Managers' report book, July 4, 1915-November 13, 1916
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BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW THURSDAY SEPT. 30, 1915. CHAS. GIBBS: MIMIC, 13 MINUTES (1) Fair act, the comedy produces a laugh here and there, and the act just gets over. WILLIAMS & SEGAL: VOCALISTS AND DANCERS, 12 MINUTES, (1), LADY AND MAN. Singing amounts to practically little or nothing, but their dancing is finely done, and they obtained good recognition on this part of the act. MR. & MRS. GORDON WILDE: SHADOWGRAPHS, 11 MINUTES, FULL STAGE. Particularly good act, in fact, the best of its kind ever seen here. But our audience is rather indifferent to shadowgraph acts. There have been many here in times past, and so, despite the artistic excellence of this particular offering, our audience was only mildly interested. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager. BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY SEPT. 27, 1915. GRACE DIXON: SINGING COMEDIENNE, 12 MINUTES (1) Good program of selections, rendered in a fairly pleasing voice, obtains for her a fair degree of recognition. BROWN & BRISTOL: SINGING, TALKING & DANCING, 14 MINUTES (1) Good act, the material being quite original. The denouement is rather startling, and affords a real surprise. Act was well received. ARNAUT BROTHERS: ACROBATIC NOVELTY, 10 MINUTES FULL STAGE. Exceptionally good offering, the playing of violins while executing difficult tumbling tricks is a bit of novelty that meets with instant approval. Bird imitations at the finish are excellent, and the entire act, is a success of the surest kind. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager.
BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW THURSDAY SEPT. 30, 1915. CHAS. GIBBS: MIMIC, 13 MINUTES (1) Fair act, the comedy produces a laugh here and there, and the act just gets over. WILLIAMS & SEGAL: VOCALISTS AND DANCERS, 12 MINUTES, (1), LADY AND MAN. Singing amounts to practically little or nothing, but their dancing is finely done, and they obtained good recognition on this part of the act. MR. & MRS. GORDON WILDE: SHADOWGRAPHS, 11 MINUTES, FULL STAGE. Particularly good act, in fact, the best of its kind ever seen here. But our audience is rather indifferent to shadowgraph acts. There have been many here in times past, and so, despite the artistic excellence of this particular offering, our audience was only mildly interested. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager. BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY SEPT. 27, 1915. GRACE DIXON: SINGING COMEDIENNE, 12 MINUTES (1) Good program of selections, rendered in a fairly pleasing voice, obtains for her a fair degree of recognition. BROWN & BRISTOL: SINGING, TALKING & DANCING, 14 MINUTES (1) Good act, the material being quite original. The denouement is rather startling, and affords a real surprise. Act was well received. ARNAUT BROTHERS: ACROBATIC NOVELTY, 10 MINUTES FULL STAGE. Exceptionally good offering, the playing of violins while executing difficult tumbling tricks is a bit of novelty that meets with instant approval. Bird imitations at the finish are excellent, and the entire act, is a success of the surest kind. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager.
Keith-Albee Collection