Managers' report book, July 4, 1915-November 13, 1916
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REPORT on PROVIDENCE SHOW, WEEK of OCTOBER 4, 1915. CHARLES LOVENBERG, Manager. The show as a whole was pretty good, although we fell down on the big act upon which we depended for a great deal, requiring a reconstruction of the show, thereby necessitating placing some of the acts to a disadvantage. Albert Cutler Expert Billardist. This man does some very remarkable shots and presents his act in a very clever manner; has some very bright patter, all of which helped to score a success. He also has quite a following evidently, judging by the amount of applause given him on his entrance. I had him in the middle of the show where he made good thoroughly. I am sorry to have to open the show with him. 11 Mins. F. S. Weston & Clare Two young fellows in a singing and dancing act of the kind that vaudeville is being overrun with. If they would only change their makeup and not appear in dress suits, as do practically all the others, that might help the act some. The boys are clever enough, but the public is tired of this sort of act. 10 Mins. F. S. Wm. Pruette & Co. Four people in a very clever little operetta entitled, "A Holland Romance." A good act that pleased thoroughly. 20 Mins. F. S. Tower & Darrell Eccentric Comedians I had this act down second to last but was obliged to move them up as they could hardly follow Whitfield & Ireland who also do eccentric work and eccentric dancing, and have a much better act. 14 Mins. In One Taylor Granville & CO. In his newest sketch "The Yellow Streak." Hardly up to his former offerings. 35 Mins. F. S. Marion Weeks. Very attractive young girl with a very fine soprano voice and a charming personality. Went very well indeed. 14 Mins. IN One. Cranberries. Splendid comedy sketch, splendidly played. One of the very best things in the show. 20 Mins. F. S. Whitfield & Ireland. Corking good comedy act which cleaned up in fine style. 18 Mins. In One. Rose Schmettan & Brother This act was originally booked to open the show, which spot they held in splendid style. They can also close satisfactorily. They do handbalancing and juggling but it is all presented in a very attractive manner, An act every one should play. 10 Mins. F. S. Motion Pictures O. K.
REPORT on PROVIDENCE SHOW, WEEK of OCTOBER 4, 1915. CHARLES LOVENBERG, Manager. The show as a whole was pretty good, although we fell down on the big act upon which we depended for a great deal, requiring a reconstruction of the show, thereby necessitating placing some of the acts to a disadvantage. Albert Cutler Expert Billardist. This man does some very remarkable shots and presents his act in a very clever manner; has some very bright patter, all of which helped to score a success. He also has quite a following evidently, judging by the amount of applause given him on his entrance. I had him in the middle of the show where he made good thoroughly. I am sorry to have to open the show with him. 11 Mins. F. S. Weston & Clare Two young fellows in a singing and dancing act of the kind that vaudeville is being overrun with. If they would only change their makeup and not appear in dress suits, as do practically all the others, that might help the act some. The boys are clever enough, but the public is tired of this sort of act. 10 Mins. F. S. Wm. Pruette & Co. Four people in a very clever little operetta entitled, "A Holland Romance." A good act that pleased thoroughly. 20 Mins. F. S. Tower & Darrell Eccentric Comedians I had this act down second to last but was obliged to move them up as they could hardly follow Whitfield & Ireland who also do eccentric work and eccentric dancing, and have a much better act. 14 Mins. In One Taylor Granville & CO. In his newest sketch "The Yellow Streak." Hardly up to his former offerings. 35 Mins. F. S. Marion Weeks. Very attractive young girl with a very fine soprano voice and a charming personality. Went very well indeed. 14 Mins. IN One. Cranberries. Splendid comedy sketch, splendidly played. One of the very best things in the show. 20 Mins. F. S. Whitfield & Ireland. Corking good comedy act which cleaned up in fine style. 18 Mins. In One. Rose Schmettan & Brother This act was originally booked to open the show, which spot they held in splendid style. They can also close satisfactorily. They do handbalancing and juggling but it is all presented in a very attractive manner, An act every one should play. 10 Mins. F. S. Motion Pictures O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection