibre. This man is a better magician than he is a talker, all right, however, for the upper part of the bill. 13 minutes in one. AR- SAM DRANE:- [illegible] and impersonations: He is rather in inferior performer, his work bordering very closely on mediocrity. In Philadelphia besides being rather weak he was offensive, but I think they must have cleaned him up considerably over there, for we saw no indication of that here. It will be a pretty good act to let alone hereafter. 13'' in 1. KR- REED & SHAW:- Two young men in a ring act which is about as good as anything of this sort that we ever see in this house. I canot say that I am favorably impressed with the comedy which one of the young men attempts to introduce, but the atletic work is sufficiently strong to counteract that. 13 minutes, full stage. SR- TOM HEFRON:- One legged song and dance performer. Thisman always goes well in this house, largely I suppose on account of his good nature. It is a short act but pretty rapid while it lasts, and I think he depends less upon sympathy than any other cripple that I have ever seen on the stage. 10 minutes in one. HR- VITAGRAPH:- This is the first day of the new moving picture machine, which is evidently going to be a big success, judging from the way it was received by the audience this afternoon. There is no question that when it comes to steadiness the Biograph is the nearest mechanically perfect of any of the motion picture machines, but so far as interesting subjects are concerned , the people who control this instrument, have them badly beaten. There were only two short films shown at first, the balance of the exhibit being given up to a series of thirty views running continuously [.th?] and illustrating the history of Robinson Crusoe. They were extremely interesting, well posed and the subjects covered pretty nearly every phase of the Crusoe stories. I look for the machine to make a great success with our audiences. 15 minutes in one. GHR- WEST & VAN SICKLIN:- This is an act which I never could see at all when it was Montague & West, and I booked it because West had a new partner in Miss Van Sicklin, just to try the act out and see what it was worth. I can't see that she has improved the act very much. From our standpoint it can only be classed as a fair turn. It does not do any particular harm, but there is no special merit to it.[2L?] minutes, open full stage, close in one. GRR- 2 SCHRODES:- This is a man and woman in a comedy singing, dancing and acrobatic act, and is quite clever. The woman is one of the original Chapelle Sisters, and the man was of the team of 3 Schrodes. It is a good reliable act. 17 minutes; open full stage, close in one. KRR- FLORODORA DOUBLE SEXTETTE:- From the original production of "Florodora". This act consists in its entirety of fourteen people, seven men and seven women. It opens with one of the men singing "Neath the Shade of the Sheltering Palms", which he does very well indeed, the only difficulty being that his wardrobe needs some overhauling, which will be attended to later. Then a man and woman from two of the Characters of "Florodora"sing a song and do some clever dancing, after which the double sextette, six men and six very pretty girls, come on and do "The Tell me Pretty Maiden" song, exactly the same as they did it in the original production. It is an exceptionally clever act and pleased our audience greatly. Of course it would be possible to fill the same length of time for less money, providing we were not looking for novelty and new faces, but regarded from the standpoint of a new feature, I don't think there is any question but what the act will be worth the money. Certainly 14 people could hardly be transported over the country for any less, and it makes a pretty stage picture and unquesrionably pleased our audience. 15 minutes; full stage. MRR- GILLETT'S DOGS:- To my mind, one of the best dog acts in the country, The musical dogs specially, making a big hit. 15 Mins. full stage. AR- ZIMMER: Juggler: He is now working in evening dress suit, and while he does not do anything especially difficult, but what he does accomplish is done cleverly. 12 minutes in one. +NH- KLINE & CLIFTON:- Man and woman in a singing and dancing act introducing a little talking. They are both very good dancers, the man especially doing some good eccentric work. 13 minutes in one. SR- GORDON ELDRED:- Mimic and vocalist: This is one of those small acts that do very well in an inconspicuous place in the bill. There is nothing particularly brilliant in his act, except his comedy dancing at the finish which sends him off all right. 15 minutes in one. GYH- ADELE PURVIS ONRI:- About the same act that she has always done, introducing a little juggling on the globe, with the stereopticon pictures and a little acrobatic work by her Japanese assistant. 11 Mins.full stage. NR- JONES & SUTTON:- This team of colored people consisting of man and woman is very much on the order of all the colored acts we play. The woman dresses pretty nicely and they are very good dancers, although there is hardly as much comedy in their act is in the majority of the colored teams. It can be classed as a good act. 12 Minutes in one. S.K. HODGDON
