FMS Digest, v. 1, issues 1-5, February - July 1941
v.1:no.5: Inside front cover
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EDITORIAL Twice now the FMZ DIGEST has printed material which has been proved to be false--first in the case of the Singleton suicide, and then the report of the Sudney[[?]] convention. Both of these reports, at first accepted by almost all of fandom as fact, have turned out to be nothing but the imaginings of a fan or fans with what to our minds seems to be a slightly warped sense of humor. It is the intention of FMZ DIGEST to reprint representative material from the fmz appearing every month. If the editors of these magazines are taken in by a hoax, or else are a party to it, then we fear there is no way to tell at the time whether an item is authentic or spurious. Material is considered on its merit and its interest alone, and if some people go out of their way to fool the public, by writing or printing untruths cloaked in an interesting and convincing manner, then FMZ DIGEST will be fooled along with the rest of the fans. For we have no magic powers to sort out the facts from the frauds, and must of necessity accept the word of a fellow fan as to the authenticity of a piece of material. We cannot say that we regret the publication of the Singleton and Sydcon items, except that the space necessary for their refutation might have been devoted to some more worth - while material. For, if a fandom insists on perpetrating such frauds, then they are perhaps a phenomena inimical to fandom, and as such deserve recording in a magazine of this sort, which is devoted to the preservation of fandom's representative material. But we think it shows a deplorable lack of ethics on the part of such fans. THE INFORMATION DESK THE SOUTHERN STAR--published "supposedly bi-monthly" at 3600 Grand Street, Columbia, South Carolina, by Joe Gilbert and Art R Schnert. Price 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. SARDONYX--published quarterly for the F A P A by Louis Russell Chauvenet, at Esmont, Virginia. Handwritten hectod. CENSORED--issued irregularly by Fred Hunter Jr. at St. Andrew's College, Aurora, Ontario, Canada. 10[[cent symbol]], Mimeod. LEZOMBIE--mailed monthly from Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois. "Brains, Bob Tucker; mazuma, EEEvans." 5[[cent symbol]] per copy. Mimeod. ECLIPSE--published bi-monthly at 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Michigan. Editor, Richard J Kuhn. price 10[[cent symbol]]. 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. FUTURIAN OBSERVER--"fortnightly from Bert F Castellari and Ron Levy, at 10a Sully Street, Randwick, Sydney, New South Wales. 7 for 20[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. POLARIS--published quarterly by Paul Freehafer. 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]] from Box 6475, Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, California. Mimeod. SPACEWAYS--published every six weeks by Harry Warner Jr. at 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. Price 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST--published monthly by J Michel Rosenblum at 4 Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds 7; England. 75[[cent symbol]] per year in stamps or promags. Also included are a number of smaller sheets by various British fans, all stapled together. Mimeod. FMZ DIGEST is publisht monthly at 1426 W 38 St, Los Angeles, Cal. editor, Arthur Lous Joquel, II. Price, 5[[cent symbol]], 6 for 25[[cent symbol]]. No ads. July, 1941, Volume I, Number 5. If "Xpired" appears in the space at left, please renew your sub, FMZ DIGEST reserves the right to refuse any subscription or xchange.
EDITORIAL Twice now the FMZ DIGEST has printed material which has been proved to be false--first in the case of the Singleton suicide, and then the report of the Sudney[[?]] convention. Both of these reports, at first accepted by almost all of fandom as fact, have turned out to be nothing but the imaginings of a fan or fans with what to our minds seems to be a slightly warped sense of humor. It is the intention of FMZ DIGEST to reprint representative material from the fmz appearing every month. If the editors of these magazines are taken in by a hoax, or else are a party to it, then we fear there is no way to tell at the time whether an item is authentic or spurious. Material is considered on its merit and its interest alone, and if some people go out of their way to fool the public, by writing or printing untruths cloaked in an interesting and convincing manner, then FMZ DIGEST will be fooled along with the rest of the fans. For we have no magic powers to sort out the facts from the frauds, and must of necessity accept the word of a fellow fan as to the authenticity of a piece of material. We cannot say that we regret the publication of the Singleton and Sydcon items, except that the space necessary for their refutation might have been devoted to some more worth - while material. For, if a fandom insists on perpetrating such frauds, then they are perhaps a phenomena inimical to fandom, and as such deserve recording in a magazine of this sort, which is devoted to the preservation of fandom's representative material. But we think it shows a deplorable lack of ethics on the part of such fans. THE INFORMATION DESK THE SOUTHERN STAR--published "supposedly bi-monthly" at 3600 Grand Street, Columbia, South Carolina, by Joe Gilbert and Art R Schnert. Price 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. SARDONYX--published quarterly for the F A P A by Louis Russell Chauvenet, at Esmont, Virginia. Handwritten hectod. CENSORED--issued irregularly by Fred Hunter Jr. at St. Andrew's College, Aurora, Ontario, Canada. 10[[cent symbol]], Mimeod. LEZOMBIE--mailed monthly from Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois. "Brains, Bob Tucker; mazuma, EEEvans." 5[[cent symbol]] per copy. Mimeod. ECLIPSE--published bi-monthly at 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Michigan. Editor, Richard J Kuhn. price 10[[cent symbol]]. 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. FUTURIAN OBSERVER--"fortnightly from Bert F Castellari and Ron Levy, at 10a Sully Street, Randwick, Sydney, New South Wales. 7 for 20[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. POLARIS--published quarterly by Paul Freehafer. 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]] from Box 6475, Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, California. Mimeod. SPACEWAYS--published every six weeks by Harry Warner Jr. at 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. Price 10[[cent symbol]], 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Mimeod. FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST--published monthly by J Michel Rosenblum at 4 Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds 7; England. 75[[cent symbol]] per year in stamps or promags. Also included are a number of smaller sheets by various British fans, all stapled together. Mimeod. FMZ DIGEST is publisht monthly at 1426 W 38 St, Los Angeles, Cal. editor, Arthur Lous Joquel, II. Price, 5[[cent symbol]], 6 for 25[[cent symbol]]. No ads. July, 1941, Volume I, Number 5. If "Xpired" appears in the space at left, please renew your sub, FMZ DIGEST reserves the right to refuse any subscription or xchange.
Hevelin Fanzines