Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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[page number stamped: 304] (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of Aug. 3, 1903. Clifford and Hall, 3 shows, 18 min. open full stage, close in 1-- Man and woman in a talking and singing act, and some mandolin playing by the man. The act is good enough as an opener or the 3-show section, but neither of the performers are clever, the woman being especially bad, as is apt to be the case in turns of this description. The Lucados, 3 shows, 11 min. full stage-- Man and woman, in balancing feats and wonderful exhibition of chest expansion by the man. The act is a particularly strong one to be in the 3-a-day section, and drew an unusual amount of applause. Walter Daniels, 3 shows, 19 min. full stage-- This man has a repertoire of impersonations of actors in famous parts, including Wilton Lackye, Richard Mansfield, in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", the old violinist from "Mistress Nell" and the old darkey in the "Octoroon." He is a really clever young man, whose declamations is quite finished, and he possess [sic] considerable personality. He makes up in full view of the audience, a la Charles Fletcher, and keeps up a running fire of talk during the process. He found decided appreciation from the audience and was obliged to respond a curtain call. Sam Davis and Laura Walker, 3 shows, 14 min. in 1-- "Real coon" singers and dancers, the man being particularly agile in the manipulation of his pedal extremities, and the woman possessed of a well cultivated, though not musical, voice. As usual with colored entertainers in this house, they made a hit. Fadettes Orchestra, 2 shows, 31 min. full stage-- Still the backbone of the show and they could have played much longer if we had allowed them to respond to the applause of the audience after they had played two encore numbers. Their big hit was scored by Miss Warner, the harpist of the organization, who played a solo that merited and received tremendous applause. This young woman was formerly harp player with the Reed Trio and is one of the most skillful performers on the instrument in this country. Collins and Hart, 2 shows, 13 min. full stage-- This act went with a perfect howl from start to finish, as I knew it would when I first saw it in New York. They are both fairly good comedians in the silence-fun sort of way, and their fake feats of strength performed by means of a wire attached to a belt around the waist of one of the performers, proved screamingly funny. It is strong enough to close the show, next to the biograph. [illeg. where two sheets of paper overlap] of the same style as those furnished by the vitagraph. Russell and Buckley, 3 shows, 15 min. open full stage, close in 1-- Comedy and musical act, the funny man blacking up. It is a very good act, judged from a 3-a-day standpoint, and made a hit with the number remaining in the house along about 5 o'clock. Derenda and Breen, 3 shows, 10 min. full stage-- Comedy club juggling act, and a very good one at that. Stereopticon, 5 min. in 1-- Interesting lot of views. Only used twice as I had plenty of show without it. Comment:-- The afternoon audience was quite large and unusually enthusiastic. The show is one of the best we have put up for some time, especially in the line of good clean comedy.
[page number stamped: 304] (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of Aug. 3, 1903. Clifford and Hall, 3 shows, 18 min. open full stage, close in 1-- Man and woman in a talking and singing act, and some mandolin playing by the man. The act is good enough as an opener or the 3-show section, but neither of the performers are clever, the woman being especially bad, as is apt to be the case in turns of this description. The Lucados, 3 shows, 11 min. full stage-- Man and woman, in balancing feats and wonderful exhibition of chest expansion by the man. The act is a particularly strong one to be in the 3-a-day section, and drew an unusual amount of applause. Walter Daniels, 3 shows, 19 min. full stage-- This man has a repertoire of impersonations of actors in famous parts, including Wilton Lackye, Richard Mansfield, in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", the old violinist from "Mistress Nell" and the old darkey in the "Octoroon." He is a really clever young man, whose declamations is quite finished, and he possess [sic] considerable personality. He makes up in full view of the audience, a la Charles Fletcher, and keeps up a running fire of talk during the process. He found decided appreciation from the audience and was obliged to respond a curtain call. Sam Davis and Laura Walker, 3 shows, 14 min. in 1-- "Real coon" singers and dancers, the man being particularly agile in the manipulation of his pedal extremities, and the woman possessed of a well cultivated, though not musical, voice. As usual with colored entertainers in this house, they made a hit. Fadettes Orchestra, 2 shows, 31 min. full stage-- Still the backbone of the show and they could have played much longer if we had allowed them to respond to the applause of the audience after they had played two encore numbers. Their big hit was scored by Miss Warner, the harpist of the organization, who played a solo that merited and received tremendous applause. This young woman was formerly harp player with the Reed Trio and is one of the most skillful performers on the instrument in this country. Collins and Hart, 2 shows, 13 min. full stage-- This act went with a perfect howl from start to finish, as I knew it would when I first saw it in New York. They are both fairly good comedians in the silence-fun sort of way, and their fake feats of strength performed by means of a wire attached to a belt around the waist of one of the performers, proved screamingly funny. It is strong enough to close the show, next to the biograph. [illeg. where two sheets of paper overlap] of the same style as those furnished by the vitagraph. Russell and Buckley, 3 shows, 15 min. open full stage, close in 1-- Comedy and musical act, the funny man blacking up. It is a very good act, judged from a 3-a-day standpoint, and made a hit with the number remaining in the house along about 5 o'clock. Derenda and Breen, 3 shows, 10 min. full stage-- Comedy club juggling act, and a very good one at that. Stereopticon, 5 min. in 1-- Interesting lot of views. Only used twice as I had plenty of show without it. Comment:-- The afternoon audience was quite large and unusually enthusiastic. The show is one of the best we have put up for some time, especially in the line of good clean comedy.
Keith-Albee Collection