FMS Digest, v. 1, issues 1-5, February - July 1941
v.1:no.4: Page 5
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F M Z DIGEST Page Five SCIENTIFICTION condensed from GARGOYLE April, 1941 nobody may air those opinions to persons interested in nobody's opinions but their own. MAGAZINE, PROFESSIONAL S-F: A means by which wise fools extract money from silly fools. RAY: A beam of radiated energy. Capable, in s-f, of doing anything for the hero that he can't do for himself, i.e. everything except kissing the heroine. RAY GUN: A magic wand for the destruction of alien entities and what-nots, but of surprisingly limited power when turned on the hero. SCIENCE: The facts and mechanism of nature as used by authors who have not sense enough to realize how little they understand the ideas of men who, after studying nature all their lives, admit they know almost nothing of the fact and mechanism of nature. SPACE: That which is where matter isn't. An author's ju-ju word. SPACE-SHIP: A vague sort of gadget in which the hero rushes about in pursuit of the villain, or pursued by the alien entities. VILLAIN: The most competant person in a s-f story, unfortunately never allowed to treat the hero as he deserves. WONDER, THRILLING: A magazine notable for its contents being neither thrilling nor wonderful DAMN EINSTEIN!! Cover illustration by B. E. & d. k. From SNIDE #2 DEATH OF THE FANZINE By Alex Osheroff Condensed from FANTASEER, June, 1941 It isn't that there'll come a time in which nary a fanzine will exist in this benighted world. What I'm trying to bring out is that fanzines can and do wear out; gently if the possessor is tender with his collection and quickly if he doesn't give a hang. What brought on this outburst os a copy of the first issue of FANTASY NEWS lying before me. This copy is wrinkled, torn, creased, stained, and almost decapitated. A sad picture of a fanzine, but no matter how careful you re in handling your magazines sooner or later they'll turn yellow and fall apart? It may be a horrible thought, but it is true enough.
F M Z DIGEST Page Five SCIENTIFICTION condensed from GARGOYLE April, 1941 nobody may air those opinions to persons interested in nobody's opinions but their own. MAGAZINE, PROFESSIONAL S-F: A means by which wise fools extract money from silly fools. RAY: A beam of radiated energy. Capable, in s-f, of doing anything for the hero that he can't do for himself, i.e. everything except kissing the heroine. RAY GUN: A magic wand for the destruction of alien entities and what-nots, but of surprisingly limited power when turned on the hero. SCIENCE: The facts and mechanism of nature as used by authors who have not sense enough to realize how little they understand the ideas of men who, after studying nature all their lives, admit they know almost nothing of the fact and mechanism of nature. SPACE: That which is where matter isn't. An author's ju-ju word. SPACE-SHIP: A vague sort of gadget in which the hero rushes about in pursuit of the villain, or pursued by the alien entities. VILLAIN: The most competant person in a s-f story, unfortunately never allowed to treat the hero as he deserves. WONDER, THRILLING: A magazine notable for its contents being neither thrilling nor wonderful DAMN EINSTEIN!! Cover illustration by B. E. & d. k. From SNIDE #2 DEATH OF THE FANZINE By Alex Osheroff Condensed from FANTASEER, June, 1941 It isn't that there'll come a time in which nary a fanzine will exist in this benighted world. What I'm trying to bring out is that fanzines can and do wear out; gently if the possessor is tender with his collection and quickly if he doesn't give a hang. What brought on this outburst os a copy of the first issue of FANTASY NEWS lying before me. This copy is wrinkled, torn, creased, stained, and almost decapitated. A sad picture of a fanzine, but no matter how careful you re in handling your magazines sooner or later they'll turn yellow and fall apart? It may be a horrible thought, but it is true enough.
Hevelin Fanzines