FMS Digest, v. 1, issues 1-5, February - July 1941
v.1:no.2: Page 5
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F M Z DIGEST FOR FANS? By Walter J. Daugherty Condensed from THE DAMN THING March, 1941 While sitting here on a late Sunday afternoon, I pick up a co0py of NEPENTHE. Truly, NEPENTHE represented the origination of a great magazine, wherein the poetic musings from far and near. But--- I turn to page twelve and fourteen, what greets my eyes but two of the most atrocious pieces of trash and filth to ever mess up a sheet of paper. Really, Mr. Lowndes, I'm ashamed of you... A man in your position... The editor of one of our best pro's creating such dribble for the fans of the country to read. I recall reading an article by a New York fan with a good conception of the merits of science fiction, praising the New York stands for banning all of the so-called Snappy Science magazines. Such a movement is fine and many cities, and States might follow the example. These "pulp trash" have always caused many a setback for true Science Fiction from coast to coast. They have many times given Science Fiction a bad name to live down. One of the main boogie men we have to fight for the benefit of our reading material is that of the utterly fantastic and impossible dreams and musings of some membranes. I am speaking of some of those whom we are trying to get to understand the true merits of Scientifiction as a hobby. When the average man can point to something like those poems what can a fan do to convince him that they are not that which our hobby entails? Did you think what would happen to a fan of fifteen whose parent happened to read those poems? Not only would they be severely punished but would be refused the pleasures of the true Science Fiction we all enjoy. Think about the fact that we fans will have to think twice before we allow any new fan to look up at the last effort and memorable contribution by a great fan...EARL SINGLETON. Cover by George WYMAN for HYMN TO SATAN by Tigrina. Words & music. 10[[cent symbol]] from 4sj. ON FANDOM Suicides By Will Sykora Condensed from FANTASY NEWWS March 2, 1941 Does a rabid, fanatical pursuit of science fiction fan activities result in suicide? On the basis of four known suicides in the fantasy field, no sweeping conclusion such as this could be reached. Some fans, whose lack of a sense of values or who appear to have lost a sense of proportion causing them to see things out of focus, seem to reach conclusions not borne out by a sufficiency of facts. On the other hand, neuroses of one sort or another might concievably develop. Novae in the fan field are common. A fan may start small. He may have only read stf for a year or two. He gets a few sample fan mags. He beings writing for them. THough a mere child, possibly, he is treated as a mature intellect. His ego bloats, and finally--bursts.
F M Z DIGEST FOR FANS? By Walter J. Daugherty Condensed from THE DAMN THING March, 1941 While sitting here on a late Sunday afternoon, I pick up a co0py of NEPENTHE. Truly, NEPENTHE represented the origination of a great magazine, wherein the poetic musings from far and near. But--- I turn to page twelve and fourteen, what greets my eyes but two of the most atrocious pieces of trash and filth to ever mess up a sheet of paper. Really, Mr. Lowndes, I'm ashamed of you... A man in your position... The editor of one of our best pro's creating such dribble for the fans of the country to read. I recall reading an article by a New York fan with a good conception of the merits of science fiction, praising the New York stands for banning all of the so-called Snappy Science magazines. Such a movement is fine and many cities, and States might follow the example. These "pulp trash" have always caused many a setback for true Science Fiction from coast to coast. They have many times given Science Fiction a bad name to live down. One of the main boogie men we have to fight for the benefit of our reading material is that of the utterly fantastic and impossible dreams and musings of some membranes. I am speaking of some of those whom we are trying to get to understand the true merits of Scientifiction as a hobby. When the average man can point to something like those poems what can a fan do to convince him that they are not that which our hobby entails? Did you think what would happen to a fan of fifteen whose parent happened to read those poems? Not only would they be severely punished but would be refused the pleasures of the true Science Fiction we all enjoy. Think about the fact that we fans will have to think twice before we allow any new fan to look up at the last effort and memorable contribution by a great fan...EARL SINGLETON. Cover by George WYMAN for HYMN TO SATAN by Tigrina. Words & music. 10[[cent symbol]] from 4sj. ON FANDOM Suicides By Will Sykora Condensed from FANTASY NEWWS March 2, 1941 Does a rabid, fanatical pursuit of science fiction fan activities result in suicide? On the basis of four known suicides in the fantasy field, no sweeping conclusion such as this could be reached. Some fans, whose lack of a sense of values or who appear to have lost a sense of proportion causing them to see things out of focus, seem to reach conclusions not borne out by a sufficiency of facts. On the other hand, neuroses of one sort or another might concievably develop. Novae in the fan field are common. A fan may start small. He may have only read stf for a year or two. He gets a few sample fan mags. He beings writing for them. THough a mere child, possibly, he is treated as a mature intellect. His ego bloats, and finally--bursts.
Hevelin Fanzines