Managers' report book, July 4, 1915-November 13, 1916
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REPORT ON BOSTON SHOW FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22nd 1915 PATHE NEWS 6 minutes in one One of the poorest series of news pictures we have ever had. WRIGHT and SABBOTT 10 minutes f s Palace Songs and modern dances. Lively opener. CORBETT, SHEPARD and DONOVAN 13 minutes in one Olio Drop. These boys have a couple of new songs, and they put them over in pretty good shape. WERNER-AMORAS TROUPE 21 minutes f s C D F Juggling, acrobats, violin and piano playing, and a very good imitation of Charlie Chaplin. Good act of its kind. Went big. GEORGE MacFARLANE 21 minutes in one O P Drapery Mr MacFarlane was the hit of the show. Has a splendid programme, ranging from Gilbert and Sullivan to the modern ballads, including some old Irish songs. A great, big hit. WALTER DeLEON and "MUGGINS" DAVIES 19 minutes in one O P Drapery and special drop. Are giving us a new act this trip, which is even better than the old one. The burlesque moving picture at the finish was a big laughing hit. HARRY GILFOIL 13 minutes f s Music room As we have five acts in the centre of the bill this week, all working in one, we put Gilfoil in full stage to break up the monotony. Scored his old-time success. GRACE LaRUE 20 minutes in one Special drapery Miss LaRue was booked to replace Emma Carus, who was taken ill Saturday in New York. She was a distinct disappointment. Her new act is by no means equal to the one she gave us on her last visit. The songs, while original, are very much the same, which is tiresome. There is not a single catchy air in the entire program. Monday evening Miss LaRue showed up too late to go on in her regular spot on the bill. MULLEN and COOGAN 18 minutes in one. Street and Garden Drop. Doing about the same line of stuff, and getting away with it in good shape. CORRADINI'S MENAGERIE 10 minutes f s Circus cyclorama The horse in this act was taken ill in Providence Saturday. Corradini did the act with the elephant, zebras and dogs, and got away with it pretty well, considering the handicap. He expects to have the horse back in the act by tomorrow. HARVARD-YALE FOOTBALL GAME 18 minutes in one. These are the official pictures of the game, taken by twelve cameramen stationed in different parts of the Stadium. Full of action, and show all the most exciting plays. A splendid feature of its kind.
REPORT ON BOSTON SHOW FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22nd 1915 PATHE NEWS 6 minutes in one One of the poorest series of news pictures we have ever had. WRIGHT and SABBOTT 10 minutes f s Palace Songs and modern dances. Lively opener. CORBETT, SHEPARD and DONOVAN 13 minutes in one Olio Drop. These boys have a couple of new songs, and they put them over in pretty good shape. WERNER-AMORAS TROUPE 21 minutes f s C D F Juggling, acrobats, violin and piano playing, and a very good imitation of Charlie Chaplin. Good act of its kind. Went big. GEORGE MacFARLANE 21 minutes in one O P Drapery Mr MacFarlane was the hit of the show. Has a splendid programme, ranging from Gilbert and Sullivan to the modern ballads, including some old Irish songs. A great, big hit. WALTER DeLEON and "MUGGINS" DAVIES 19 minutes in one O P Drapery and special drop. Are giving us a new act this trip, which is even better than the old one. The burlesque moving picture at the finish was a big laughing hit. HARRY GILFOIL 13 minutes f s Music room As we have five acts in the centre of the bill this week, all working in one, we put Gilfoil in full stage to break up the monotony. Scored his old-time success. GRACE LaRUE 20 minutes in one Special drapery Miss LaRue was booked to replace Emma Carus, who was taken ill Saturday in New York. She was a distinct disappointment. Her new act is by no means equal to the one she gave us on her last visit. The songs, while original, are very much the same, which is tiresome. There is not a single catchy air in the entire program. Monday evening Miss LaRue showed up too late to go on in her regular spot on the bill. MULLEN and COOGAN 18 minutes in one. Street and Garden Drop. Doing about the same line of stuff, and getting away with it in good shape. CORRADINI'S MENAGERIE 10 minutes f s Circus cyclorama The horse in this act was taken ill in Providence Saturday. Corradini did the act with the elephant, zebras and dogs, and got away with it pretty well, considering the handicap. He expects to have the horse back in the act by tomorrow. HARVARD-YALE FOOTBALL GAME 18 minutes in one. These are the official pictures of the game, taken by twelve cameramen stationed in different parts of the Stadium. Full of action, and show all the most exciting plays. A splendid feature of its kind.
Keith-Albee Collection