Keith-Albee managers' report book, September 9, 1912-February 24, 1913
Page 61
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61 REPORT ON COLUMBUS SHOW WEEK OCT. 28, 1912--W.W. PROSSER. THE HAVELOCKS: Two men in "Fun At a 5 O'clock Tea". Very good novelty juggling act. Work is very fast and thoroughly interesting. Held closest attention throughout, with very strong finish. Light Fancy in 3, 11 minutes. (Open) ETHEL MASON & FRANK DuTIEL: The "Twentieth Century Vaudevillians". Songs by both, and piano-accordian work by woman. Did pretty well in spots and, in a general way, gave satisfaction. Fairly good act, but for some reason, did not get over as well as they deserved. Moderately strong finish. Olio in 1, 11 min. (Cleveland) ROBERTS, HAYES & ROBERTS: Two men, one woman, in comedy, singing and dancing skit, "On The Road". Sort of farce-comedy, opening in 3 with finale. Special drop. Singing and dancing in 1. The close-in is the best part of the act, the preceding part being somewhat crude and without particular value. Did fairly well throughout, working up to a good finish and concluding moderately strong. Double set in 3, special in 1. 21 minutes. (Open) JACK CONLY & Margaret WEBB: In "A Stormy Finish". Big hit throughout. Very strong finish. Dark Fancy in 3, 19 minutes. (Toledo) NICHOLS SISTERS: Just as good as ever. Reception at opening, liberal laughter and strong finish. Landscape in 1, 14 minutes. (Cleveland) MASTER GABRIEL & CO: Gabriel, man and woman, in comedy sketch, "Little Kick". Act made good throughout. The personal success of Gabriel was very pronounced. Plenty of laughs. Undivided attention throughout and a strong finish. Fancy in 3, 24 minutes. (Louisville) WALTER C. KELLY: "The Virginia Judge". Went very well, but, for the money, he should certainly have some new material. Practically the same stuff he has done on his four previous visits. Went well enough, but it was evident the audience expected some new stories. Moderately strong finish. Olio in 1, 19 min. (Pittsburgh) MARLO TRIO: Two men, 1 woman. Horizontal bar number. Made a very good closer, holding them throughout and finishing moderately strong. Palace in 5, 7 minutes. (Open) PATHE WEEKLY: O.K.
61 REPORT ON COLUMBUS SHOW WEEK OCT. 28, 1912--W.W. PROSSER. THE HAVELOCKS: Two men in "Fun At a 5 O'clock Tea". Very good novelty juggling act. Work is very fast and thoroughly interesting. Held closest attention throughout, with very strong finish. Light Fancy in 3, 11 minutes. (Open) ETHEL MASON & FRANK DuTIEL: The "Twentieth Century Vaudevillians". Songs by both, and piano-accordian work by woman. Did pretty well in spots and, in a general way, gave satisfaction. Fairly good act, but for some reason, did not get over as well as they deserved. Moderately strong finish. Olio in 1, 11 min. (Cleveland) ROBERTS, HAYES & ROBERTS: Two men, one woman, in comedy, singing and dancing skit, "On The Road". Sort of farce-comedy, opening in 3 with finale. Special drop. Singing and dancing in 1. The close-in is the best part of the act, the preceding part being somewhat crude and without particular value. Did fairly well throughout, working up to a good finish and concluding moderately strong. Double set in 3, special in 1. 21 minutes. (Open) JACK CONLY & Margaret WEBB: In "A Stormy Finish". Big hit throughout. Very strong finish. Dark Fancy in 3, 19 minutes. (Toledo) NICHOLS SISTERS: Just as good as ever. Reception at opening, liberal laughter and strong finish. Landscape in 1, 14 minutes. (Cleveland) MASTER GABRIEL & CO: Gabriel, man and woman, in comedy sketch, "Little Kick". Act made good throughout. The personal success of Gabriel was very pronounced. Plenty of laughs. Undivided attention throughout and a strong finish. Fancy in 3, 24 minutes. (Louisville) WALTER C. KELLY: "The Virginia Judge". Went very well, but, for the money, he should certainly have some new material. Practically the same stuff he has done on his four previous visits. Went well enough, but it was evident the audience expected some new stories. Moderately strong finish. Olio in 1, 19 min. (Pittsburgh) MARLO TRIO: Two men, 1 woman. Horizontal bar number. Made a very good closer, holding them throughout and finishing moderately strong. Palace in 5, 7 minutes. (Open) PATHE WEEKLY: O.K.
Keith-Albee Collection