FMS Digest, v. 1, issues 1-5, February - July 1941
v.1:no.2: Page 3
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F M Z DIGEST Page 3 TOO MANY FANMAGS By Art Widner Jr. Condensed from FAN-ATIC March, 1941 Ever since early 1939, when the present rash of fanmags first began to irritate the epidermis of fandom, the fact that too many fanmags would be a bad thing for the general fanmag, and for fandom as a whole, was recognized and lamented by more than a few. But while everybody agreed that every new fan should be discouraged from publishing the six page mess that new fans seem to think constitutes a fanmag, nobody seemed to have any practical ideas on how to squelch these illegitimate brats of the hectograph, and some even rallied to their defense. With feuds and conventions and things occupying their attention, the long-suffering fan public merely gagged slightly, assimilated these bits of offal, and went about its business. But this plethora of terrible tripe the ubiquitous new fan persists in pushing off on us, is beginning to be painful even to fandom's iron-bound-none-too-choosy-gut. It wouldn't be quite so bad if these new fans could take even the broadest of hints. Although their first efforts may bring only 3 responses, they blithely set about preparing a second issue, which stinks worse than the first, because it's bigger. Most of these fan "editors" can't spell, can't type, haven't any more idea about neatness and arrangement than a pig, and wouldn't know a good piece of material if it jumped out of the mailbox and bit them. They have nerve enough to trade their puling papers for good fanmags that are established and really deserving of support, rather than having the added burden of having to waste a copy in exchange for some nincompoop's "wish realizer." But the final straw is that they also have the colossal gall to charge five or ten cents for their shameful sheets, [[?]] that small group of people who shell out actual coin for fanmags. Certain members of this group are getting sick and tired of being gypped, and if the practice continues, they are going to put up and say to hell with the whole business. Then the good fanmags will take it on the chin along with the tripe purveyors. But enough of this destructive criticism. The biggest trouble in the whole affair is that there isn't enough good fan material to go around. Let's see if something concrete and constructive can't be done about the situation. Several old time fans, including myself, are fairly dripping with projects and ideas which we would like to perform purely for the good of fandom, with no thought of monetary return, or merely as interesting experiments of definite interest to certain portions of fandom. Why don't we get busy? I can think of so many reasons, it makes my head ache, but to name a few: We are doing so many things now we haven't time to eat or sleep, let alone take on new projects. We haven't got the facilities. There are other things we would rather do first. We like to answer our mail. Here's the idea. Instead of every new fan putting out a half-baked fan sheet as soon as he thinks he knows what it's all about, he should be heartily discouraged, and informed of the many fan projects just crying to be put over. He should then take his pick of whatever he would like to do, and get busy. So I close with a request to the new fan to take it easy. Keep your ears and eyes open, and learn to walk befor4e you try to run. CREATION By Allen Moss From THE TIME SCANNER Volume I, Number 1 Two star gods fought with ax and mace. A spark flew into the womb of space. Space nourished the spark, gave it birth. And now, me fight on mother earth.
F M Z DIGEST Page 3 TOO MANY FANMAGS By Art Widner Jr. Condensed from FAN-ATIC March, 1941 Ever since early 1939, when the present rash of fanmags first began to irritate the epidermis of fandom, the fact that too many fanmags would be a bad thing for the general fanmag, and for fandom as a whole, was recognized and lamented by more than a few. But while everybody agreed that every new fan should be discouraged from publishing the six page mess that new fans seem to think constitutes a fanmag, nobody seemed to have any practical ideas on how to squelch these illegitimate brats of the hectograph, and some even rallied to their defense. With feuds and conventions and things occupying their attention, the long-suffering fan public merely gagged slightly, assimilated these bits of offal, and went about its business. But this plethora of terrible tripe the ubiquitous new fan persists in pushing off on us, is beginning to be painful even to fandom's iron-bound-none-too-choosy-gut. It wouldn't be quite so bad if these new fans could take even the broadest of hints. Although their first efforts may bring only 3 responses, they blithely set about preparing a second issue, which stinks worse than the first, because it's bigger. Most of these fan "editors" can't spell, can't type, haven't any more idea about neatness and arrangement than a pig, and wouldn't know a good piece of material if it jumped out of the mailbox and bit them. They have nerve enough to trade their puling papers for good fanmags that are established and really deserving of support, rather than having the added burden of having to waste a copy in exchange for some nincompoop's "wish realizer." But the final straw is that they also have the colossal gall to charge five or ten cents for their shameful sheets, [[?]] that small group of people who shell out actual coin for fanmags. Certain members of this group are getting sick and tired of being gypped, and if the practice continues, they are going to put up and say to hell with the whole business. Then the good fanmags will take it on the chin along with the tripe purveyors. But enough of this destructive criticism. The biggest trouble in the whole affair is that there isn't enough good fan material to go around. Let's see if something concrete and constructive can't be done about the situation. Several old time fans, including myself, are fairly dripping with projects and ideas which we would like to perform purely for the good of fandom, with no thought of monetary return, or merely as interesting experiments of definite interest to certain portions of fandom. Why don't we get busy? I can think of so many reasons, it makes my head ache, but to name a few: We are doing so many things now we haven't time to eat or sleep, let alone take on new projects. We haven't got the facilities. There are other things we would rather do first. We like to answer our mail. Here's the idea. Instead of every new fan putting out a half-baked fan sheet as soon as he thinks he knows what it's all about, he should be heartily discouraged, and informed of the many fan projects just crying to be put over. He should then take his pick of whatever he would like to do, and get busy. So I close with a request to the new fan to take it easy. Keep your ears and eyes open, and learn to walk befor4e you try to run. CREATION By Allen Moss From THE TIME SCANNER Volume I, Number 1 Two star gods fought with ax and mace. A spark flew into the womb of space. Space nourished the spark, gave it birth. And now, me fight on mother earth.
Hevelin Fanzines