NEW YORK SHOW: [WEEK?] APRIL 6TH Stereopticon: Usual collection of views: 10 minutes in one. HR-HELLMAN:- Magician: This is the regulation magic act, no better nor no worse than other acts of the same calibre. This man is a better magician than he is a talker, all right, however, for the upper part of the bill. 13 minutes in one. AR- SAM DRANE:- [illegible] and impersonations: He is rather in inferior performer, his work bordering very closely on mediocrity. In Philadelphia besides being rather weak he was offensive, but I think they must have cleaned him up considerably over there, for we saw no indication of that here. It will be a pretty good act to let alone hereafter. 13'' in 1. KR- REED & SHAW:- Two young men in a ring act which is about as good as anything of this sort that we ever see in this house. I canot say that I am favorably impressed with the comedy which one of the young men attempts to introduce, but the atletic work is sufficiently strong to counteract that. 13 minutes, full stage. SR- TOM HEFRON:- One legged song and dance performer. Thisman always goes well in this house, largely I suppose on account of his good nature. It is a short act but pretty rapid while it lasts, and I think he depends less upon sympathy than any other cripple that I have ever seen on the stage. 10 minutes in one. HR- VITAGRAPH:- This is the first day of the new moving picture machine, which is evidently going to be a big success, judging from the way it was received by the audience this afternoon. There is no question that when it comes to steadiness the Biograph is the nearest mechanically perfect of any of the motion picture machines, but so far as interesting subjects are concerned , the people who control this instrument, have them badly beaten. There were only two short films shown at first, the balance of the exhibit being given up to a series of thirty views running continuously [.th?] and illustrating the history of Robinson Crusoe. They were extremely interesting, well posed and the subjects covered pretty nearly every phase of the Crusoe stories. I look for the machine to make a great success with our audiences. 15 minutes in one. GHR- WEST & VAN SICKLIN:- This is an act which I never could see at all when it was Montague & West, and I booked it because West had a new partner in Miss Van Sicklin, just to try the act out and see what it was worth. I can't see that she has improved the act very much. From our standpoint it can only be classed as a fair turn. It does not do any particular harm, but there is no special merit to it.[2L?] minutes, open full stage, close in one. GRR- 2 SCHRODES:- This is a man and woman in a comedy singing, dancing and acrobatic act, and is quite clever. The woman is one of the original Chapelle Sisters, and the man was of the team of 3 Schrodes. It is a good reliable act. 17 minutes; open full stage, close in one. KRR- FLORODORA DOUBLE SEXTETTE:- From the original production of "Florodora". This act consists in its entirety of fourteen people, seven men and seven women. It opens with one of the men singing "Neath the Shade of the Sheltering Palms", which he does very well indeed, the only difficulty being that his wardrobe needs some overhauling, which will be attended to later. Then a man and woman from two of the Characters of "Florodora"sing a song and do some clever dancing, after which the double sextette, six men and six very pretty girls, come on and do "The Tell me Pretty Maiden" song, exactly the same as they did it in the original production. It is an exceptionally clever act and pleased our audience greatly. Of course it would be possible to fill the same length of time for less money, providing we were not looking for novelty and new faces, but regarded from the standpoint of a new feature, I don't think there is any question but what the act will be worth the money. Certainly 14 people could hardly be transported over the country for any less, and it makes a pretty stage picture and unquesrionably pleased our audience. 15 minutes; full stage. MRR- GILLETT'S DOGS:- To my mind, one of the best dog acts in the country, The musical dogs specially, making a big hit. 15 Mins. full stage. AR- ZIMMER: Juggler: He is now working in evening dress suit, and while he does not do anything especially difficult, but what he does accomplish is done cleverly. 12 minutes in one. +NH- KLINE & CLIFTON:- Man and woman in a singing and dancing act introducing a little talking. They are both very good dancers, the man especially doing some good eccentric work. 13 minutes in one. SR- GORDON ELDRED:- Mimic and vocalist: This is one of those small acts that do very well in an inconspicuous place in the bill. There is nothing particularly brilliant in his act, except his comedy dancing at the finish which sends him off all right. 15 minutes in one. GYH- ADELE PURVIS ONRI:- About the same act that she has always done, introducing a little juggling on the globe, with the stereopticon pictures and a little acrobatic work by her Japanese assistant. 11 Mins.full stage. NR- JONES & SUTTON:- This team of colored people consisting of man and woman is very much on the order of all the colored acts we play. The woman dresses pretty nicely and they are very good dancers, although there is hardly as much comedy in their act is in the majority of the colored teams. It can be classed as a good act. 12 Minutes in one. S.K. HODGDON
Keith-Albee Collection