Managers' report book, July 4, 1915-November 13, 1916
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166 REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING Pawt. May 25, 1916 SCENIC THEATRE GEORGE W. MOORE Works in full stage special set and special props which he juggles. The setting is very pretty His work is only fair and he misses a lot of his tricks. Went Fair.10 Min. Irene Hobson Co. 2 men one woman comedy sketch Full Stage 15 Min. A Well Acted offering. Some good comedy. Went Fair Hope Vernon works in one 12 Min. singing and violin immatations with voice. Has a beautiful voice and went Over Good. "On The Varanda" 3 men and 3 women work in full stage 15 Min. Singing comedy talk and a little dancing. Poor singers. Act Only Went Fair. Special set. REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING PAWT. MAY 29,1916. Scenic Theatre Polzin Bros. work in full stage acrobats using spring board and doing some very good work 12 Min. Went Good. Maris Donnahue works in one 12 min. Singing fairly good voice but there is something about her work and appearance which does not go with the audiennce and they were more or less noisy while she was on. Went Fair. Kenny & Hollis two men work in one special drop comedy ["nutt"?] act and Mr. Kenny is some Nut" A very good act along these lines and went over very good. "The Belle of Seville"three men one woman in a comedy sketch which is mostly make up of some very good singing Act works 15 Min. Full stage Went Well. REPORT ONSHOW PLAYING Pawt. [R.F.] Scenic Theatre June 8.1916. HECTOR" Trained dog which is featured in an offering of four trained dogs. A neat little dog act in special set. Full Stage 14 Min. Went Fair. Musical Irving works in one 14 Min. before special drop playing Trombone Cello and a one stringedinstrument made with a cigar box. Went Well. Popular music. Hartly & Pecan man and woman in one 14 Min? Songs and comedy talk Fair singers comedy fairly good Act Went Fair. Lovett "Concentration" man and two women work in full stage one woman answers questions while the orther plays musical selections which are desired by the audiennce 15 Min. Act recieves little applause at finish but still they might talk about same on the outside. Report On Show Playing Pawt. June 12,1916. Scenic Theatre. Fred & Albert works in FULL Stage 8 Min. Ring offering which is way above any we have played. Went Well. Kolb & Harlan man and woman work before special drop in one 12 Min. Songs dances and a burlesque on suffrage. This act is something differant from the rest. Went Well. Bob Allbright works in one with lady at piano Songs piano playing and a few stories. Wonderful singer. Went Big. 17 Min. James Kennady & Co. 3 men one woman Comedy Sketch full stage 20 Min. Godd Offering and as Mr? Kennady was a big card in this city a few years ago the act is going over very good. Report on shows playing Pawt. June 15,1916. SCENIC THEATRE. George Hall man works in one 15 Min. Monologue Comedy Songs and recitations.The later are very good. Went Fair Matnee Went Well At Night. Bicknell & Gibney man and woman comedy sketch full stage "The Small town Johnny" is the name. An offering which makes them laugh from start to finishBut Only a fair hand at finish. 16 Min. Conrad & Conrad man and woman in one 15 Min. Character impersonations by man piano playing by both and singing by both. Custumme changes. Went Fairly Well. The Maryland Singers four women work in full stage special set which is very pretty. Custummes very pretty 1860. Very Fine singers singing the songs of 1860. A very fine offering from showing lots of "Class". Went Over Very Good All Shows. Time 17 Min.
166 REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING Pawt. May 25, 1916 SCENIC THEATRE GEORGE W. MOORE Works in full stage special set and special props which he juggles. The setting is very pretty His work is only fair and he misses a lot of his tricks. Went Fair.10 Min. Irene Hobson Co. 2 men one woman comedy sketch Full Stage 15 Min. A Well Acted offering. Some good comedy. Went Fair Hope Vernon works in one 12 Min. singing and violin immatations with voice. Has a beautiful voice and went Over Good. "On The Varanda" 3 men and 3 women work in full stage 15 Min. Singing comedy talk and a little dancing. Poor singers. Act Only Went Fair. Special set. REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING PAWT. MAY 29,1916. Scenic Theatre Polzin Bros. work in full stage acrobats using spring board and doing some very good work 12 Min. Went Good. Maris Donnahue works in one 12 min. Singing fairly good voice but there is something about her work and appearance which does not go with the audiennce and they were more or less noisy while she was on. Went Fair. Kenny & Hollis two men work in one special drop comedy ["nutt"?] act and Mr. Kenny is some Nut" A very good act along these lines and went over very good. "The Belle of Seville"three men one woman in a comedy sketch which is mostly make up of some very good singing Act works 15 Min. Full stage Went Well. REPORT ONSHOW PLAYING Pawt. [R.F.] Scenic Theatre June 8.1916. HECTOR" Trained dog which is featured in an offering of four trained dogs. A neat little dog act in special set. Full Stage 14 Min. Went Fair. Musical Irving works in one 14 Min. before special drop playing Trombone Cello and a one stringedinstrument made with a cigar box. Went Well. Popular music. Hartly & Pecan man and woman in one 14 Min? Songs and comedy talk Fair singers comedy fairly good Act Went Fair. Lovett "Concentration" man and two women work in full stage one woman answers questions while the orther plays musical selections which are desired by the audiennce 15 Min. Act recieves little applause at finish but still they might talk about same on the outside. Report On Show Playing Pawt. June 12,1916. Scenic Theatre. Fred & Albert works in FULL Stage 8 Min. Ring offering which is way above any we have played. Went Well. Kolb & Harlan man and woman work before special drop in one 12 Min. Songs dances and a burlesque on suffrage. This act is something differant from the rest. Went Well. Bob Allbright works in one with lady at piano Songs piano playing and a few stories. Wonderful singer. Went Big. 17 Min. James Kennady & Co. 3 men one woman Comedy Sketch full stage 20 Min. Godd Offering and as Mr? Kennady was a big card in this city a few years ago the act is going over very good. Report on shows playing Pawt. June 15,1916. SCENIC THEATRE. George Hall man works in one 15 Min. Monologue Comedy Songs and recitations.The later are very good. Went Fair Matnee Went Well At Night. Bicknell & Gibney man and woman comedy sketch full stage "The Small town Johnny" is the name. An offering which makes them laugh from start to finishBut Only a fair hand at finish. 16 Min. Conrad & Conrad man and woman in one 15 Min. Character impersonations by man piano playing by both and singing by both. Custumme changes. Went Fairly Well. The Maryland Singers four women work in full stage special set which is very pretty. Custummes very pretty 1860. Very Fine singers singing the songs of 1860. A very fine offering from showing lots of "Class". Went Over Very Good All Shows. Time 17 Min.
Keith-Albee Collection