Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 300a
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MONTROSE TROUPE, One of the greatest acrobatic applause gaining acts that has ever appeared in this house. My idea of what an acrobatic act should be. They keep on the move every second, stay on a good amount of time and keep the eyes occupied on something new continually, no kisses and handkerchiefs. Mayme Remington and Picks. This act would be classed as good. No doubt it pleases the audience, but from a managerial standpoint, I don't think all that is in them is gotten out of it. The Picks are allowed to do too much of their own idea of comedy whereas if some one would keep after them a little closer and get a good deal of the rich work that "Bill Jones" used to do for Gassman, the act would be converted from a good act into a holler. The act is not coached properly. MARY HAMPTON & CO. With such novelties as this in the sketch line why so many dead ones? Here indeed is an act in which the audience is entirely at fault, at least the ones that saw it yesterday afternoon. It was a little bit too fast for them. The majority thought they were looking at a serious melodrama most of the time. The next time this goes around it will go just twice as good. There is one glaring error which I am surprised has not been noticed, that is, the violin solo right in the middle. It is put in so as the give Miss Hampton time to change but the introduction of this specialty nearly killed the entire action of the piece. It is of no earthly use and marrs [mars] what otherwise is a very bright piece. I have modified the solo somewhat but hope by the end of the week to eliminate the entire thing and in its place introduce some real lively stage business. I can't for the life of me see how this sketch could have gone along with this glaring error being allowed to run so long. Possibly it has not been over the circuit, if it has I should like other opinions of it. SHANNON AND BROWN, What I term an in and out success. At times they are very funny and other times they lapse. It will be a very good 3-show act but cannot be rated as a 2-show. COMMENT:- The show on the whole is very good, very well balanced and will give good satisfaction. The only point to criticize in it is the violin solo in Mary Hampton's sketch, which really had a serious effect on the whole show, closing as it did.
MONTROSE TROUPE, One of the greatest acrobatic applause gaining acts that has ever appeared in this house. My idea of what an acrobatic act should be. They keep on the move every second, stay on a good amount of time and keep the eyes occupied on something new continually, no kisses and handkerchiefs. Mayme Remington and Picks. This act would be classed as good. No doubt it pleases the audience, but from a managerial standpoint, I don't think all that is in them is gotten out of it. The Picks are allowed to do too much of their own idea of comedy whereas if some one would keep after them a little closer and get a good deal of the rich work that "Bill Jones" used to do for Gassman, the act would be converted from a good act into a holler. The act is not coached properly. MARY HAMPTON & CO. With such novelties as this in the sketch line why so many dead ones? Here indeed is an act in which the audience is entirely at fault, at least the ones that saw it yesterday afternoon. It was a little bit too fast for them. The majority thought they were looking at a serious melodrama most of the time. The next time this goes around it will go just twice as good. There is one glaring error which I am surprised has not been noticed, that is, the violin solo right in the middle. It is put in so as the give Miss Hampton time to change but the introduction of this specialty nearly killed the entire action of the piece. It is of no earthly use and marrs [mars] what otherwise is a very bright piece. I have modified the solo somewhat but hope by the end of the week to eliminate the entire thing and in its place introduce some real lively stage business. I can't for the life of me see how this sketch could have gone along with this glaring error being allowed to run so long. Possibly it has not been over the circuit, if it has I should like other opinions of it. SHANNON AND BROWN, What I term an in and out success. At times they are very funny and other times they lapse. It will be a very good 3-show act but cannot be rated as a 2-show. COMMENT:- The show on the whole is very good, very well balanced and will give good satisfaction. The only point to criticize in it is the violin solo in Mary Hampton's sketch, which really had a serious effect on the whole show, closing as it did.
Keith-Albee Collection