Managers' report book, July 4, 1915-November 13, 1916
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BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R.I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY, OCT. 18, 1915. FRED & ADELE ASTAIRE: SINGING AND DANCING, 11 MIN. FULL STAGE. Singing is not note-worthy, but they manifest considerable ability in dance, and it is this department that obtains for them the recognition of the audience. MOZARTO: INSTRUMENTALIST, 11 MIN. (1). Fair act, the idea of playing two instruments simultaneously being a bit of novelty not usually seen. Went fairly well. DR. CARL HERMAN: "ELECTRICAL WIZARD", 20 MIN. 5 'PLANTS', FULL STAGE. This work has been seen here many times in the past, but owing to his novel and original manner of introducing it, the act is leagues in advance of all its predecessors. The comedy occasioned by the utilization of a number of 'plants' is hilarious in the extreme, and the act attacks one's risibilities in a most vigorous manner. [W. E. Parmenter?] BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R.I. REPORT OF SHOW, THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1915. GREAT JOHNSON: EQUILIBRIST, 7 MIN. FULL STAGE. Fair act, performing the usual run of equilibristic feats quite cleverly. He also has a few minutes on the trapeze that helps the act somewhat. GRACE FISHER: VOCALIST, 14 MIN. (1). 'one plant'. For one who played here a year and a half ago at a salary of 37.50, it seems almost unreasonable that she should return here as a feature at a salary that is little short of fabulous for an act of this kind. Her program is not notable, most of her selections having been heard here time and again. Looks pretty and winsome, charming at all times, and endowed with a personality almost magnetic, she is a most attractive specimen of femininity, but as a feature on our program at 87.50, she is absolutely impossible. DANCING MARS: LADY, GIRL AND BOY, 11 MIN. FULL STAGE, SPECIAL SET. Passably fair, having one dance that manages to hold the attention; the remainder of the turn consists in romping about the stage bedecked with ribbons in much the same manner that one would expect from a bevy of children at play in the nursery. [W. E. Parmenter?] Mgr.
BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R.I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY, OCT. 18, 1915. FRED & ADELE ASTAIRE: SINGING AND DANCING, 11 MIN. FULL STAGE. Singing is not note-worthy, but they manifest considerable ability in dance, and it is this department that obtains for them the recognition of the audience. MOZARTO: INSTRUMENTALIST, 11 MIN. (1). Fair act, the idea of playing two instruments simultaneously being a bit of novelty not usually seen. Went fairly well. DR. CARL HERMAN: "ELECTRICAL WIZARD", 20 MIN. 5 'PLANTS', FULL STAGE. This work has been seen here many times in the past, but owing to his novel and original manner of introducing it, the act is leagues in advance of all its predecessors. The comedy occasioned by the utilization of a number of 'plants' is hilarious in the extreme, and the act attacks one's risibilities in a most vigorous manner. [W. E. Parmenter?] BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R.I. REPORT OF SHOW, THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1915. GREAT JOHNSON: EQUILIBRIST, 7 MIN. FULL STAGE. Fair act, performing the usual run of equilibristic feats quite cleverly. He also has a few minutes on the trapeze that helps the act somewhat. GRACE FISHER: VOCALIST, 14 MIN. (1). 'one plant'. For one who played here a year and a half ago at a salary of 37.50, it seems almost unreasonable that she should return here as a feature at a salary that is little short of fabulous for an act of this kind. Her program is not notable, most of her selections having been heard here time and again. Looks pretty and winsome, charming at all times, and endowed with a personality almost magnetic, she is a most attractive specimen of femininity, but as a feature on our program at 87.50, she is absolutely impossible. DANCING MARS: LADY, GIRL AND BOY, 11 MIN. FULL STAGE, SPECIAL SET. Passably fair, having one dance that manages to hold the attention; the remainder of the turn consists in romping about the stage bedecked with ribbons in much the same manner that one would expect from a bevy of children at play in the nursery. [W. E. Parmenter?] Mgr.
Keith-Albee Collection